Computer Programming II

Mr. Patel

Fall / Spring

Course Objective: To embark upon the study of data structures with special reference to their object

oriented implementation. Students will continue to explore methods of data

manipulation using data structures: arrays, vectors, matrices, classes, sorting, I/O

stream, and iteration. Student will explore real world phenomenon, such as life

cycle of marine life, by designing simulation program.

Test: will have values between 50 to 150 points, dependent upon their length and difficulty.

All tests are announced at least 2 days prior to the actual testing date. In most cases a

week’s notice is given. At the end of each assessment students must turn in all papers used for the assessment. Students who walk out with test material will be assigned a zero.

Quizzes:will have values of 15 to 40 points. Unannounced quizzes will have value of 10 to 25


Homework: will be graded and have values between 10 to 30 points. Grading maybe based on

`right and wrong response. All assignments must be completed by their due date.

Failure to complete homework assignment may result in being removed from the

computer. Do not submit homework that is incomplete. Partial credit will not be given.

Computer Act /

Classwork:will be graded and carry the same weight as quizzes. All computer activities must be

completed by due dates. Assignments submitted after due date can result in a zero.

Projects:will have a point value of two tests and graded based on content, thoroughness, and

clarity of presentation, and level of difficulty of the examined software package.

Notebook:maybe collected at the teacher’s discretion and given a grade.


Notes in class will be given in many forms

I. Handouts

Handouts need to be kept in a folder in chronological order. You are free to write additional notes to help you better understand the material.

II. Traditional notes

You will also be given notes in dialog form. During this time you need to

take notes of key information highlighted.

II. Overhead Sample

When the class is presented with overhead samples please take notes on

the concept and key components presented rather than copying what is




Course Outline

Mr. PatelComputer Programming II




  1. Control, Functions, and Classes
  1. Conditional statements
  2. Design Functions with parameters & return value
  3. Use string and date class
  4. Iteration with Programs and Classes
  1. looping statements
  2. Variable scope
  3. Date and Dice class
  4. Classes, Iterators, Patterns
  1. Read text file
  2. Find extreme value
  3. Classes Interfaces, Design, and Implementation
  4. Arrays, Data, Random, Access
  1. Counters
  2. Collections and Lists
  3. Strings, Streams, and Operators
  4. Recursion, Lists, Matrices
  5. Sorting, Templates, and Generic Programming
  1. Sort an Array
  2. Analyzing sorts

9. Pointers

Students must design a culminating project using what they have learned. The project must serve as a tool that can be used to increase or help productivity at some level. Your teacher will design the scope of this project and present you with an outline during the last week of the semester.

Computer Programming II

From Programming I:

1. Functions

~ Prototypes / Definition

~ Pre / Post

~ Calls to a function

~ Naming Convention

~ Scope

2. Data Types

~ int

~ double

~ char

~ String

~ Naming Convention

3. Design Menu Options

4. Conditionals

~ Cascading layout

~ using == correctly, if (1 == UserChoice)

5. Flow Code / Picture of RAM

6. Style of Coding

~ Layout

* No code between open and close brace

* Good comments for variable declaration

* Good comments within the code to help the


7. Loops

~ do – While

~ while – loop

~ for-loop

8. Know how to use a compiler (Xcode)