Budget Reference Guide for Requesters and Approvers
- Start the Microix Workflow Modules Client application by double clicking on the following icon located on your Windows 7 desktop or from the Start menu of Windows 8.
- Select your Login ID from the lookup control or begin typing your name and the system should automatically find it.
NOTE: Each user has a default password which is their last name in all lower case. You will be required to change your password upon signing on for the very first time. The new password will be case sensitive and must contain a minimum of 6 characters and include alphanumeric characters. Click on the “Reset Password’ button to initiate the process.
From the Ribbon Menu, clickon the Budget tab.
If all the menu Items are disabled, contact your administrator to grant access to the items related to your role.
Getting Started –Requester:
1.Select My Worksheets:
2.Select target worksheet:
1)Highlight by clicking, the row containing the worksheet assigned to you.
2)Select edit to open the transaction detail entry screen.
3)If you do not see any worksheets listed, please speak with your budget administrator.
3.Entering your budget:
1)Enter your budget worksheet description. This should be descriptive of the cost center being budgeted.
2)Enter your annual numbers to be budgeted in this column. Columns for YTD and Current Year Budget are for reference only (If accounts are missing, see your administrator to add new accounts.)
3)If you would like to enter detail narratives specific to a line item, clicking the + sign in that row will enable the entry. This will overwrite any entry for that line with the new narrative total.
4)Monthly distribution can be left as “12Mth” for a yearly budget. If you would like to enter monthly amounts instead of a yearly amount, see our section below on “Entering a monthly budget distribution.”
5)Use the print button to print a paper copy of your worksheet for reference.
6)Choosing this button will submit your document for approval.
4.Recall a submitted worksheet:
If you submitted your budget worksheet for approval and need to make modifications, use the recall button to return the budget worksheet to your queue. However, if it was approved, the system will not allow you to recall it. You will have to notify the approver to send the document back to the requester level.
Monthly budget distribution:
To enter any type of distribution other than yearly, you want to build a distribution code to identify how to distribute the funds across the months or periods. Click on the magnifying glass in the monthly distribution column to get started.
Click on the “Add a new distribution code” button. Assign a Dist Code and description. You can choose between Amount and Percent when determining how to distribute the amounts. Break your amounts into the monthly fields or utilize the “retrieve monthly allocation from Abila” and save the code. Now the code is available to select under the Monthly Distribution column above.
Display balances:
Utilize the “Display balances” button to report on amounts and accounts to which you are assigned. Balance represents the amounts posted in MIP. Unposted represents unposted transactions in MIP. Microix represents transactions not yet transferred to Abila MIP. The top row represents a filter line. Enter a filter value in any of the columns to filter the entire display by that value. Please see section “Sorting/Grouping/Filtering Data” for more information.
Getting Started – Approvers:
1.Select Approve Worksheets
- Select Approve Worksheets from the menu ribbon at the top of the screen.
- Select the worksheet to target for approval or editing.
- Select edit to open the worksheet detail.
- Select Approve to forward the document to the next level of approvers.
- Select print to print a paper copy for your reference.
2.Review Narratives:
- Narrative lines will be highlighted in red. Select the + sign next to the row to expand and review them.
- Make any necessary corrections to budget amounts or narratives. Any changes will be logged.
- Select the Audit Trail button and choose Detail to see any changes to the document and by whom they were committed.
3.Ask for clarification (send email):
- If you have any questions for the submitter, you can email them directly with this button.
- You will be presented with the following screen. Fill the To , CC, and Message fields and press send.
4.Re-route document:
The re-route button will allow you to transfer the worksheet back to another approval level.
- Choose the button.
- After choosing the level to send to, type a reason for the re-route and press Send.
5.Approve documents:
Approval notifications are generated automatically when managers submit their budget worksheets for approval. Approvers have the ability to change, add, or delete any information on the budget worksheet or they can re-route the worksheet to the manager for correction.
1)Select “Approve Worksheets” from the menu bar at the top.
2)Select a row containing the document you would like to approve. (Choose Edit if you would like to review the detail of the document.)
3)Select Approve.
6.Salary Worksheet:
1)Navigate to the budget tab.
2)Select Setup > Benefit Rates.
3)Benefit Rates- When importing personnel to your workflow, these benefits should be imported from Abila Payroll. If this table is empty, you may choose to import at the top. The columns represent defaults and will not update individual employee records, but would influence new records created.
4)You can assign benefits to specific employees using the Benefit Wizard. Select the benefit to add/remote, then select the range of employees to apply the add/remove function to. Choose then, whether to add or remove for your desired effect.
5)Utilize the “Push Updates to Salary Worksheet button” to push changes on this form to the salary worksheets.
6)Select the icon “Salary Worksheet” to begin your budgeting process for salaries.
7)Choose an employee from the dropdown. The “Copy Distribution Code” dropdown will autofill with the employees distribution code from his default timesheet in Abila Payroll. You can change this if necessary or refresh it with the refresh button.
8)On the right hand side: You will need to fill an account, FTE rate, Hourly rate, and Total Hours. The current salary will be updated for you. If any of the benefit amounts are different for this employee, you can make adjustments in the benefit information table. Note: 10% = 0.1 Rate
9)You may allocate raises across a range of employees by GL account and salary range. You will have to click the litte ^ (arrow) just before the word “Update” to access this dropdown option. This is the only method for selecting the range of employees which will receive the raise.
7.Distribute worksheets:
This form is used by the budget administrator to load and distribute the budget worksheets to all managers within the organization. When creating a Budget Template use a generic name such as "Annual Budget". It is not recommended to include a fiscal year with the template name because the template is re-used each budget year. Most organizations will be required to create at least one budget template. However, multiple templates are necessary if you have some budgets that are based on a different fiscal period than your organization's fiscal year.
1)Select a budget template from the Search list box.
2)In the Template Worksheet Assignment section, click the Process checkbox next to each manager that you would like to create a budget worksheet.
3)Click on the Gear icon to start the process. Because of the amount of data to be retrieved from Abila, we recommend that you only process a maximum of 10 worksheets at a time.
8.Consolidate Worksheet and Document Maintenance:
Consolidate Worksheet Query
Useful for upper management and approvers to determine in which status their managers worksheets are currently. This function provides a listing of all budget worksheet entries in the system for easy reporting. Select or build a report, choose your budget year, and select the document status range you would like to query. In the content/filter section, choose any account filters and select View to view the output in report format. This report format can by sorted/filtered/grouped and you may reference that section of this document for more information.
Document Search/Maintenance
Document Search is used to locate your worksheets or other documents in the system based on known conditions. It is located in the main budget menu. The Document Maintenance screen, located under the Maintenance menu item, allows an approver to reassign and reroute worksheets. The very top row is used to filter the document list to relevant documents only. You can change the status of a document (or re-route it) with the “Change document status to” box at the bottom left.
9.Refresh actuals:
Why do I need this option? Your organization started the budgeting process 6 months prior to the new fiscal year. As a result, all distributed budget worksheets contain the first six months of actual expenses and revenues. You are now 10 months into the year and all the budget worksheets are completed. However, you need the ability to refresh the current year actual column to reflect expenses and revenues as of the current date.
1)Select an option
2)Select a list of documents that will be affected
3)Click on the process icon
10.Transfer documents to Abila:
As the final approver selects “Approve” on the document, they will be presented with a transfer to Abila screen.
1)Select the Budget version you are working with.
2)Select the source column in which you entered the budget numbers on the worksheet.
3)Enter a session ID and choose OK to begin the process.
4)The session can be reviewed in MIP and should be ready to post.
- Review: Accounting > Transactions > Enter Budget Transactions
- Post: Accounting > Activities > Manage Sessions > Post Transactions
Sorting/Grouping/Filtering Data:
This section demonstrates how to sort, filter and group data that resides in our data grids.
Allows you to sort data by an unlimited number of columns. When sorting is applied to a view, the records are re-arranged to meet the current sort settings. To sort data against a grid view's column or to change the column’s sort order, an end-user can click the column header. The column’s current sort order is indicated by the sort icon. If the data is sorted in ascending order, the sort icon represents an up-arrow. When sorting in descending order, the sort icon is displayed as a down-arrow. If the column is not sorted, the sort glyph is hidden.
If sorting is already applied to the column, subsequent clicks reverse the current sort order. Note: A regular click on a column header (Sort button) clears the sort settings of any other columns. To preserve the existing sort settings of other columns, hold the SHIFT key down while clicking. This can be useful when you need to apply sorting to multiple columns at the same time. You can clear a column's sorting by clicking its header (Sort button) while pressing the CTRL key. End-users can also apply sorting to any column via the column header context menu. This menu is accessible by right clicking on any column header.
In the grid view, an end-user can apply, change or remove filtering via a column's filter button. Clicking it will invoke a filter dropdown list which, by default, contains the predefined ((All), (Custom), (Blanks) and (Non Blanks)) values along with the values of items. At the top of the list, the most recently used filter conditions are displayed. The following image shows the filter dropdown list invoked for a column in a grid view:
It is also possible to add custom filter items to the filter dropdown list which can be used to apply any filter criteria to the data when they are selected. Applying filtering to a column does not affect the filter settings of any other column. After a filter has been applied to the current grid view, the filter panel appears by default at the bottom of the grid.
The Filter Builder allows users to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions, combined by logical operators. To access the filter builder, click on the "Edit Filter" button located in the right corner of the filter panel.
Users can group data by any particular column by dragging its header from the column header panel onto the group panel. To ungroup the data, remove the column header from the group panel by dragging it. You can also change the order of the grouping columns using drag and drop.
It is also possible to group data into columns by selecting the "Group By This Field" option from the column header context menu. To ungroup data, use the "UnGroup" option from the same menu or "Clear Grouping" from the group panel context menu.
Records are always sorted against the grouping columns. If you group data against a column which isnot sorted, the grid control will automatically apply sorting in ascending order to the column. Subsequently, if you remove the column from the group panel, its sort settings will be cleared.
Report Export
All reports are capable of being exported to Excel, CSV and most importantly, printed to PDF. Once exported, you can save the file to disk or send via email as an attachment.
Additional Information and Resources available after implementation and training.
Link to Microix User Manual:It includes Microix Workflow Modules (Timesheet, Requisition, Inventory and Budget). The user guide will introduce users to the concepts and procedures of creating and approving documents via the workflow process.
User Manual Included Topics:
Implementation Guidelines - Contains information when implementing a new installation of Abila Fund Accounting and Microix System
Software Installation -Contains information about installing the application on your local LAN or deploying it on a Terminal/Citrix Server.
Timesheet Module -Check list items for implementing the module. Also, contains information on how to create and submit timesheets for approval, manage requested leave, approve submitted timesheets, create reports and transfer timesheets to Abila Payroll Module.
Requisition Module - Check list items for implementing the module. Also, contains information on how to create and submit requisitions for approval, manage an item list, approve submitted documents, create reports and finally, transfer purchase orders to Abila Fund Accounting Software.
Inventory Module - Check list items for implementing the module. Also, contains information on how to setup and manage inventory. Replenish low stock levels, create inventory adjustments, produce physical count sheets and view inventory quantity on hand.
Budget Module -Check list items for implementing the module. Also, contains information on how to create and distribute budget worksheets, edit and submit budget documents for approval, budget individual employee salaries, approve submitted documents, create reports and finally, transfer budget documents to Abila Fund Accounting Software.
Maintenance - This section is intended for system administrators. It contains detailed information about setting up your organization's workflow, users and securities, options for all four modules and managing all the documents in the system.
Support- Information on how to connect to live remote support, check for updates, report software issues.
Shared Activities- Reroute, email, attachments, audit trail, sorting/grouping/filtering in the data grids, report export, import from excel, document list, transfer etc.
Additional Training, Add-on features, Licenses and hardware-Please contact your Microix consultant or call us at 866-MICROIX (642-7649) Ext 2 to request a quote.
Another Link to Microix knowledge base
Included Categories: (additional articles will be added check back for more)
General questions
Microix Cloud Companion Web Application
Budget Module
Requisition Module
Time Clock
Microix video library Link
Included Categories (additional videos will be added check back for more) TIP To view in full screen, right click on the video and select Zoom>Full Screen
Software Installation
Time Clock hardware
Time Sheet
Workflow Modules Maintenance
Microix Support Department
Listed below are ways our Customers can contact our Support Department. Also, please keep in mind that a support incident has a 2-4 hour response time and longer if the issue requires escalating to our development team. Our Support Department hours are M-F 9am-7pm (EST). An active M/S is required.