Second Rural Sector Support Project

Procurement Plan

I. General

1.  Project information

Country: Rwanda

Project Name: Second Rural Sector Support Project

Project Implementing Agencies: MINAGRI-PSCU

World Bank’s approval date for the procurement plan: 25 April 2008

Date of General Procurement Notice: (after Board approval)

Period covered by this procurement plan: From July 2008 to December 2009

II. Goods and Works and Non-consulting Services

1.  Prior Review Threshold: Procurement decisions subject to Prior Review

Procurement method
(category) / Contract amount
(US$ equivalent) / Subject to Prior Review
1. / ICB(Works) / >= 5,000,000 / All contracts
2. / NCB or ICB (Works) / < 5,000,000 / First two contracts only
3. / ICB (Goods) / >= 500,000 / All contracts
4. / NCB or ICB (Goods) / < 500,000 / First two contracts only
5. / Shopping (Goods and Works) / Any amount / First two contracts only
6. / Direct Contracting / Any amount / All contracts

2.  Prequalification:Bidders for civil works shall be prequalified in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Procurement Guidelines.

3.  Community-based Procurement: For community-based procurement activities to be supported through Local Development Fund grants, as per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines: Community participation in procurement. Refer to Project Implementation Manual - Volume 2.

4.  Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: N/A

Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule

Ref. No. / Contract description / Procurement Method / P-Q / Domestic Preference / World Bank Review / Expected Bid Opening /
1. Works – Marshlands Rehabilitation and Development, Improving Productivity in Hillsides Production Systems
1. / Rwagitima/Ntende works / ICB / NO / YES / PRIOR / 09/08
2. / Rugeramigozi dam / ICB / NO / YES / PRIOR / 09/08
3. / Gisaya works / NCB / NO / NO / POST / 10/08
4. / Kinnyogo II works / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 10/08
5. / Sagatare-Nyamazi-Rwabutazi works / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 03/09
6. / Upper Kibaya works / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 03/09
7. / Nyarubogo and Kinyegenyege works / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 11/09
8. / Cyunuzi dam works / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 11/09
9 / Additional Rehabilitation works in Bugarama marshland / NCB / NO / NO / POST / 02/09
10 / Rehabilitation works of Muvumba perimeter 5 and 8 / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 08/09
11 / River wairs on Ngoma – Karungeri river / ICB / NO / YES / POST / 09/09
2. Goods
1. / Support to Districts - Equipment / NCB / NO / NO / PRIOR / 08/08
2. / PSCU – Server / NCB / NO / NO / PRIOR / 08/08
3. / PSCU – Big photocopier machine / NCB / NO / NO / POST / 08/08
4. / PSCU – Generator / NCB / NO / NO / POST / 08/08
5. / GIS equipment for training engineers / NS / NO / NO / PRIOR / 09/08
6. / Vehicles Pick-up 4x4 / NCB / NO / NO / POST / 11/08
7. / Support to Districts – Motorcycles / NCB / NO / NO / POST / 11/08
8. / Professional cameras / NS / NO / NO / PRIOR / 08/09
9 / Purchase of accounting software / SHOPPING / NO / NO / POST / 08/09

Note. ICB: International Competitive Bidding, NCB: National Competitive Bidding, NS: National Shopping

III. Selection of Consultants

1.  Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by the World Bank, as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants:

Selection Method / Contract amount
(US$ equivalent) / Subject to Prior Review
1. / Quality and Cost-Based / Quality Based / Fixed Budget / Least Cost / Consultant’s Qualifications (firms) / >200,000 / All contracts
2. / Quality and Cost-Based / Quality Based / Fixed Budget / Least Cost / Consultant’s Qualifications (firms) / <200,000 / First two contracts only
3. / Single Source (SS) / Firms / Individual / All / All contracts
4. / Individual Consultants (IC) / >50,000 / All contracts
5. / Training (Annual Plan) / ALL / All contracts

All TORs regardless of the value of the contract are subject to IDA prior review.

2.  Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than US$200,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.

3.  Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: N/A

Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule

No. / Description of Assignment / Selection Method / Review by the World Bank / Expected Proposal Submission
1. / Works supervision in Sagatare/Nyamazi/Rwabutazi / CQS / PRIOR / 09/08
2. / Works supervision in Rugeramigozi / CQS / PRIOR / 09/08
3. / Works supervision in Rwagitima/Ntende / QCBS / POST / 10/08
4. / Works supervision in Cyunuzi / CQS / POST / 10/08
5. / Works supervision in Upper Kibaya / CQS / POST / 03/09
6. / Works supervision in Kynnyogo II / CQS / POST / 03/09
6. / Technical assistance in rural engineering / IC / PRIOR / 04/09
8. / Financial audits / LCS / POST / 04/09
9. / Works supervision in Gisaya / CQS / POST / 11/09
10. / Works supervision in Nyarubogo and Kinyegenyege / QCBS / PRIOR / 11/09
11 / Hydrological & Biodiversity studies for Kibaya, Cyunuzi, Kinnyogo II and Sagatare – Nyamazi – Rwabutazi marshlands (810ha) / CQS / POST / 11/08
12 / Socio-economic study for Sagatare – Nyamazi – Rwabutazi marshland (207ha) / CQS / POST / 11/08
13 / Study of 2 river weirs on Ngoma and Karungeri rivers / CQS / POST / 11/08
14 / Study of Rehabilitation works on Cyili marshland (350ha) + 2 irrigation dams / QCBS / PRIOR / 12/08
15 / Study of construction works for Gishoma irrigation dam / CQS / POST / 12/08
16 / Hiring of NGO to conduct training of trainers in cooperative management and production techniques / CQS / POST / 01/09

Note. QCBS: Quality and Cost Based Selection; CQS: Selection Based on Consultants Qualification; LCS: Least Cost selection; IC: Individual Consultant