Student Name:______
Date: ______
School: ______
Interviewed by: ______
Student Planning and Target Setting My Strengths:Tick all the boxes that you think describe the things that you do well.
Attendance and timekeeping
I enjoy coming to school and hate having to miss a day.
I come to school every day unless I am ill.
I am on time for school and lessons.
I am usually on time for school and lessons.
Social skills
I greet people and say ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’.
I usually greet people when they greet me first.
I get on well with my friends.
I am usually kind and helpful to other students.
I often volunteer to help willingly.
I am pleased to help if I am asked.
I enjoy talking to adults in school.
I am honest and always tell the truth.
I treat other people’s things with respect.
Speaking and Listening
I often take part in class discussions.
I am willing to take part in class discussions when asked.
I put my hand up and wait to be asked when I have something to say.
I am good at listening to my teacher.
I am good at listening when other students are talking.
I am good at following my teacher’s instructions.
I am good at sitting down and getting on with my work.
I always do my best and try to do what I have been asked to do.
I take pride in my work and try to improve it.
My work is always neatly presented.
My work is usually neatly presented.
I usually find work interesting.
I am interested in what my teacher thinks of my work.
I think working hard for exams is important.
I bring my homework to school
Relationships – list all the people you get on well with
Students Planning & Target Setting My Strengths:
Put a tick by the subjects that you enjoy and that you are good at.
Subjects / enjoy / good at / Subjects / enjoy / good at
Geography / English
History / Science
Art / Maths
Technology / Irish
Music / Modern Languages
PE – dance / Home Economics
PE – gymnastics / Other
PE – games
Other (specify)
Is there anything else in school that you enjoy or are good at?
Is there anything that you do out of school that you enjoy or are good at?
Student CommentsStudent Planning and Target Setting- Things I Could Improve:
Look at the list below and use a highlighter to mark the behaviours that apply to you.Behaviour / Possible Targets
Speaking and Listening
Shout out or make silly noises / Speak appropriately in class
Whistle or sing inappropriately / Speak appropriately in class
Carry on talking when asked to stop / Put hand up and wait to speak
Distract other students / Work well with other students
Call out to the teacher / Put hand up and wait to speak
Ask irrelevant questions / Ask sensible questions
Shout or call names at the teacher / Speak kindly to others
Shout or call names to students / Speak kindly to others
Swear or use inappropriate language / Use appropriate language in school
Fidget during listening times / Try to concentrate and listen well
Refuse to follow instructions / Listen well and follow instructions
Move around classroom during work / Stay seated during work times
Rock or turn around in seat / Keep on task during work times
Tap or bang furniture / Work well with others
Pretend to be ill or need the toilet / Limit the use of toilet during class
Fiddle with things while working / Keep on task during work times
Refuse to work / Try to do your best/ ask for help
Damage your own work / Make yourself proud of your work
Make little effort to work well / Try to do your best/ ask for help
Verbally threaten other students / Treat other students how you would like to be treated
Physically threaten other students
Kick, poke or punch other students
Spoil other people’s social time / Respect other peoples social time
Find it difficult to get along with others / Try to get along with others
Looking after own, other people’s and school property
Damage your own property / Look after your own things
Move or take other people’s things / Ask permission to borrow things
Damage other people’s things / Take care of other people’s things
Throw equipment, eg rubbers, pens / Use equipment safely and sensibly
Damage or write on furniture / Look after school property
Cover up the truth to get others in trouble / Be honest and helpful to others
Cover up the truth to get yourself out of trouble / Be honest and admit if you make a mistake
Student Planning and Target Setting
How well are you doing!! Rate Yourself Out of 10:
Poor Perfect______
Poor Perfect ______
Getting on with
others (social skills)
Poor Perfect ______
Attitude towards self
(self esteem/confidence)
Poor Perfect
Attitude towards
Poor Perfect
Behaviour towards
other students
Poor Perfect ______
Attitude towards
home life/situation
Poor Perfect
How do you think your
behaviour compares to
others in your year group?
Poor Perfect
Student Planning & Target Setting
Now choose 3 things from the list of behaviours that you feel you could improve. Number your choices 1, 2, 3 and write them in the box below.
Individual Behaviour Plan
STOP DOING (Behaviours) / START DOING (Targets)
3. / 1.
Who will help?
At school/home / How will they help?
Consequences and Incentives
If I get it wrong what will happen? / If things go well what will happen?
We agree to do our best to achieve these targets.
Signed: ……………………………………student
Signed: ……………………………………parent/ carer
Signed: ……………………………………key person at school