Secretary Colloquium

Claire Doucet

  1. Responsibilities:

General Responsibilities:

Take minutes at all meetings and events and relay them to state chapters

Update and send messages through Remind 101

Perform all duties assigned to him/her by the President

National Convention Responsibilities:

Organize participants in National Olympika

Attend the award ceremonies, take notes, pick up ribbons, and distribute awards

State Convention Responsibilities:

Assist the Olympika chair with planning and supervising Olympika andLudi events

Ensure the availability of necessary equipment and supplies for Olympika and Ludi

Write the Olympika oath

Map out the marathon route

Supply plastic bags for packets

Maintain lost and found

Write thank you notes to all assistants

  1. Taking Minutes

Understand that everyone takes minutes differently

For example, you may organize your minutes by time increments or by topic

Organizing by time increments

Record the time at every minute or two, including a description of discussion at that time

Organizing by topic

Check the time when a new idea or discussion topic is introduced

Include all relevant information about a topic in one place

Boldor italicize any important information. Color coding may also be helpful.

If you think you will have difficulty keeping up with a discussion, record the meeting on either your phone or computer and reference it when you are editing minutes

State Office: When you have completed editing, sendminutes to the Technology Coordinator so he/she can upload them to the LJCL website. Also relay minutes to state chapters

  1. Running for State Office


Must be enrolled in Latin, Greek, or other classical course for his/her entire term of office, or have completed four (4) years of Latin or Greek, or have completed all of the Latin or Greek which his/her school offers.

Must be a member of the LJCL in good standing

Must complete all papers of candidacy

Before Convention:

If you would like to run for state office, now is the time to consider it

Talk with your sponsor about running for office (he/she must approve it!)

Write a speech (should include your qualifications for the office, plans for the coming year, devotion to LJCL, etc.)

Ask someone who knows you well (not on the state board or other candidates) to introduce you

Gather campaigning materialsand complete any necessary forms

Know that you will be committed to the office if you acquire it

Campaign Rules:

Introductions must be no longer than 1 minute

Candidates’ speeches must be no longer than 2 minutes

You may campaign with posters, stickers, flyers, etc.

You must bring your own blue painter’s tape for taping up posters

$40 spending limit for any campaign materials

  1. Activity




Telephone answering messages

Computerized bio signature

  1. Contact Information

Following this colloquium, please indicate your name, school, sponsor, officer position, email, and phone number on the chapter officer contact information form

Feel free to email me or any of the other state officers if you have questions!

Link to Contest Handbook (AKA the best thing ever):