Section 10-2: Cell Division

·  Cells divide for:

o  Growth of organism & keeping cell size ______:

1)  exchange of materials (oxygen, food, wastes)

2)  allows DNA to control needs of cell

o  ______: replace old cells or repair damaged cells.

v  Chromosomes: made of DNA and carry the genetic information

·  Human cells have ______

·  Duplicate before cell division which makes sure each new cell has a copy of genetic information:

1)  Duplicated pairs of chromosomes are called


2)  Chromatids are held together by a ______.

ü  ______: cycle of growth and division by a cell (4 phases)

§  Interphase:

G1 – growth

S - DNA copies itself

G2 – cell prepares for cell division

§  Cell begins division in M phase = ______

·  ______: nuclear division of a cell that results in 2 cells with the same genetic information.

Ø  Four phases: PMAT

Ø  ______:

1)  first phase where chromosomes can be seen

2)  centrioles move to opposite sides

3)  spindle forms & fibers attach to chromosomes

4)  nucleolus & nucleus disappear

Ø  ______

1)  chromosomes line up in the center

Ø  ______

1)  chromosomes separate at centromere

2)  individual chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell

Ø  ______

1)  final phase of mitosis

2)  nucleus begins to form around each set of chromosomes

3)  spindle disappears

4)  nucleolus reappears

·  ______: division of the cytoplasm

Ø  Animals – cell pinches in and 2 cells have formed

Ø  Plants – a ______forms separating the 2 new nuclei, then cell wall forms.

Section 10-3: Regulating the Cell Cycle

·  ______are special proteins that regulate the cell cycle in eukaryotes. Examples: internal regulators, external regulators

·  ______: uncontrolled cell division that forms masses of cells or tumors.

Ø  Causes:

1)  ______: greater risk of developing cancer if family member has it.

2)  ______: ultraviolet radiation (excess sun exposure), air pollution, virus infection

3)  ______choices: tobacco use, diet, lack of exercise

4)  Defect in ______which normally stops cell cycle if duplication process of chromosomes is not finished.

* ______leading cause of death in U. S.

Section 10-2: Cell Division

·  Cells divide for:

o  Growth of organism & keeping cell size small:

1)  exchange of materials (oxygen, food, wastes)

2)  allows DNA to control needs of cell

o  Maintenance: replace old cells or repair damaged cells.

v  Chromosomes: made of DNA and carry the genetic information

·  Human cells have 46 chromosomes

·  Duplicate before cell division which makes sure each new cell has a copy of genetic information:

1)  Duplicated pairs of chromosomes are called chromatids.

2)  Chromatids are held together by a centromere.

ü  Cell Cycle: cycle of growth and division by a cell (4 phases)

§  Interphase:

G1 – growth

S - DNA copies itself

G2 – cell prepares for cell division

§  Cell begins division in M phase = Mitosis

·  Mitosis: nuclear division of a cell that results in 2 cells with the same genetic information.

Ø  Four phases: PMAT

Ø  Prophase:

1)  first phase where chromosomes can be seen

2)  centrioles move to opposite sides

3)  spindle forms & fibers attach to chromosomes

4)  nucleolus & nucleus disappear

Ø  Metaphase

1)  chromosomes line up in the center

Ø  Anaphase

1)  chromosomes separate at centromere

2)  individual chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell

Ø  Telophase

1)  final phase of mitosis

2)  nucleus begins to form around each set of chromosomes

3)  spindle disappears

4)  nucleolus reappears

·  Cytokinesis: division of the cytoplasm

Ø  Animals – cell pinches in and 2 cells have formed

Ø  Plants – a cell plate forms separating the 2 new nuclei, then cell wall forms

Section 10-3: Regulating the Cell Cycle

·  Cyclins are special proteins that regulate the cell cycle in eukaryotes. Examples: internal regulators, external regulators

·  Cancer: uncontrolled cell division that forms masses of cells or tumors.

Ø  Causes:

1)  genetic or hereditary: greater risk of developing cancer if family member has it

2)  environmental: ultraviolet radiation (excess sun exposure), air pollution, virus infection

3)  lifestyle choices: tobacco use, diet, lack of exercise

4)  defect in gene p53 which normally stops cell cycle if duplication process of chromosomes is not finished.

o  Second leading cause of death in U. S.