Second Quarter Literature Circles
Theme: War and Violence
The procedure for conducting Literature CircleReading and Discussions will be somewhat different for the Second Quarter. Please read the following Procedures carefully so that you come thoroughly prepared to each group discussion.
- At your first meeting, divide the pages in the novel by ten. We will have ten group discussions, and you will need to have your assignment completely read before you meet with your group. For example, if your book is 300 pages in length, you will have approximately two nights to read thirty pages (or fifteen pages a night).
- Make sure that you fill out your Role Sheet before coming to the group discussion. You will notice a second side to your role sheet with four small tasks assigned to help you connect more closely with each reading.
- When preparing questions for your Role, refer to the handout listing variations of the level of rigor for each type of question. Your aim should be to devise questions of the high level.
- Additionally, you will write a short journal response after each reading assignment. You will post this journal response on the Senior Lit Lounge after you have completed your reading assignment. Completing the Role Sheet and the Four Windows assignment may help you construct your journal response.
- Literature Circle Role Sheets are posted on my website @ under the category “Literature Circles.” If you forget to retrieve a copy of your Role Sheet, simply print one out from my website. Always email me if you have any questions.
- It is your responsibility to come prepared with your Literature Circle book everyday. Even on non-discussion days, I may assign time for SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) so you should have your book with you at all times.
- All students will be required to research the author of the book and prepare an MLA documented report on the author. Time will be provided in class for this, but time will also be required at home to complete this assignment. More details will be provided later.
- If you have any questions, please either ask in class or contact me at .