Section 1. Safe and effective operation of Russian NPPs
Subsection 1.2. Enhancement of thermomechanical equipment operation reliability, material science and metal inspections, diagnostics, residual life, NPP upgrading and operating life extension
Topical areas: Enhancement of thermomechanical equipment operation reliability, diagnostics, residual life, NPP upgrading and operating life extension
Room 615 (Building 1)
9.00–9.15 / Session openingTeterin Yu.P., Antipov S.I.
9.15–9.40 / NPP upgrading and operating life extension
Gilev V.A., Kiselev S.A., JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
9.40–10.05 / Experience with upgrading and operating life extension of the leading unit of VVER-1000 type
Schukin A.P., Novovoronezh NPP
10.05-10.30 / Main results of BN-600 reactor unit equipment operating life extension activities
Vasiliev B.A., Vilensky O.Yu., Kamanin YU.L., JSC “OKBM Afrikantov”
10.30–11.00 / NPP upgrading and operating life extension in the light of Fukushima events
Kezin S.N., WANO-MC
11.00–11.15 / Coffeebreak
11.15–11.50 / Industry-wide diagnostic system (IDS)
Jan Frelich, TES s.r.o. (Czech Rep.)
11.50–12.25 / Improving efficiency of engineering support to Rosenergoatom’s NPP operation. Engineering & scientific support organization as part of IDS development
Davidenko N.N., Teterin Yu.P., Berezanin A.A., Krylov M.V., JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
12.25–13.00 / Establishment and implementation of the Industry-wide diagnostic system (goals, tasks and targets)
Teterin Yu.P., Berezanin A.A., JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
Zhidkov S.V., Krylov K.A., Pavelko V.I., CJSC SRC “Diaprom”
13.00–14.00 / Lunch
14.00–14.35 / Involvement of JSC “Atomtechenergo” and its Smolensk affiliate (SmATE) in the Industry-wide diagnostic system (IDS) of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
Serdyuk A.V., Smolensk affiliate JSC “Atomtechenergo”
14.35–15.10 / JSC “CKBM” designer’s support to operation of MCPs at NPPs with VVER-1000 within the Industry-wide diagnostic system
Gerasimov V.S., Sokolov L.A., Turoverov S.P., JSC “CKBM”
15.10–15.45 / Evolution of reactor unit diagnostics within the IDS of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
Dvornikov P.A., Lukyanov D.A., SSC RF IPPE,
Pavelko V.I., SRC “Diaprom”
15.45–16.00 / Coffeebreak
16.00–16.35 / Improvement of operational reliability of NPP equipment
Potapov V.V., JSC VNIIAES.
Subbotovsky V.I., JSC “Atomtechenergo”»
16.35–17.10 / “Regime diagnostics” based on transformation of data from the Process parameters displaying system (PPDS)
Sal’nikov A.A., Zhukov A.G., Adamenkov A.K., Rostov NPP
17.10 – 18.00 / Discussion of the presentations
Session summing up
Topical area: Material science and metal inspections
3rd floor, left side (Building 2)
9.00–9.15 / Session openingLovchev V.N., Tomarov G.V.
9.15–9.45 / Methodology for ensuring integrity of plant equipment & pipelines subjected to flow accelerated corrosion
Tomarov G.V., CJSC “Geoterm-M”
9.45–10.15 / Calculation and experimental justification of life estimation methods for welded junction of coolant distribution header to the case of PGV-1000 steam generator
Kazantsev A.G., JSC SPA “TsNIITMASh”
10.15–10.45 / Development of standards for in-service ultrasonic inspections of welded junction of coolant distribution header to the case of PGV-1000 steam generator, which are based on actual flaw sizes
Tikhonov D.S., SPC “ECHO+”
10.45–11.00 / Coffee break
11.00–11.30 / Calculation modeling of crack formation in weld joints made of sensitized austenite steel in the environment of RBMK-1000 multiple forced circulation circuit
Kisilev V.A., JSC RDIPE
11.30–12.00 / Development and implementation at NPPs of the informational analytical system for non-destructive ISI of plant equipment & pipelines
Alexandrov A.Ye., SPC “Sigma-IT”, LLC
12.00–12.30 / Experimental justification of efficiency of VVER-1000 RPV welding metal recovery annealing for the goals of its life extension up to 60 years
Gurovich B.A., NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
12.30–13.00 / Modernization of the VVER-1000 specimen programme
Yerak D.Yu., NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
13.00–14.00 / Lunch14.00–14.30 / Methodical support to justification of strength and residual life of VVER-1000 RPVs and reactor internals for operating life extension up to 60 years
Margolin B.Z., FSUE CRISM “Prometey”»
14.30–15.00 / Specimenless a priory estimation of comparative reliability of ultrasonic inspection methods
Scherbinsky V.G., JSC SPA “TsNIITMASh”
15.00–15.30 / Assessment of discontinuity flaw nature using А1550 IntroVisor flaw detector in the tomography mode
Shevaldykin V.G., CJSC “Techknow”»
15.30–16.00 / Elastic wave parameter based study of material conditions of VVER RPVs exposed to neutron radiation
Khlybov A.A., Nizhny NovgorodStateTechnicalUniversity
16.00–16.15 / Coffee break
16.15–16.45 / Flow accelerated corrosion issues relevant to NPP pipelines
Baranenko V.I., JSC VNIIAES
16.45–17.15 / About the issue of acoustic elasticity method application for justification of safe operation conditions for plant process components
Butorin S.L., ANO ICNS
16.45–17.15 / Specimens as the basis for adequate assessment of RPV residual life having no alternative
Maximov O.B., JSC “Izhorskie Zavody”
17.45–18.00 / Discussion of the presentations
Session summing up