TARA meeting March 19

Meeting called to order 7 p.m. by Vice President John Davis in the absence of President Mark Killen.

New member (David) Paul Gram N8YYD. Accepted on motion and second. Chris Linzey KD8UAX. Motion and second to welcome Chris.

Secretary read minutes. Motion and second, minutes approved as read.

Treasurer's report: petty cash 94.05, checking 2434.77, savings 5815.21, CD 6068.98, total 14413.01.

Still no word from Mike Lewis. SK Scotty KI4AT. Earl Walton in good shape. Karl Labor having some tests for circulatory problems. Ashton Killen playing in all-county band. Darlene Mason gets her Extra license.

Work team: another shelf in shack, looks pretty good. We should lower the antenna, given current wind. Purchase a laptop from Mission WV: motion and second, motion approved.

VE team: next session April 13. Bud hopes Garry will run it.

Museum: tech workroom is ready, test equipment, power supplies, tool storage, drill presses. Spring meet April 20. Look into display at dog track for Travel WV info. Armstrong made a 30 minute video, we have a copy at the Museum.

SKYWARN: another new alert coordinator. Look into scheduling a class if there's enough interest. For Twitter, use hash tag NWSRLX to make reports. Emergency alert system on mobile phones. Ping project app for smart phone (precipitation near ground), aims to compare radar with actual experience.

ARES: Drill April 27. March 21st drill has been postponed. Sheriff has ID device, willing to produce IDs for us. Firm membership list required, small fee TBA to cover cost of card. State requirements: reflective vest for anyone working at roadside.

911 centers: in progress, maybe finished in time for drill.

Public service opportunities: bicycle rally downtown Huntington, early some Sunday morning, still TBA. Somebody trying to start CERT training in Proctorville. Watch for opportunities to join in.

Hamfest: set up a station (PSK), have an activity table. SparkFun Make. Budget: Prizes: $600, advertising $300, food lasagna for Friday evening, potluck for salad and dessert $200. Location rental still $900. Motion and second on rent: done. Motion and second on prizes: done. Motion and second on advertising: done. Motion and second for food: done.

Repeater: still repeating. John still hopes to get link working. Only one more project on .985 repeater, clock module so it doesn't say "clock not set."

Old business: special events Mace working on May 4 Heritage Farm, camping trip. Chris has access to Corps properties.

New business: group trip to Dayton? John will check with Spring Valley charter.

Louisa hamfest May 11, 8 -1. Tables $5 admission $5 concessions available. Talk in 147.39. 301 W Pike Street Louisa. Set up Friday from 5pm.

Bill Mason sent Fred with question about Dwight's tower: do we still plan to put it up? Motion to buy mini-8 cable and replace fat cables in shack? Not so much warm and fuzzy about wattage... Think about it for a while.

Meeting adjourned 8:10 pm

Program by Fred Herr: video of "Last Man Standing" episode production