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.1 Provide air monitoring required to be carried out for the Owner in
order to verify that the building beyond the work area and the outside environment remain uncontaminated and at completion of abatement that elevated airborne fiber counter encountered during abatement operations have been reduced to an acceptable level. This work includes all monitoring functions required by N.Y.S. Code Rule 56 and 40 CFR-763E. Including obtaining and handling samples, sample analysis, calculations, recordkeeping, interpre-tations, reports, internal quality control, notifications, etc. Refer also to requirements indicated in Section 02081.
.2 Air monitoring required by OSHA is work of the Asbestos Abatement Contractor and is not covered in this section.
.3 All work of this section shall be performed in accordance with 12NYCRR Part 56 as most currently amended including amendments effective January 1, 1992 Subpart 56-17 and 40 CFR Part 763 Subpart E (AHERA) Appendix A unless permitted otherwise by the N.Y. State Department of Labor, the U.S.E.P.A. and the Owner's Representative.
.4 The contract cost shall include District security expenses for work executed in the work area when the building is otherwise unoccupied. Refer to elsewhere in Division 1 for additional related contract requirements.
.1 Before Start of Work: The Air Monitoring Contractor will submit the following for review. Work will not begin until these submittals are returned with the Owner's Representative's action stamp indicating that the submittals is returned for unrestricted use.
.1 Lab Credentials: Submit to the Owner's Representative a copy of the lab's current N.Y. State Asbestos Contractor's License and proof of certification by the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP).
.2 Project Team: Submit to the Owner's Representative a list of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all laboratory technical personnel employed on the project. Also submit copies of their current State and Federal licenses and certifications, analyst qualifications, respirator fit tests and medical screenings.
.3 Equipment and Materials: Submit to the Owner's Representative a list of equipment and materials, by brand and model number, to be used on this project. The list shall include, but not be limited to, sampling pumps, sampling stands, flow meters, sample cassettes, sample filters, aggressive sampling equipment, microscopes make and model number.
.4 Sampling Plan: Submit to the Owner's Representative an initial tentative plan for sampling based on the air monitor's under-standing of the project. The plan will include number and type of samples to be collected on each date, and methodologies for collection and analyzing samples.
.5 Submit a copy of the Lab CIH and field super CIH's ABIH and/or PIH's certificate.
.6 Reference names and telephone numbers from minimum of 3 NYS public school districts (K-12) in which asbestos project consultation has been approved.
.1 For all records, each sheet shall minimally include all necessary who,
what, when, how data: minimally including project, work area, location, dates, times, type, person doing the work, applicable observations, sample I.D. instruments used.
.2 Field sheets shall be kept for each sample while collecting samples. In addition to the above general data, shall include start/stop times of pumps, sample I.D. No., air volumes, machine used, filters, calibration data, Owner's Representative sign-off, etc. For exterior samples, include temperature, windiness, direction and precipitation.
.3 A chain of custody form shall be initiated for each sample in the field and it shall be kept with the sample through its travel and be kept filled out, as the sample changes possession.
.4 Samples will be logged in at the laboratory, and a separate lab sheet (or combined with field sheet) shall be kept, for all lab data, for each sample, equipment used, count, methodology, calculations, interpretations, etc.
.5 Daily field sheets, lab analysis and chain of custody sheets, for each work area set of samples shall be kept together with a summary cover sheet indicating general data above, specific fiber counts for each sample, plus applicable calculations, status of blanks, and interpretations of "pass" or "failed". Phone notification data shall also be included. These shall all be stapled together at the upper left hand corner. This is a "Daily Progress Report" for that work area.
.6 This recordkeeping format shall also apply to samples for before start of work and for final air clearance.
.1 Weekly Air Monitoring Results: At the beginning of each week (Monday) written summary results of the prior weeks' air samples shall be submitted to Rochester City School District's Environmental Safety Office. Each work area shall have a summary of daily analysis including a listing of counts for each sample with locations indicated and interpretation results.
.2 Close-out Documentation: Within two weeks from the completion of the project, the air monitoring contractor shall submit two (2) bound copies of a final report; one (1) copy to the Project Inspector, one (1) copy to the Coordinator of Environmental Safety. The final reports shall be broken down by each work area including:
.1 Project Executive Summary per work area including an overall project description, a summary of "Daily Progress Reports", dates of non-compliance, reasons, actions taken by Asbestos Abatement Contractor to bring into compliance. Final air clearance interpretation.
.2 "Daily Progress Reports" including field logs, calculations, lab logs counts, interpretations, chain of custody documents, etc. all organized consecutively by days.
.3 Final Clearance PCM Sample Results, counts, calculations, interpretations, etc.
.4 Final Clearance TEM Sample Results, counts, calculations, interpretations, etc.
.5 Floor plans for each work area identifying exact sample locations including separate drawings for pre-abatement, during abatement, and final clearance sampling.
.6 Certified Industrial Hygienist Certification (Stamp).
.7 Air sample pump and rotometer calibration records.
.8 A copy of all start of work submittals required in Part 1.2.
.1 The air monitoring contractor shall supply all air sampling technicians with the proper respiratory protection and training.
.2 The air sampling technicians shall enter and exit the work areas using the protocols established for personal decontamination for asbestos projects.
.1 It is the responsibility of the air monitoring contractor to coordinate the activities of the air sampling technicians with the abatement contractor and Owner's Representative.
.2 The air monitoring contractor shall be available to collect air samples 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as instructed by the Owner's Representative.
.3 Whenever air samples are collected, the air sampling technician shall present the field sheet to the Owner's Representative to be initialed and dated prior to leaving the site.
.4 Unless otherwise instructed by the Owner's Representative, air sampling shall be performed during the abatement contractor's shift.
.5 All air monitoring practices and procedures shall be supervised and certified by a CIH or a Professional Industrial Hygienist (PIH). Submit data certifying PIH's credentials. The PIH's responsibilities shall include:
.1 Review and become familiar with the asbestos project specifications.
.2 Attend, at a minimum, the initial pre-abatement meeting.
.3 Review and document that pre, during and final air sampling and pump calibration techniques conform to AHERA and New York State asbestos abatement regulations.
.4 Occasionally visit the project site, at a minimum of one time per week, accompanied by Rochester City School District's Director of Environmental Safety to document and insure proper sampling techniques, methods and equipment are being utilized and conform to AHERA and New York State requirements.
.5 Review and certify (stamp) final reports.
.1 Provide all necessary and proper materials and equipment, canisters, filters, etc. to obtain and process air samples.
.1 Air sampling shall occur continuously during all shift hours of the contractor(s) per C.R.-56. Minimally this shall be assumed as 9 hours per day 7 days a week.
.2 The air sampling technician shall calibrate sampling pumps on site at least once before, once at the midpoint and once after the collection of samples, and record in the field sheets.
.3 Where possible, sample locations will be at least 3 feet from any wall or column and 2 feet above the floor. Samples will be supported by a stand.
.4 For clearance sampling, the air sampling technician shall provide aggressive air sampling per Rule 56 and as follows: First direct the exhaust of a leaf blower against all walls, ceilings, floors, ledges, and other surfaces in the work area. Continue agitation for at least five minutes per every 1,000 SF of floor space. Following this aggressive agitation, the air sampling technician will use at least one 20 inch fan per 10,000 cubic feet of work area space for continuous agitation. The fan will be operated on low speed and pointed toward the ceiling. Sampling pumps will be started after the fans are started and stopped before the fans are stopped.
.1 Samples will be logged on a permanently bound log book a the
laboratory. No whiteout will be used to make corrections.
.2 All lab counts, data and analysis shall be recorded on a lab summary sheet for each sample.
.3 When both TEM and PCM Clearance samples are collected, PCM samples will be analyzed first. TEM samples will be analyzed only if PCM samples pass clearance criteria.
If TEM samples are analyzed, they should be analyzed one at a time until the number of asbestos structures counted total 350, or one more sample is found to have 140 asbestos structures. If, and only if, neither of these cases is found, then all TEM samples will be analyzed.
.4 Analytical Methods: The following methods will be used in analyzing filters used to collect air samples.
.1 Cellulose ester filters (PCM) will be analyzed using NIOSH 7400.
This analysis will be carried out at a laboratory located off the
job site.
.2 Polycarbonate filters (TEM) will be analyzed using AHERA Counting Protocol analysis per EPA.
.5 If blank samples analysis causes that batch of samples to be suspect, so as to cause resampling, that shall be done at no cost to the Owner.
.1 Daily monitoring sample results shall be daily compared to all requirement levels per Rule 56. If they exceed background or .01 fibers per C.C., Air Monitoring Contractor shall fail the daily sample. If all samples are satisfactory, the summary sheet shall so indicate.
.2 Final Clearance Monitoring: Satisfactory levels
.1 For Rule 56 PCM Analysis: The clearance air monitoring results shall be considered satisfactory when every sample demonstrates an airborne concentration of asbestos fibers of less than 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter, or the background level, whichever is greater.
.2 For AHERA TEM Analysis: Clearance shall be satisfactory per AHERA protocols including; If the mean average of all the inside samples have asbestos structure concentrations at or below 70 s/mm2 and the average airborne asbestos concentrations inside the area is not higher than the average outside calculated by the "Z" Test. All analysis to be per AHERA requirements.
.3 Passing of PCM/56 criteria shall satisfy that requirements. Further work by the Asbestos Abatement Contractor, daily monitoring, and clearance retesting need only be done to satisfy the failed TEM method. If PCM/56 sampling fails, TEM samples will be discarded unanalyzed and the clearance has failed. Recleaning and resampling is required for both the PCM and TEM.
.1 Results for pre-abatement and daily abatement sampling will be reported to the Owner's Representative and the Asbestos Abatement Contractor within 24 hours with the exception that the few final daily sample results must be reported to the Owner's Representative within 12 hours of the clearance sampling. Results for clearance sampling and roofing work area samples shall be reported to the Owner's Representative ad the Asbestos Abatement Contractor within 12 hours.
.2 If any daily monitoring of clearance sampling fails, the Air Monitoring Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner's Representative and the applicable Asbestos Abatement Contractor. The Air Monitoring Contractor shall make note of possible reasons for failure, and what corrective actions the Asbestos Abatement Contractor undertakes.
.3 All notifications shall occur first by phone followed by written notices. Phone notifications shall be recorded indicating who was notified, position, time, date, phone number, etc. Phone notification shall only be to acceptable people approved at the beginning of the project.
.4 Final air clearance results shall be sent to the Commissioner of Labor per CR-56, minimally by certified mail with copies and certificate to the Owner's Representative.
.1 Before start of work, verify locations and number of samples, as well as methodology for approval. Submittal shall include pre, post and during abatement phases. Comply with Part 56. Air sampling and analysis shall be conducted in accordance with the following schedule:
Project PreAbatement Abatement PostAbatement
(Area Preparation) (Work in Progress) (Clearance Air
Large Project PCM PCM PCM &TEM
Small Project PCM PCM &TEM
(Note: Phase Contrast Microscope (PCM) analysis is a minimally acceptable method of analysis. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) are other acceptable methods of analysis).
.2 PreAbatement and PostAbatement Monitoring
.1 Drying Time; Sampling shall not commence until the following conditions are satisfied:
.1 At least twelve hours have elapsed since wet cleaning has been completed.
.2 No visible pools of liquid or condensation remain.
.2 Number of Samples - Large Asbestos Projects; For large asbestos project preabatement and postabatement monitoring, a minimum of five area samples inside and five area samples outside (three inside and three outside for small projects) each homogeneous work area shall be taken. Two field blanks are required as well as one sealed blank.
.3 Placement of Air Sampling Equipment; Air sampling equipment shall not be placed in comers of rooms or near obstructions. Within the above constraints, samplers shall be placed at random around the work area. If the work area contains the number of rooms equivalent to the number of required samples based on floor area, place a sampler in each room. When the number of rooms is greater than the required number of samples, a representative sample of rooms shall be selected.