Stephanie Ellickson-Larew

University of Notre Dame2500 Topsfield Rd #416

Department of PsychologySouth Bend, IN 46614

118 Haggar Hall(574) 514-4554

Notre Dame, IN 46556

Phone: (574) 631-4608

FAX: (574) 631-8883


Ph.D.In ProgressUniversity of Notre Dame; Notre Dame, IN

Clinical Psychology

M.A.Jan. 2015University of Notre Dame; Notre Dame, IN

Clinical Psychology

B. S. 2010University of Iowa; Iowa City, IA

B. A. Double major: Psychology and Political Science

4.06/4.0 GPA

Highest Distinction

Honors in Psychology

President’s List (4.0 GPA for two consecutive semesters)

Dean’s List

Phi Beta Kappa


Ellickson-Larew, S., Naragon-Gainey, K., & Watson, D. (2013). Pathological eating behaviors, BMI, and facet-level traits: The roles of conscientiousness, neuroticism, and impulsivity.Eating Behaviors,14(4), 428-431.doi:

Watson, D., Stasik, S. M., Ellickson-Larew, S., & Stanton, K. (2015). Extraversion and psychopathology: A facet-level analysis.Journal of Abnormal Psychology,


Watson, D., Stasik, S. M., Ellickson-Larew, S., & Stanton, K. (2015).Explicating the psychopathological correlates of anomalous sleep experiences.Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice,2(1), 57-78. doi:

Stanton, K., Ellickson-Larew, S., & Watson, D. (2016).Development and validation of a measure of online deception and intimacy.Personality and Individual Differences,88, 187-196.

Stanton, K., Stasik-O’Brien, S. M., Ellickson-Larew, S., & Watson, D. (2016). Positive affectivity: Specificity of its facet level relations with psychopathology.Cognitive Therapy and Research,doi:

Watson, D., Ellickson-Larew, S., Stanton, K., & Levin-Aspenson, H. (in press). Personality provides a general structural framework for psychopathology: Commentary on “Translation applications of personality science for the conceptualization and treatment of psychopathology.” Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.

Clark, L. A., Daly, E., Ellickson-Larew, S.,Nuzum, H., Kingsbury, T., Shapiro, J. L., Allen, X., & Ro, E. (2016). Personality dysfunction and trait extremity: Conceptually but not empirically distinct? In D. Lynam, S. South, & D. Samuel (Eds.). Using basic personality research to inform personality disorders. New York: Oxford University Press.


Ellickson-Larew, S., Stasik-O’Brien, S, Stanton, K., & Watson, D. Dissociation as a Transdiagnostic Symptom.Manuscript in preparation.

Ellickson-Larew, S., Clark, L.A., Shapiro, J., & Ro, E.The Role of Functioning in the Relation between Personality and Psychopathology.Manuscript in preparation.

Ellickson-Larew, S., & Watson, D. Conscientiousness Is Related to Internalizing Psychopathology: A Meta-Analysis on the Facet Level. Manuscript in preparation.

Ellickson-Larew, S., & Watson, D. Dissociation and Personality.Manuscript in preparation.

Ellickson-Larew, S. & Watson, David.Explicating the Nature and Structure of Dissociation.Manuscript in preparation.


Conference Presentation

Ellickson-Larew, S. & Watson, David. (submitted). Beyond Neuroticism: Establishing the Incremental Predictive Power of Dissociation. 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Baltimore, MD

Ellickson-Larew, S. & Watson, David.(2015). A Meta-Analysis of Conscientiousness Facets and Psychopathology. 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, New Orleans, LA

Ellickson-Larew, S. & Watson, David. (2014). Dissociation as a Cross-Cutting Dimension: Relations with Affectivity, Personality, and Psychopathology. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Evanston, IL

Ellickson-Larew, S. & Watson, David.(2013). Explicating the Nature and Structure of Dissociation.27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Oakland, CA.

Stasik, S., Suzuki, N., Ellickson-Larew, S., Stanton, K., & Watson, David. (2013). Nosological Placement of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders: A Comprehensive Structural Analysis. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Oakland, CA.

Ellickson-Larew, S. & Watson, David. (2012). Distinguishing Between Pathological and Adaptive Components of Dissociation. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Ann Arbor, MI.

Ellickson-Larew, S., Naragon-Gainey, K., & Watson, David. (2012). Eating Behaviors, BMI, and Facet-Level Traits: Roles of Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Impulsivity.24thAnnual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Invited Presentations

2014GuestSpeaker, Practicum Experience, Clinical Skill & Interventions class

Service Presentations

2013 Stressbusters: Empirically Supported Stress Reduction Strategies

Part of group presentation to University of Notre Dame graduate students. Presented and demonstrated mindfulness meditation techniques to be used in the context of stress from graduate studies, and the effects of alcohol use as a tool for coping with stress.

2013 Procrastination: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That (Or Do They?)

Part of group presentation to University of Notre Dame graduate students. Presented on theoretical reasons why people procrastinate.


2016Graduate Student Research Award, $3,250, University of Notre Dame

Awarded to fund dissertation research

2013Grad Life Grant, $1,150, University of Notre Dame

Awarded to fund service presentations on Graduate Student Wellness

2009Molly & Joseph Gaylord Scholarship, $1,200, University of Iowa

Awarded to promising and accomplished students in Political Science

2009 Winifred S. Scott Scholarship, $4,000, University of Iowa

Awarded to promising and accomplished students with financial need and special challenges in background

2007Carver Scholar, Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, $20,000

Awarded to disadvantaged students who show academic promise and have exhibited overcoming adversity


Lab Manager for David Watson, Ph.D.

June 2013 – Present

University of Notre Dame

Oversee day-to-day operations for 2 graduate students, ~8 undergraduate RA’s, including maintaining RA information database, RA orientations, scheduling, purchasing; lab meeting organization; RA recruitment; management of studies; IRB submission and management; protocol development; RAtraining and supervision; participant recruitment, enrollment, scheduling, and payment; data collection and management; participant database management; and collaboration with the joint lab to maintain a future contacts database with corresponding identification numbers for participants who have completed more than one study.

Interviewer for Lee Anna Clark Ph.D.

October 2011-Present

University of Notre Dame Department of Psychology

Research on Personality Disorders and functioning; duties included conducting standardized diagnostic interviewscommunity, patient, and at-risk samples using the LIFE-RIFT, BICDD-5, and SIDP-IV interviews. Also attended lab meetings.

Research Assistant to David Watson, Ph.D.

August 2011-June 2013

University of Notre Dame Department of Psychology

Assisted with collection of data for test-retest studies on normative and disordered personality traits, along with various other psychological measures. Currently collecting data on personality traits and psychopathology.

Honors Thesis with David Watson Ph.D. as faculty advisor and Kristin Naragon-Gainey Ph.D. as Mentor

Completed December 2010

University of Iowa Department of Psychology

Designed, conducted, and analyzed how eating behaviors and BMI in general related to personality--specifically the Big Five domains and facets of Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, and Impulsivity

Research Assistant to Kristin Naragon-Gainey, Ph.D. and David Watson, Ph.D.

June 2009-May 2010

University of Iowa Department of Psychology

Research on the structure of Neuroticism; duties included conducting standardized diagnostic interviews with both the clinical and student samples using the SCID interview; and data entry. Also attended lab meetings.

Research Assistant to Eunyoe Ro, Ph.D. and Lee Anna Clark, Ph.D.

December 2008-May 2009

University of Iowa Department of Psychology

Research on the development of an assessment on functioning; duties included conducting standardizeddiagnostic interviews with the MINI interview and administering the functioning assessment on a clinical sample. Attended lab meetings.


Compassionate Health Care, in connection with Four County Counseling Center, Rochester, IN

2015 – Present

Conducted individual therapy and health psychology consultations in a medical setting for low income community residents under the supervision of Jim Noll, PhD and Jayme Parker, FNP-C.

Four County Counseling Center, Logansport, IN

2015 – Present

Conducted group and individual therapy on an inpatient psychiatric unit under the supervision of Jim Noll, PhD.

The Notre Dame Marital Therapy & Research Clinic, South Bend, IN

2014 – Present

Conducted couples therapy under the supervision of David Smith, PhD.

Wellness Associates, PC, South Bend, IN and Samaritan Center, Elkhart, IN

2014 – 2015

Conducted individual and group therapy with community members under the supervision of Katie Steele, PhD, CGP. Received supervision conducting group psychotherapy, individual therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, EMDR, and group skills training.

University Counseling Center, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

2013 – 2014

Conducted individual therapy with undergraduate students at the University of Notre Dame under the supervision of Maureen Lafferty, Ed.D. and Jonathan Dator, Ph.D. Received supervision conducting Interpersonal Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.


Emotion Regulation Group Therapy

Kim Gratz and Matt Tull

University of Mississippi Medical Center

Challenges and Difficulties Often Associated with the Military

Various Presenters

Star Behavioral Health Providers

Introduction to Military Culture and Deployment Cycle

Various Presenters

Star Behavioral Health Providers


Teaching Assistant to Jessica Payne, Ph.D.

Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

Spring 2015

University of Notre Dame

Teaching Assistant to Lira Yoon, Ph.D.

Abnormal Psychology

Fall 2014

University of Notre Dame

Teaching Assistant to Julia Braungart-Rieker, Ph.D.

Independently taught writing lab sessions twice weekly with another graduate student.

Experimental Psychology II: Methods

Spring 2014

University of Notre Dame

Teaching Assistant to Cindy Bergeman, Ph.D.

Conducted independent lab sessions with another graduate student.

Experimental Psychology II: Methods

Spring 2013

University of Notre Dame

Teaching Assistant to Julia Braungart-Rieker, Ph.D.

Independently taught writing lab sessions twice weekly.

Experimental Psychology II: Methods

Fall 2012

University of Notre Dame


American Psychological Association, Graduate Student Member, 2016

IndianaCollege CounselingAssociation, Student Member, 2014 - current

Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology, Student Member, 2013 - current

Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Student Member, 2013 – current

Association for Psychological Science, Student Member, 2012-current


2014 – 2015Graduate Student Representative to the Faculty

[Elected Position]

2013 - 2014Graduate Student Union, Representative for Department of Psychology [Elected Position]

--External Affairs Committee

--Orientation Committee

2013 - 2015Committee on Sexual Assault Prevention, Graduate Student Member

--Advertising Subcommittee

--Assessment Subcommittee

2013 – 2015Graduate Student Advisory Panel for Hesburgh Libraries, Representative for Department of Psychology

[Nominated Position]