Implementing Organization:

Project Title:

Project Period: -

Fiscal Year:

Integrated Work Plan

Date Submitted: /………. / ………. /……….. /

Contact Person:


I – 1: Overall Objective:

I – 2: Intermediate Results:

I – 3: Key Project Components

I – 4: Monitoring &Evaluation

I – 5: Other

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Contact person (Name / E-mail and/or phone number):



key Indicators / Activities /


/ Annual target / Deliverables / Comments/ target population /
/ Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sept / / / /

Indicator 1.1:

/ / /

Activity 1.1.1.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.1.2

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.1.3

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.1.4

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.1.5

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.1.6

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Indicator 1.2.

/ / /

Activity 1.2.1

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.2.2

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.2.3

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.2.4

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.2.5

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Activity 1.2.6

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

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Revised version – January 25, 2012


Funding Agency: At this level, the implementing partner must write the name of the agency which provides funds for the activities. Example: USAID, CDC

Implementing Organization: At this level, the implementing partner must write its name and abbreviation. Example: Management sciences for Health (MSH)

Project Title: At this level, the implementing partner must write the project title.

Project Period: At this level, the implementing partner must write the project implementation period. Example: October 2011 - September 2012

Fiscal Year: At this level, the implementing partner must write the fiscal year for which the work plan is submitted

Date Submitted: At this level, the implementing partner must write the date when the work plan is finalized and will be sent to the funding agency

Contact Person: At this level, the implementing partner must write the name and title of the person who must be contacted if there questions or concerns related to the work plan or any aspects of the project

Overall Objective: At this level, the implementing partner must insert the Overall Objective of the project, according to the technical proposal submitted

Intermediate Results: At this level, the implementing partner must list all the intermediate results of the project, according to the technical proposal submitted

Key Project Components: At this level, the implementing partner must list and describe the major components of the project according to the technical proposal submitted

M&E Activities: At this level, the implementing partner must list and describe briefly the projected M&E activities according to the M&E plan submitted previously. It’s expected that the implementing partner could take into consideration the following bullet points:

Ø  How the activities related to the project will be monitored and evaluated

Ø  Briefly describe the M&E system which will lead to operationalizing activities in short or long term

Ø  Describe the structure of the M&E unit, mentioning the key positions (personnel in charge of M&E, key roles and responsibilities of each member of the M&E team, type of resources available within the unit in order to implement the activities )

Ø  Describe the structure, tools and guidelines existing or to be developed in order to ensure proper management of the Health Information System

Ø  Describe the mechanisms, structure and flow related to information dissemination within each level and from one level to another one (type of information and within which timeframe at each level)

Ø  Describe the data collection process (staff involved, tools available, validation process)

Ø  Describe the mechanism how data collected will be analyzed and used for decision making

Ø  Describe how the data collected will be used in order to feed and improve the national M&E and Health Information System

Ø  Describe how the data collected will be linked to other partners’ M&E and Health Information System

Ø  Describe the type of evaluation planned, methodology that will be used, staff involved and the timeline (Data Quality assessment, special studies, Baseline, mid-term and final evaluation)

Other: At this level, the implementing partner must describe any other activity relevant which will be implemented

P.S.: Make sure to have as many tables as there are Intermediate Results under the Overall Objective

Component: At this level, the implementing partner must write each component under the Intermediate Result. If there is more than one component under an Intermediate Result, there must be a specific table for each component

Budget: At this level, the implementing partner must write the budget related to the component

Contact Person: At this level, the implementing partner must write the name and title of the person who must be contacted if there questions or concerns related to this specific component of the project

Objective: At this level, the implementing partner must write each objective under the component. If there is more than one objective under a component, there must be a specific table for each objective

Key indicators / activities: At this level and within the row set accordingly, the implementing partner must write the indicators related to the component under the specific Intermediate Result. Under each indicator, the implementing partner must write the activities which will contribute to reach the targets set

Timeframe: At this level and for each activity, the implementing partner must write “X” in the column related to the month when the activity will be implemented

Annual target: At this level and for each indicator, the implementing partner must write the annual target

Deliverables: At this level and for each activity, the implementing partner must write the concrete achievement that could be expected at the end

Comments / target population: At this level, the implementing partner must write any comments related to each indicator or activity. There could be information like “status of an activity while considering the implementation process”, “technical or financial support necessary in order to implement properly”. For each indicator, they should also mention the specific population directly targeted (number of people by specific type like gender).

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Revised version – January 25, 2012