Unit title: Healthy food is fun and funky! / Stage: stage 2, year 4 / Lessons: 5, plus final summative assessment task.
Lesson time: 60 minutes each
Unit aim: the aim of this unit is to introduce students to nutrition and how their food choices as young people can affect their health as they grow into adults. It also provides students with the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding healthy food choices, awareness of the specific dietary needs of others in the school and community, as well as the types of foods different cultures use to celebrate within the community and school.
Personal health choices
Preventative measures
Growth and development
-the body
Interpersonal relationships
Active lifestyle
-components of an active lifestyle / Cross curriculum content:
TS2.1- Communicates in informal and formal classroom activities in school and social situations for an increasing range of purposes on a variety of topics across the curriculum.
WS2.10- Produces text clearly, effectively and accurately, using the sentence structure, grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type.
CUS2.4- Describes different viewpoints, ways of living, languages and belief systems in a variety of communities.
Science and technology
PSS2.5- Creates and evaluates products and services considering aesthetic and functional factors.
DS2.1-Gathers and organises data, displays data using tables and graphs, and interprets the results.
PDPHE Outcomes / PDHPE Indicators / Subject Matter
Knowledge & Understanding:
PHS2.12- Discusses the factors influencing personal health choices.
GDS2.9- Describes life changes and associated feelings.
IRS2.11- Describes how relationships with a range of people enhance wellbeing.
ALS2.6- Discusses the relationship between regular and varied physical activity and health. / Indicators: PH
-Identifies the food choices that influence a person’s lifestyle.
-Explains the need for good health practices
-Identifies physical factors that influence lifestyle choices, e.g. diabetes and heart disease.
-Identifies foods prepared and enjoyed by particular cultural groups.
-Discusses food needs for growth and activity
Indicators: G&D
-Has a basic understanding of how the digestive system works. I.e. can understand that food is digested by our stomachs and the foods nutrients are used for our healthy growth and development.
Indicators: IR
-Demonstrates communication skills that enhance relationships, e.g. listening, showing care, negotiating, refusing and assertiveness.
-Participates in group situations showing consideration for the needs, rights and feelings of others.
Indicators: AL
-Describes links between nutrition and exercise. / Personal health choices
Preventative measures
Growth and development
-the body

Interpersonal relationships
Active lifestyle
-components of an active lifestyle
COS2.1- Uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups
DMS2.2- Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member
INS2.3- Makes positive contributions in group activities
PSS2.5- Uses a range of problem-solving strategies / -Communicates effectively, fairly, with manners and speaks in turn.
-Is able to convey their opinion and choices without discrimination
-Is fair, caring and contributes effectively to group work
-Formulates a range of strategies that could be used by individuals and groups to make healthy nutritional choices.
-Makes own healthy nutritional choices and supports them with facts. / Assessment
Formative assessment:
Lesson 1: checklist for discussions and memory game ( see lesson.)
Lesson 2: agree and disagree corners checklist. Part of summative assessment task.
Lesson 3: compare and contrast of fast food outlets presentation
Lesson 4: specific dietary needs menu design
Lesson 5: food report and menu
Summative assessment:
-Partly done in lesson 2
-Development of a revised school canteen menu
-Organise for students to conduct a survey of class purchases from the school canteen (step 1)
-Graph the findings and write down reasons for purchases (step2)
-Develop a revised school canteen menu that reflects a balance and distribution of foods suggested in the “Healthy diet pyramid” (step 3)
-Cater for students with specific food needs, e.g. diabetes, heart disease etc.
-Cater for different cultural needs and festivals/celebrations
-Cater for students likes and dislikes
-Design posters to advertise specific canteen foods (step4)
-Develop a radio advertisement to play on the school intercom before lunch advertising: (step 5)
-The healthy options available
-Why students should buy them
V4- Increasingly accepts responsibility for personal and community health. / -Values the need to pursue healthy lifestyles
-Values their health and safety and that of others
-Defends the need for making decisions that enhance health
-Appraises the values and attitudes of different groups within society in relation to lifestyle and health


-Were students actively engaged in the learning process and tasks?
-Was the learning process students centred?
-Was there parent/community involvement in the lesson?
-Did the learning experience inform students about healthy eating?
-Was the lesson successful in teaching the stated outcomes? Did the students show evidence of learning?
-Are there any areas in which students need further/altered instruction?
-Did the lesson flow in a smooth and logical way?
-Were a range of teaching strategies employed?
-Were the learning needs of all students adequately considered?
-Are there any other aspects of the lesson that could be improved upon for the future?