What people eat is known to be one of the key factors influencing long term health of school children and staff. The curriculum provides an opportunity to learn and explore about food and healthy lifestyles. Through these guidelines St Oliver Plunkett NS, Loughmourne aims to help all those involved in our school community in developing positive and responsible attitudes to eating and to appreciate the contribution that good food makes to health.

1.  A healthy lunchbox includes helpings of food from any shelf except the top one of the food pyramid.

2.  Some of the healthy snacks that we encourage include fresh fruit, raw vegetables, standard yoghurt, plain rice cakes, unsalted plain popcorn, crackers, cheese and pasta.

3.  As there are children in the school with severe nut allergies, nuts or products containing nuts or traces of nuts are strictly prohibited in all classes.

4.  No crisps, ‘corner’ yoghurts, buns, biscuits, cookies, sweets, cereal bars or bars of any type are allowed. Neither is chewing gum permitted.

5.  Healthy choices of drinks include milk and tap water. All pupils are encouraged to avail of the school milk scheme. Water is permitted during class and we strongly encourage children to bring a bottle of water to school with them which may be refilled from the school tap. No other drinks are permitted.

6.  Nutrition and healthy eating are included as part of the school curriculum.

7.  The implementation of the school's Healthy Eating Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and the policy will be visibly displayed in the school.

8.  Please be aware that unsuitable lunch items will be sent home in the lunchbox.