Sec2008, Paris, FranceSécheresse et Constructions / Drought and Constructions
J-P Magnan et al. (eds)
1 line space (Times New Roman 13 pt)
1 line space (Times New Roman 13 pt)
First name and NAME 1st author1, 2nd1, 3rd author2,... Times New Roman 13 pt
1 Affiliation 1st and 2nd author, city, country
2 Affiliation 3rd author, city, country
3 Affiliation 4th author Times New Roman 13 pt, Italics
2 lines space
ABSTRACT - Put here the abstract in English language, maximum 10 lines, on the full width of the available space. The text of the paper itself (see below) should be type written in one column on a standard A4 sheet, using a word processor. If A4 sheets (210 mm wide and 297 mm high) are not used in your country, please make them from a larger format. End of the abstract in English.
1 line space
RÉSUMÉ - Start here the abstract in French language, maximum 10 lines. For abstracts and text, use Times New Roman 13 pt, with single line spacing. The title and abstract will be translated by the scientific committee, if the authors do not to provide their own translation.
2 lines space
1. Introduction (this is the first order title, 13 point size, bold)
1 line space
As a reminder, use Times New Roman 13 pt size with single line spacing.
Indent all paragraphs (5mm) except the first paragraph. Don't leave any open line between two paragraphs of a same section. Use italics for highlighting, and do not underline.
As indicated at the top, the English and French titles, together with the names of authors, are printed in Times New Roman (respectively 15 bold capitals, 13 bold capital italics, and 13 point). If necessary (no corresponding fonts, or no French title provided), this part and the two abstracts will be typeset by the publisher, in order to ensure good homogeneity of the first page. Therefore providing a Word file is mandatory.
For A4 sheets, the width of the margins are the following : top, bottom, left and right 20 mm.
Before each first order title, leave 2 lines space. Leave 1 line space between first order titles and the text that follows.
Indications at the top of the first page and further current pages are given in this model. They are typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, Italics.
The bottom indication of paper reference shall be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, Italics.
Do not end the page by a title.
Paper reference (e.g. “70-Magnan”)
SEC2008, Paris, France
1.1. Titles (this is the second order title, 13 pt size, bold, italics)
1 line space
After each second order title (typed in 13 point, bold) leave one line space. Between the second order (13 point bold) and the third order title (13 pt size), leave one line space.
1 line space
1.1.1. Third order title
Please note, no line space between the third order title and the body text that follows. It is recommended not to use more than three orders of title.
1 line space
1.2. Figures and tables
Figures should be prepared for an 80% reduction and no color printing (only black, white and grey). Prefer distinct symbols and avoid lines and drawings thinner than 0.7 point.
1 line space
1 line space
Figure 1. Example of figure. Times New Roman 13 pt Italics
1 line space
Figures are numbered in Arabic consecutive numerals and placed close enough to the place where they are first referenced. Tables are numbered in Roman consecutive numerals. They may however be placed, for commodity reasons, either at the top or the bottom of the page. Figures should be placed in the text body. Figure captions should be placed underneath each figure. Figures and captions should be centered. For convenience, two figures can be placed side by side with corresponding caption under each one. Leave one line space between the figure and its caption, and between the caption and the following text.
For tables, use the same rules, but put the caption above the table, as follows :
1 line space
Table I. Example of table. Times New Roman 13 pt Italics
Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 41 line space
Do not end a page by a title
2. Photographs
1 line space
Photographs are numbered in the same way as figures. They should be placed in the text body (minimum 300 dpi resolution), or provided in an envelope with the paper reference, name of the authors, figure number and indication of direction (top and bottom). No color printing will be provided
2 lines space
3. Equations
1 line space
Equations are centered and numbered in Arabic numerals, on the right side, as follows:
1 line space
1 line space
Leave one line space before and after each set of equations.
2 lines space
4. Conclusions
1 line space
Conclusions should be concise, stating the main points of the paper and expressing the author's views on the obtained results.
2 lines space
5. References
1 line space
In the text, place in parentheses the authors' surnames (no initials) and the publication date: (Gibbs and Bara, 1962) or (Matyas and Radhakrishna, 1968 ; Terzaghi and Peck, 1967). If there are more than two authors, give the first author’s name, followed by “et al.” (Leroueil et al., 1985). If the same authors made two or more publications in the same year, label them as follows (1997a, 1997b, etc.)
References in the text should be listed in alphabetical order (then if necessary in date order) at the end of the paper using the following format (Times New Roman 13 normal, 5 mm indentation):
Gibbs H.J., Bara J.P. (1962) Predicting surface subsidence from basic soil tests. ASTM STP 322, 277-283
Jennings J.E., Knight K. (1957) The additional settlement of foundation due to collapse of sandy soils on wetting. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on soil Mech. and Found. Eng. 1, 316-319.
Leroueil S., Magnan J.P., Tavenas F. (1985) Remblais sur argiles molles. Technique et Documentation – Lavoisier, Paris, 342 pages.
Matyas E.L., Radhakrishna H.S. (1968) Volume change characteristics of partially saturated soils. Géotechnique 18 (4), 432-448.
Terzaghi K., Peck R.B. (1967) Soil Mechanics in Engineering practice. J. Wiley, New York.
Paper reference (e.g. “70-Magnan”)