Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 14th January 2018

"Come and see.”

Today's readings give us two vocation stories. The first concerns a young boy called Samuel, who lived in the ancient Hebrew temple at Shiloh. One night he heard a voice calling his name. Assuming it was the old priest Eli, he went to him, only to be told to go back to bed because Eli certainly hadn't called him. The same thing happened twice more, and Eli realised that it was God who was doing the calling; he advised young Samuel that if he heard the voice again he should respond: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Samuel did as he was told, and the outcome was that he “grew up and the Lord was with him and let no word of his fall to the ground". It seems that Samuel continued listening for God's word and was always ready to follow it. He became a great leader of God's people.

The second vocation story is in the Gospel, and concerns two of John the Baptist's disciples. One day, as Jesus passes by, John says: “Look, there is the lamb of God." The disciples begin following Jesus. He turns and asks: “What do you want?" Perhaps taken by surprise, they answer rather vaguely: “Rabbi... where do you live?" But in John's Gospel words like “live" or “stay" or “dwell" often have a deeper meaning; they are asking: where do we meet you, where do we encounter you, how do we get to know you? Jesus’ answer is simple: “Come and see." They respond to his invitation; they stay with him all that day; they become his friends for life.

God has a call for everyone; it is the call to holiness, to intimate friendship; and that vocation is fulfilled principally in the living out of our daily life and the various vocations it involves. Like young Samuel, who prayed: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening," we are called to have a listening ear or, better, a listening heart, a heart open enough and alert enough to hear God’s word and respond to it. We listen to God’s word not only at Mass, or when we read the scriptures, but also when God speaks to us, softly and gently, through the people we meet, the events that make up our lives, the inspirations that come to our minds and hearts.

There is sound advice for us behind the question Jesus put to the two disciples-to-be. “What do you want?" he asked them. It’s a question he always puts to those who want to be his friends. The answer he’s looking for is not some smart flippant reply, like winning the lottery, but an absolutely serious one, an answer on which we pin our lives. And the answer is not for God’s benefit but for ours. It shows where our priorities lie in relation to God, to other people and to the world around us. Perhaps in a moment of silence in this Mass, we might hear the Lord asking us: “What do you want, really want above all else?" If, in our stumbling way, we can reply: “I want you; I want to be your friend. Where do you live?", then he will answer, as he answered those first friends of his: “Come and see." Come and you will see for yourself that you have answered the most wonderful calling of all.

Redemptorist Publications, The Living Word, B1, 2018 adapted

I will be away on my Christmas Break until 1st February. I am very grateful to all the priests who will be celebrating the weekend Masses while I am away.

Peace Sunday. This Sunday is Peace Sunday, when we are invited to pray for peace in our world. If you would like to support the work of Pax Christi to abolish war and create communities of peace and justice, you will find envelopes in the basket in the narthexwhich you can place in the collection bags.

No 9.15am Masses on Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday or Saturday this week.
There will be a Service of Holy Communion on Friday, 19th January at 9.15am.

Saturday 20thJanuary – no Adoration and no Confessions.

Francoise Bouquet RIP. The Requiem Mass for Francoise Bouquet will be on Thursday 1st February at 2.00pm.

Maria Owen RIP. The Requiem Mass for Maria Owen will be on Friday 2nd February at 11.00am.

Tony Connell RIP. The Funeral Mass for Anthony Connell will be on Monday 5th February at 11.30am.

Crib Offerings. Thank you for your very generous donations of £333.79 for the Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster).

Fr Jim Overton

Offertory Collection. Last week’s collection was £1,895.42- Envelopes £526.88; Bankers Orders £600.00 (weekly average); Loose Plate £768.54

Text giving. You can make a £5 donation by textingPARISH ASHFO to 70800

The Bucket Collection in January is for GUTS fighting Bowel Cancer.

First Holy Communion wear. Communion Angels will be holding a sale in the parish hall this Sunday afternoon, 14th January.

Ladies Circle. Our first meeting back is on Thursday 18th January at 8.00pm in the parish hall.

Catholic Teacher but not in a Catholic School? The Diocese of Westminster Education Service is holding a meeting on Tuesday 6th February, 6.30-8.30pm at Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN. Please register at or 020 7798 9189. Please see the poster in the narthex for more information.

St Richard Reynolds Catholic College. There are two new vacancies for this term; for a new role of Primary Head teacher and for a Music Assistant. For more information see:

Journey through Lent with Mark’s Gospel with Sr Anne Walsh OP and Sr Karen Marguerite OP – a five week course on Thursdays25th January, 1st February, 8th February, 15th February and 8th March 2018, 7:30-9:00pm
atNiland Conference Centre, 93 Elstree Rd, Bushey WD23 4EE.Suggested donation is £5.00. To register please leave a message at 020 7931 6078.

Talking Faith on Heavens road Catholic radio. Mental health is profoundly prevalent and is a growing public health concern all over theworld. Inthe United Kingdom -1 in 6people in the past week have experienced a common mental health problem.

What is the Catholic Church’s role in addressing mental health?

In this broadcast of “Talking Faith,” Lavoisier Fernandes talks to Bishop Richard Moth who currently serves the Diocese of Arundel &Brighton and also heads the Catholic mental health project for the Bishops Conference of England and Wales.

The Listen again option is available via the website

Readings for Sunday21stJanuary
Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20


for all the sick and housebound in our parish.

for anniversaries in January since 2011.

forthe Religious men and women living and working in the Upper Thames Deanery.

for the Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions that Christians, and other religious minorities in Asian countries, may be able to practise their faith in full freedom.

Mass Intentions 14th– 21stJanuary

Sunday 14th Vigil Mass Saturday, 6.00pm Jean and Jack Wilson and family RIP

9.15am Ashwin Makwana RIP
11.00am John Donnelly RIP

6.00pm The people of the parish


Sunday21st Vigil Mass Saturday, 6.00pm George Wildegger and family RIP

9.15am Paddy McMahon RIP

11.00am Jack Byrne RIP

6.00pm The people of the parish

Sunday Mass

(Vigil) Saturday, 6.00pm

9.15am Family (Folk Group, Children’s Liturgy of the Word)

11.00am Sung (First Sunday, Ordinary of the Mass sung in Latin)


Holy Days of Obligation Mass

9.15am and 7.00pm

Weekday Mass

9.15am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Eucharistic Adoration
Saturday 9.45 – 10.15am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 10.15 – 10.45am

Sacrament of Baptism

Normally celebrated on a Saturday once a month. To arrange a Baptism contact Baptism Catechist Lee Gibson on 07713 760281 or

St Michael’s Catholic Church

112 Clarendon Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 2QD

Telephone: 01784 252230



This parish is part of the Westminster Catholic Diocese Trustee Charity no. 233699

Parish Priest: Mgr James Overton

Parish Secretary: Mrs Shenda Holmes
ParishOffice Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10.00am - 1.00pm