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Section 12-4.02. Use if work will be performed over, on, or adjacent to lanes carrying traffic, including contiguous or adjacent shoulders.

Add to section 12-4.02A:

Pars. 1–3. Use for high-volume freeways with enough lanes to allow closure of the adjacent lanes. The freeway must have 2 or more lanes adjacent to the lane where work is being performed.


If work, including installing, maintaining, and removing Type K temporary railing, is to be performed within 6 feet of the adjacent traffic lane, close the adjacent traffic lane.


Except as listed above, closure of the adjacent traffic lane is not required for installing, maintaining, and removing traffic control devices.

3. Use for projects that include grinding, concrete pavement replacement, loop detector installation, or grooving operations where equipment can be operated up to the edge of the lane using the 2-foot offset of the cones for separation between the work and the traffic.

For grinding and grooving operations, saw cutting concrete slabs, and installing loop detectors, closure of the adjacent traffic lane is not required if an impact attenuator vehicle is used as a shadow vehicle.

4. Use for projects that have no lane requirement charts but have lane closure restrictions for weekend work, designated legal holidays, and special days. Delete "special days" if recommended by the transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager.

The full width of the traveled way must be open to traffic when there are no active construction activities in the traveled way or within 6 feet of the traveled way and on:

1. Fridays after 3:00 p.m.

2. Saturdays

3. Sundays

4. Designated holidays

5. Special days

5. Use if designated holidays are specified or if lane requirement charts are included. Edit for holidays that do not generate heavy traffic through the project.

Designated holidays are shown in the following table:

Designated Holidays
Holiday / Date observed
New Year's Day / January 1st
Washington's Birthday / 3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day / Last Monday in May
Independence Day / July 4th
Labor Day / 1st Monday in September
Veterans Day / November 11th
Thanksgiving Day / 4th Thursday in November
Christmas Day / December 25th


If a designated holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a designated holiday. If November 11th falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a designated holiday.

7. Use if special days are specified. Consult with the district traffic manager for the special days.

The special days are ______.

Pars. 8–11. To be edited by the transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager.

8. Use with one-way-reversing traffic control.

For a one-way-reversing traffic-control lane closure, traffic may be stopped in 1 direction for periods not to exceed _____ minutes. After each stoppage, all accumulated traffic for that direction must pass through the work zone before another stoppage is made.

9. Use to limit the length of a one-way-reversing lane closure if necessary. Consider the activities and road geometry when setting the length restrictions. Insert the maximum length. The typical maximum length is 2 miles. Replace "flaggers" with "signals" if temporary signals are used to control traffic.

The maximum length of a single stationary one-way-reversing traffic-control lane closure is _____ miles between flaggers.

10. Use to limit the length of the work area for closures other than a one-way-reversing lane closure. Edit the recommended default of 2 miles as necessary. Consider the activities, number of ramps impacted, ADT, and road geometry when setting the length restrictions.

The maximum length of the work area inside a lane closure other than a one-way-reversing traffic-control lane closure is 2 miles.

11. Use to limit the number and spacing of closures in the same direction. The number of closures may be higher for slab replacement, multiple bridge activities, or other activities that require multiple closures. Delete "in each direction of travel" for one-way-reversing traffic control. Insert the number of stationary lane closures and spacing. Typical values are 2 lanes and 2 miles. If the number of lane closures is 1, change "closures" to "closure" and delete the 2nd and 3rd sentences.

Not more than ____ stationary lane closures will be allowed in each direction of travel at one time. Concurrent stationary closures in the same direction of travel must be spaced no closer than ____ miles apart. Closures in the same direction of travel on alternating inside lane/outside lanes must be spaced by an additional ___ miles.

12. Use if closures of local streets are included in the project. The transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager must edit the times. Add information as needed. Closure charts may be provided by the transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager instead of using this paragraph.

Do not perform work on local streets between ____ and ____ and between ____ and ____.

13. The transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager must edit this paragraph as needed.

Freeway closure charts are for the erection and removal of falsework, placement and removal of overhead sign structures, and other authorized work.

14. Use on undivided highways as needed. Edit as recommended by the transportation management plan manager or district traffic manager for the type of operation that requires the stopping of traffic, including erection of girders, falsework erection and removal, and time requirements.

During blasting, hauling, and slide removal excavation operations, the road may be closed and traffic stopped for periods not to exceed _____ hours _____ minutes. After 1 closure is made, all accumulated traffic must pass through the work zone before another closure is allowed.

Pars. 15–17. Use 1 paragraph only.

15. Use if personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees may be parked at various locations except on the traveled way or shoulders. Delete "or shoulders" as needed.

Personal vehicles of your employees must not be parked on the traveled way or shoulders, including sections closed to traffic.

16. Use if personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees may be parked within the right-of-way, but only within certain limits.

Personal vehicles of your employees must not be parked within the right-of-way except between ______and ______.

17. Use if personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees may be parked within the right-of-way, but only at a designated area.

Personal vehicles of your employees must not be parked within the right-of-way except in the area ______.

18. Use if Standard Plan T10 is included for a freeway or expressway.

If work vehicles or equipment are parked within 6 feet of a traffic lane of a freeway or expressway, close the shoulder area as shown.

19. Use if there are routes where Standard Plan T10 does not apply. Insert the routes.

For work at ______, if work vehicles or equipment are parked within 6 feet of a traffic lane, close the shoulder area with fluorescent orange traffic cones or portable delineators. Place the cones or delineators on a taper in advance of the parked vehicles or equipment and along the edge of the traveled way at 25-foot intervals to a point not less than 25 feet past the last vehicle or piece of equipment. Use at least 9 cones or delineators for the taper. Use a W20-1, "Road Work Ahead," W21-5b, "Right/Left Shoulder Closed Ahead," or C24(CA), "Shoulder Work Ahead," sign mounted on a crashworthy, portable sign support with flags. The sign must be 48 by 48 inches and placed as ordered. If a cone or delineator is displaced or overturned, immediately restore the device to its original position or location.

20. Use for multilane highways and undivided highways if lane requirement charts are not required because closures are allowed without restriction. A lane width less than 10 feet must be justified. Delete "paved" if traffic is allowed to travel on unpaved surfaces.

A minimum of 1 paved traffic lane not less than _____ feet wide must be open for use by traffic in each direction of travel.

21. Use for two-lane, two-way highways and undivided highways if one-way traffic is allowed and lane requirement charts are not required. A lane width less than 10 feet must be justified. Delete "paved" if traffic is allowed to travel on unpaved surfaces.

A minimum of 1 paved traffic lane not less than _____ feet wide must be open for use by traffic.

22. Use for landscape, electrical, or striping/pavement marker projects only.

If a connector closure is required within the limits of a freeway lane closure, complete the work on the connector first. Then, complete the work on the freeway traveled way necessary to ensure safe passage of traffic between the connector and open freeway lanes. Complete the remaining work only after reopening the connector.

23. Use for miscellaneous usable waterways not provided for by a PLAC. Insert the name of the waterway.

For bridges, embankments, falsework, or other temporary work constructed within the limits of the usable channel of ______, provide 1 opening for the passage of small boats. The opening must have a horizontal clearance of not less than 20 feet measured normal to the direction of flow and a vertical clearance of not less than 8 feet measured from the normal water elevation. The opening and the approach channels must be marked under 14 CA Code of Regs § 7000 et seq.

Pars. 24–27. Use if falsework openings and falsework lighting are required.


At each location where falsework is constructed over a street or route shown in the following table, provide openings through the bridge falsework. The type, minimum width, height, and number of openings at each location, and the location and maximum spacing of the falsework lighting, if required for each opening, must comply with the requirements shown in the table. The width of vehicular openings is the clear width between temporary railings or other protective work.

25. Add the location and spacing of falsework pavement lighting from the table below. Omit the spacing of falsework pavement lighting if the pavement length between portals is expected to be 30 feet or less.

The width shown is for standard width openings. For nonstandard widths, use the location and spacing of pavement lighting for the next wider opening.

R=Right side of traffic / L=Left side of traffic / C=Centered overhead
Freeway Traffic Opening
1 Lane / 25 ft / R30
2 Lanes / 37 ft / R and L 40 staggered 1/2 space
3 Lanes / 49 ft / R and L 30
4 Lanes / 61 ft / R and L 40 with C 40 staggered 1/2 space
Nonfreeway Traffic Opening
1 Lane / 20 ft / R 22.5
2 Lanes / 32 ft / R and L 30 staggered 1/2 space
2 Lanes / 40 ft / R and L 22.5 with 8 ft shoulders
3 Lanes / 52 ft / R and L 22.5
4 Lanes / 64 ft / R and L 22.5 with C 22.5 staggered 1/2 space
Structure identification
(e.g., Str. no., Street name, Route no.)
Number / Width
(feet) / Height
Vehicle openings / ______/ ______/ ______
Pedestrian openings / ______/ ______/ ______
Location / Spacinga
Falsework pavement lighting / ______/ ______
R = Right side of traffic
L = Left side of traffic
C = Centered overhead
aSpacing is the maximum distance from center to center between fixtures.
Structure identification
(e.g., Str. no., Street name, Route no.)
Number / Width
(feet) / Height
Vehicle openings / ______/ ______/ ______
Pedestrian openings / ______/ ______/ ______
Location / Spacinga
Falsework pavement lighting / ______/ ______
R = Right side of traffic
L = Left side of traffic
C = Centered overhead
aSpacing is the maximum distance from center to center between fixtures.

26. Use only for special roadways (e.g., fire utility access, quasi-public roads) with very light traffic. Falsework lighting is required and no temporary railing is provided in falsework openings. Add the location and spacing of falsework pavement lighting from the table below.

1 Lane / 20 ft / R 22.5
2 Lanes / 32 ft / R and L 22.5 staggered 1/2 space

Temporary railing is not required at the locations shown in the following table. In addition to the falsework pavement lighting shown, illuminate each side of each vehicular passageway between portals with a string of yellow 25 W lamps spaced at 12-foot intervals, mounted at a height of 8 to 8-1/2 feet above the pavement.

Structure identification
(e.g., Str. no., Street name, Route no.)
Number / Width
(feet) / Height
Vehicle openings / ______/ ______/ ______
Pedestrian openings / ______/ ______/ ______
Location / Spacinga
Falsework pavement lighting / ______/ ______
R = Right side of traffic
L = Left side of traffic
aSpacing is the maximum distance from center to center between fixtures.


The Engineer determines the exact location of the openings.

Pars. 28–30. Use if the project includes bridges that require the erection of precast girders or falsework.

28. Use for precast members. Edit the route information.

Precast concrete members must not be cast within the right-of-way of Route _____.

29. Use for precast or steel bridge girders. Edit for the type of girder and route/street information.