Sec. 25-35-66. - G-I general industrial district.
The G-I general industrial district is established for those areas of the community where the principal use of the land is for industries which include manufacturing, assembly, processing operations, wholesaling and storage and sale of heavy materials, products and equipment and associated uses. The regulations which apply to this district are designed to encourage a compatible environment for industries which require a sizable tract of land and/or employ large numbers of workers and discourage any uses which are capable of adversely affecting the industrial characteristics of the district. Within a G-I general industrial district the following uses shall be permitted:
(1)Principal uses:
a.Any industrial use which involves manufacturing, processing or assembly operations or the storage and sale of heavy materials, products or equipment but not including junk or salvage yards or uses which may cause injurious or obnoxious noise, vibrations, smoke, gas, fumes, odor, dust, fire hazard or other objectional conditions to nearby areas;
b.Hospitals for animals and veterinary clinics;
c.Research, experimental laboratories and trade schools;
d.Garages, repair shops and machine shops, provided that an enclosure such as a fence or hedge shall be required for open storage areas;
e.Public utility installations;
f.Storage yards, but not including junkyards; an enclosure such as a fence or hedge shall be required for all storage yards;
g.Truck and bus terminals;
h.Agriculture farms, including dwellings, provided that such dwellings are occupied only by persons employed directly on the premises;
i.Wholesaling or warehousing; and
j.Bulk storage of petroleum and petroleum products.
k.Medical clinics without residential facilities, daycare operations, office intensive operations and automatic teller machines; provided each such facility, except automatic teller machines, exceed three thousand (3,000) square feet in size.
l.Governmental service facilities such as police, fire, city administration, detention facility, parks and cemeteries.
m.Non-emergency transport.
(2)By special use permit: Group treatment facility, when authorized by the mayor and council in accord with section 25-35-14
(3)Accessory uses:
a.Accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to a permitted use and which will not create a nuisance or hazard; and
b.Signs: Signs shall be allowed only in accordance with the applicable provisions of chapter 25-10 (Signs) of this Code.
c.Limited commercial uses that comply with all of the following conditions:
1.The commercial use must be directly related to the primary industrial use and limited to the sale or servicing of goods or products produced on the site.
2.The gross floor area dedicated to the commercial use shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total floor area of the primary industrial use up to a maximum of one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet.
3.The commercial use shall satisfy all applicable off-street parking and loading/unloading space requirements specified in sections 25-35-6 through 25-35-8 of the zoning ordinance.
(4)Off-street parking requirements: As required in section 25-35-6
(5)Dimensional requirements: Within any G-I general industrial district as shown on the zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be complied with:
a.No structures or buildings shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to the rights of way of any dedicated public street, nor shall any structures or buildings be located closer than then (10) feet to any railroad rights of way;
b.No structures or buildings shall be located closer than thirty-five (35) feet to any side building site line, it being the intent of this chapter that an open area of at least seventy (70) feet shall exist between all adjacent but separately owned structures or buildings both at sides and rear; provided, however, that where a lot abuts any residential district, including residential properties within unincorporated Troup County, there shall be a side and/or rear yard setback of not less than fifty (50) feet and a fifty (50) foot buffer strip defined as follows:
A strip with a minimum width of fifty (50) feet, densely planted within shrubs or trees having a minimum height of not less than four (4) feet at the time of planting, which will be adequate and which will be expected to form a year-round screen with a height of at least six (6) feet within three (3) years of the date of planting. Any such buffer strip shall be planted and maintained in a healthy growing condition by the owner of the property upon which the same is located; and
c.If a structure shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height above the elevation at the contiguous lot line between an industrial and residential zoning district nearest to such structure, then there shall be required an additional setback of one (1) foot for each foot that such structure exceeds twenty (20) feet above such elevation.
(6)Construction requirements: No building shall be constructed with a wooden frame. The exterior finish of all buildings shall be common brick, concrete blocks, tile bricks, enamel metal siding, their equivalent or better, but no building thereon shall be covered with asbestos siding or galvanized sheet metal. If the exterior walls are constructed of concrete or concrete blocks, unless the exterior finish is stucco, gunite or their equivalent, the joints shall be rubbed down and the walls covered sufficiently with standard waterproofing paint.
(7)Loading and unloading facilities: There shall be no loading or unloading facilities permitted on the street side of any building, and all loading and unloading areas, including truck parking, loading and maneuvering space, must be paved with either concrete or asphalt. The requirements of this paragraph may be modified by the community development department as to any building site which has street frontage on two (2) or more sides.
(8)Screening: Any materials stored outside of a building or structure, including raw materials and finished products, shall be visually screened from all streets and shall be confined to the rear two-thirds of the property.
(Code 1972, App. B, § 76; Ord. No. 84-30, § 9, 9-11-84; Ord. No. 88-116, § 7, 9-27-88; 94-45[A], § 1, 10-25-94; Ord. No. 95-2, § 1, 2-28-95; Ord. No. 96-42, § 1(j), 6-25-96: Ord. No. 02-22, § 2, 7-23-02; Ord. No. 04-04, § 1, 2-24-04; Ord. No. 08-07, § 1, 3-25-08; Ord. No. 08-22, § 1, 8-12-08; Ord. No. 10-15, § 7, 8-24-10; Ord. No. 11-02, §§ 1—4, 3-8-11)
Editor's note—
Ord. No. 94-45, § 1, adopted Oct. 25, 1994, added provisions designated as § 25-35-72(1)l. Such ordinance number was assigned a suffix [A] by the editor inasmuch as another ordinance adopted Oct. 11, 1994, had also been numbered as Ord. No. 94-45. See the history notes to §§ 30-20-29, 30-20-120 and 30-20-224, as well as page 30228 in the Code Comparative Table.