Second Grade Orientation
Marti’- Schroder Walsh
Room 208
For additional information, visit my webpage. From the Deerwood website, click on Teacher Websites and then click on Walsh, Marti’.
Deerwood’s Mission Statement
Our mission is to inspire, educate, and empower our community of learners to reach their maximum potential in a safe, supportive environment that fosters life-long learning.
- Welcome! I am so pleased to have your child in my classroom!
- Schedule – please see attached
Changes to our schedule will be posted on my classroom webpage.
- Reading
We will have flexible reading groups using the Balanced Literacy approach (Guided Reading, Shared Reading, and Independent Reading), similar to Deerwood’s first grade reading program. These flexible groups allow students to progress at their own rate.
Reading is like playing a sport—the more you practice, the better you become! Students are encouraged to read at home every night. Reading logs will be given to each student to document when they read at home. Once a reading log is completed, front and back, the student will earn 10 tickets.
- Word Study
This year we are using a word study program that focuses on patterns and word families. Students will learn to categorize and sort words based on the patterns they see.
Beginning the second week of school, aword study list will come home on Fridays. As a whole group, students will learn the procedures they will follow each week during word work time, including different types of sorting activities. We will give a word study inventory to all students to determine their instructional needs.
Word Study homework will be sent home on Fridays and due the following Friday. Each student will have a Word Study Homework Notebook that they will use to complete their homework assignments. It is very important for students to bring this notebook back to school every day. Homework will consist of a variety of activities to reinforce what students are learning in class. Students will be expected to complete 3 activities a weekas well as take a mandatory practice spelling test on Thursday nights. A word study sort test will be given on Fridays.
Each second grade class will have two representatives in the school-wide spelling bee, which is usually held in December. Classroom spelling bee winners will receive a book of words to study.
- Language Arts/Writers’ Workshop
Language, mechanics, and writing skills are taught through Writers’ Workshop. Your child will be writing every day. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between writing and reading. We will be learning to write like readers and read like writers.
- Math
We will be teaching mathematical concepts and processes as well as math facts. We will be using the Investigations/Envisions program. This program involves many hands-on and collaborative activities and encourages children to take ownership of their learning in mathematics.
Please begin practicing math facts at home daily. We will be sending home weekly Math Homework that is due on Friday. This homework will reinforce math facts. Students should have addition and subtraction facts to twenty memorized by the end of second grade, if not sooner!
- Science/Social Studies
Science and social studies is taught through stand-alone lessons as well as through integration with other subjects, especially reading and math. Science experiments may be conducted in the classroom
- Handwriting
We will be using a program called Handwriting Without Tears. We begin practicing manuscript and cursive will follow.
- Report Cards
Report cards are sent home at the end of each nine weeks.
- Tutoring
Tutoring will be offered in reading and math as needed. Parents will be notified as to whether their student needs to attend tutorial sessions before school.
- Behavior
We reward appropriate behavior in class with tickets throughout the day. Please remind your child to keep these in a safe place, as they will not be replaced if lost. On Fridays, students who have accumulated 20 tickets may turn them in for a special prize of their choice.
If students behave inappropriately, they will be given their first warning with no consequences. On the second warning, they will be asked to sit in the reflection area. On the third warning, they will lose five minutes of recess time. On their fourth warning, they will lose 10 minutes of recess time.
Conduct sheets will be marked with the previous week’s behavior and sent home on Monday. Please sign and return them the following day.
- FLIP Behavior
Deerwood’s good behavior mascot is Flip the Dolphin, who says that dolphins:
Focus on Safety
Learn for a Lifetime
Interact Respectfully
Practice Responsibility
- Homework
The purpose of homework is to teach responsibility and good work habits as well as to practice and reinforce concepts learned in school. Math and Word Study homework for the following week will be sent home on Friday. This will allow your child to complete his/her homework at a time that works best for your family. Second Grade homework should take no longer than 30 minutes a night. If there is an issue, please contact the teacher. Students who do not complete their homework will be required to finish it during recess on Friday.
- Daily Folder
Please check this folder each day for homework, papers, and notes. The folder should be returned each morning.
- Dismissal/Rainy Day Dismissal
Please fill out and return the rainy day dismissal form. This is very important. The school calls rainy day dismissal in case of thunder and lightning, not just rain. Please make sure your child knows what you consider rainy day dismissal and how she/he will go home on these days.
Please send a note or send the office a written notice (e-mail, fax) by 2:30, if there is a change in your child’s dismissal plans, whether the change is permanent or just for the day.
- Water Bottles
Students are encouraged to bring water bottles, especially in hot weather and on P.E. days. Bottles must contain only water and should be brought to schoolalready filled, with lids firmly attached. Please label water bottles with your child’s name to prevent loss and the accidental spread of germs.
- Fruit Break
Students are allowed to bring ahealthy snack each day. Please peel and slice hard-to-eat fruits before sending them to school. Also, please do not send anything that requires a spoon or other utensil. Please keep in mind that this should be a simple snack that will be eaten during independent work time.
- Birthday/Birthday Treats
District policy states that invitations are not allowed to be passed out during school hours. Only ice cream treats can be bought from the cafeteria and served in the cafeteria at lunchtime for your child’s class. Contact the cafeteria manager to purchase treats. In the past, you had to order two weeks in advance, so please keep this in mind.
- Medicine
Medicine must be in itsoriginal container with your child’s name on it. Cough drops need a note and may be given to me to dispense to your child during the day. All other medications, including vitamins, must be given by the nurse.
- Class Parties
We have two class parties during the year (Winter & Friendship). You are more than welcome to attend these parties. Room mothers will contact you about these events as they draw near.
- Communication and Conferences
Please make sure that you have given me your contact information (phone number, e-mail address) on the student information page provided today. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I check my e-mail daily and my phone messages at the end of the day. If you have an emergency, please contact the office.
Please be sure to visit my class webpage often. The link can be found on the Deerwood website. Click on Teacher Websites and then click on Walsh, Marti’. My page contains our class schedule, my conference hours, and my contact information.
Mandatory conferences are scheduled for the fall. I will be happy to conference at other timesas needed or requested.
Second Grade Schedule
8:00-8:10 – Community
8:10-9:30 - RELA
9:30-10:15 – Social Studies
10:15-11:00 –Math
11:00-11:30 – Writers’ Workshop
11:30-12:30 – Lunch/Recess/IRT/Restroom
12:30-1:15 – Flex Time
1:15-1:30 – Pack Up
1:30-3:00 – Specials
3:00-3:10 – Dismissal Procedures
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday
8:00-8:10 – Community
8:10-9:55– RELA (Word Study, Reading, Handwriting)
9:55-10:45 – Specials
10:45-11:30 – RELA (Word Study, Reading, Handwriting)
11:30-12:00 – Lunch
12:00-1:15 - Math
1:15-1:45 – Recess/IRT/Restroom
1:45-2:30 – Writer’s Workshop
2:30-3:00 – Science
3:00-3:10 – Dismissal Procedures
Important: PLEASE READ!!
- There will be no visitation allowed during the first two weeks of school. This is to help with routines, safety, and separation issues.
- Early Dismissal this Friday, August 31st, at 11:30.
- All doors will be locked in the morning until 7:30 because there will be no supervision until then. The safety of our children is important to us.
- There will be no 8:05 tardy bell this year. Children will be tardy at 8:01 a.m. Class will start promptly at 8:00 a.m. Please drop your child off on time.
- Children will need a written form of communication for ANYabsence. E-mails will be acceptable, but not a phone call. Written documentation is a must. An unexcused absence will occur without written notification.
- If there is any change in dismissal, a written note will be required before 2:30 p.m. Notify the front office through e-mail or fax, but again, a phone call will NOT be acceptable.
This information may change as the year progresses.
Updates will be sent out periodically, as needed.