/ Health Information and Quality Authority
Residential Services for Older People
Provider Self-Assessment Tool on Dementia Care
Published: July 2016
Thisself-assessment toolaims to help providers prepare for inspection, to measure their performance against regulations and standards, and to identify ways they can improve their service. The questionnaire includes a series of detailed questions assessing how the provider meets residents’ needs for health and social care, environmental suitability and suitable staffing, with particular reference to the needs of residents with dementia.
About the self-assessment tool on Dementia Care
The self assessment tool contains six sections. It should be filled in with reference to HIQA’s Judgment Framework for Dementia Care at Designated Centres for Older Peopleavailable on our website, The Judgment Framework is used to support the provider and person in charge in reaching decisions on whether the service is compliant with the regulations and or standards.
Each section assesses how compliant the centre is with each‘outcome’ listed in the Authority’s judgment framework,with particular attention given to the specific needs of residents with dementia.
  • Section 1 requires Information about the Centre
  • Section 2 assesses Health and Social Care Needs
  • Section 3 assesses Safeguarding and Safety
  • Section 4 assesses Residents’ Rights, Dignity and Consultation
  • Section 5 assesses Complaints Management
  • Section 6 assesses Suitable Staffing
  • Section 7 assesses Safety and Suitability of the Premises
Please note thatsection 2-7 contains two parts; one about the physical environment in the general nursing home and another about the physical environment of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU).
If the centre does not have a Dementia Specific Unit you should only complete the first part.
There is an action plan within each section. This should identify how the provider and person in charge intends to rectify any problems where full compliance was not achieved. The action plan should specify the following:
  • Improvement to be achieved.
  • Actions that need to be taken
  • Resources (if any) that are needed.
  • How the improvement is to be measured
  • Timescales by which improvements will be achieved.
How to return the self-assessment
The provider should return the completed self-assessment tool to .
The policies and procedures listed below should be returned along with the completed questionnaire:
Management of behaviour that is challenging
The use of restraint
Inspectors will review the policies and thisself-assessment and action plan in advance of the inspection.
Section1: About the centre
1.Centre name: / 2. Centre ID:
3.Registered provider: / 4. Number of Residents:
5.Person in charge:
6. Number of residents formally diagnosed with dementia / 6A. Number of residents aged 65 years and overformally diagnosed with dementia
6B. Number of residents aged under 65 yearsformally diagnosed with dementia
7. Number of residents suspected of having dementia by nursing staff / 7A.Number of residents aged 65 years and oversuspected of having dementia by nursing staff
7B. Number of residents aged under 65 yearssuspected of having dementia by nursing staff
8. Do you have a dementia specific unit (DSU) for people with dementia? / Yes
8A. If “Yes”, please state the number of residents the DSU can accommodate? / RESIDENTS
Section 2: Overall self-assessment of compliance under Health and Social Care Needs
The outcome against which you should access your service is as follows:
The wellbeing and welfare of each resident with dementia is maintained by a high standard of evidence-based nursing care and appropriate medical and allied health and social care.
The arrangements to meet each resident’s assessed needs are set out in an individual care plan, that reflect his/her needs, interests and capacities, are drawn up with the involvement of the resident, their relative as appropriate and reflect his/her changing needs and circumstances.
References forHealth and Social Care Needs
Regulation 5: Individual Assessment and Care plan
Regulation 6: Health Care / Standard 2.1
Standard 2.2
Regulation 13: End of Life Care
Regulation 18: Food and Nutrition
Regulation 25: Temporary Absence or Discharge of Residents / Standard 2.4
Standard 2.5
Standard 3.4
Standard 4.1
Regulation 29: Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services
Please tick the box that best represents the level of compliance of your service. (See judgment framework for Dementia Care)
Compliance demonstrated
Substantial compliance
Moderate non-compliance
Major non-compliance
Please tick the box that represents the level of compliance of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU)if applicable
DSU Compliance demonstrated
DSU Substantial compliance
DSU Moderate non-compliance
DSU Major non-compliance
Please outline specific measurable realistic, time-bound actions to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards listed above, in relation to Health and Social Care Needs
Action Plan:
Section 3: Overall self-assessment of compliance under Safeguarding and Safety
The outcome against which you should access your service is as follows:
Measures to protect residents being harmed or suffering abuse are in place and appropriate action is taken in response to allegations, disclosures or suspected abuse. Residents are provided with support that promotes a positive approach to behaviour that challenges. A restraint-free environment is promoted.
References for Safeguarding and Safety
Regulation 7: Managing Behaviour that is Challenging / Standard 4.3
Standard 3.1
Regulation 8: Protection / Standard 3.5
Please tick the box that best represents the level of compliance of your service. (See judgment framework for Dementia Care)
Compliance demonstrated
Substantial compliance
Moderate non-compliance
Major non-compliance
Please also tick the box that represents the level of compliance of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU) if applicable
DSU Compliance demonstrated
DSU Substantial compliance
DSU Moderate non-compliance
DSU Major non-compliance
Please outline specific measurable realistic, time-bound actions to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards listed above, in relation to Safeguarding and Safety as outlined above.
Action Plan:
Section 4: Overall self-assessment of compliance under Residents’ Rights, Dignity and Consultation
The outcome against which you should access your service is as follows:
Residents are consulted with and participate in the organisation of the centre. Each resident’s privacy and dignity is respected, including receiving visitors in private. He/she is facilitated to communicate and enabled to exercise choice and control over his/her life and to maximise his/her independence. Each resident with dementia has opportunities to participate in meaningful activities, appropriate to his or her interests and preferences.
Regulation 9: Residents’ Rights / Standard 1.1
Regulation 10: Communication Difficulties / Standard 1.2
Regulation 11: Visits / Standard 1.3
Regulation 20: Information for Residents / Standard 1.4
Standard 1.6
Standard 4.2
Standard 1.5
Please tick the box that best represents the level of compliance of your service.
Compliance demonstrated
Substantial compliance
Moderate non-compliance
Major non-compliance
Please also tick the box that represents the level of compliance of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU) if applicable
DSU Compliance demonstrated
DSU Substantial compliance
DSU Moderate non-compliance
DSU Major non-compliance
Please outline what specific, measurable, realistic time-bound actions you intend to take to ensure compliance with regulations and standards relating to Residents’ Rights, Dignity and Consultation as outlined above.
Action Plan:
Section 5: Complaints Procedure and Management
The outcome against which you should access your service is as follows:
The complaints of each resident with dementia, those of his or her family, advocate or representative,or thoseof visitors, are listened to and acted upon, and there is an effective appeals procedure.
Regulation 34: Complaints Procedure / Standard 1.7
Please tick the box that best represents the level of compliance of your service. (See judgment framework for Dementia Care)
Compliance demonstrated
Substantial compliance
Moderate non-compliance
Major non-compliance
Please also tick the box that represents the level of compliance of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU) if applicable
DSU Compliance demonstrated
DSU Substantial compliance
DSU Moderate non-compliance
DSU Major non-compliance
Please outline specific measurable realistic, time-bound actions to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards listed below in relation to Complaints Procedure and Management
Action Plan:
Section 6: Overall self-assessment of compliance under Suitable Staffing
The outcome against which you should access your service is as follows:
There are appropriate staff numbers and skill mix to meet the assessed needs of residents, in a person-centred way. Staff have up-to-date training and access to supervision, education and training to meet the needs of residents with dementia.
Regulation 15: Staffing / Standard 7.2
Regulation 16: Training and Staff Development / Standard 7.3
Regulation 30: Volunteers / Standard 7.4
Please tick the box that best represents the level of compliance of your service. (See judgment framework for Dementia Care)
Compliance demonstrated
Substantial compliance
Moderate non-compliance
Major non-compliance
Please also tick the box that represents the level of compliance of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU) if applicable
DSU Compliance demonstrated
DSU Substantial compliance
DSU Moderate non-compliance
DSU Major non-compliance
Please outline specific measurable realistic, time-bound actions to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards listed below in relation to Suitable Staffing.
Action Plan:
Section 7: Overall self-assessment of compliance under Safe and Suitable Premises
The outcome against which you should access your service is as follows:
The location, design and layout of the centre are suitable for its stated purpose and meets residents’ individual and collective needs in a comfortable and homely way. The premises, having regard to the needs of residents with dementia, conform to the matters set out in Schedule 6 of the Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centres for Older People) Regulations 2013.
Regulation 17: Premises / Standard 2.6
Standard 2.7
Please tick the box that best represents the level of compliance of your service. (See judgment framework for Dementia Care)
Compliance demonstrated
Substantial compliance
Moderate non-compliance
Major non-compliance
Please also tick the box that represents the level of compliance of the Dementia Specific Unit (DSU) if applicable
DSU- Compliance demonstrated
DSU -Substantial compliance
DSU - Moderate non-compliance
DSU - Major non-compliance
Please outline specific measurable realistic, time-bound actions to ensure compliance with the Regulations and Standards listed below in relation to a Safe and Suitable Premises
Action Plan:
Please email the completed self-assessment to .

Please ensure that the policies and procedures listed below are returned along with the completed questionnaire:


Management of behaviour that is challenging

The use of restraint


Inspectors will review the information returned through this questionnaire and the accompanying policies and procedures in advance of the inspection visit.

If you have any queries, please contact us by email:

or by phone on:01 8147400 or 021 2409300

Thank you for completing the self-assessment.

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