PPG & Survey Results Report – March 2014
Seascale Health Centre
Would you recommend us?
Number of Responses: 535
Would you recommend us to a friend, neighbour or relative?
Patient Reference Group
The patient group comprises 102 members - Distribution Details
Usual Surgery
This representation broadly matches the practice population as follows:
Show how the practice demonstrates that the PRG is representative by providinginformation on the practice profile:
Practice population
profile / PRG profile / Difference
% Under 16
2013 12.8%
2014 14.74% / Under 16
2013 2%
2014 3% / Local primary school teacher has joined as an advocate for this age group.
% 17-24
2013 8%
2014 6.44% / 17-24
2013 6.6%
2014 8% / Local youth group are represented on the group and act as advocates
% 25-34
2013 7.5%
2014 7.63% / 25-34
2013 0%
2014 3% / Primary School parent/Governor has joined the group to represent parents
% 35-44
2013 11.1%
2014 10.43% / 35-44
2013 9.2%
2014 12%
% 45-54
2013 16.5%
2014 15.81% / 45-54
2013 15.8%
2014 19%
% 55-64
2013 16.6%
2014 16.78% / 55-64
2013 26.31%
2014 21%
% 65-84
2013 24%
2014 24.43% / 65-84
2013 25%
2014 30%
% Over 84
2013 3.5%
2014 3.74% / Over 84
2013 3.9%
2014 3%
White / White
% British Group / 99% British Group
% Irish / % Irish
Mixed / Mixed
% White & Black Caribbean / % White & Black Caribbean
% White & Black African / % White & Black African
% White & Asian / % White & Asian
Asian or Asian British / Asian or Asian British
% Indian / % Indian
% Pakistani / % Pakistani
% Bangladeshi / % Bangladeshi
Survey Results
Repeat Prescriptions – August 2013 - Number of Responses: 134
To help plan for the increased number of repeat prescriptions that we are receiving each week, we have discussed with our Patient group the option of moving to 48 hour turnaround time for collection of medication at Seascale. Bootle patients already collect within 48 hours from order time. The reason for change is due to a number of factors e.g.
· Increased number of repeat prescription requests per patient
· Increased number of drug items on each request
· Occasional supply difficulties by wholesalers.
Although we currently manage to turnaround the majority of requests at Seascale within 24 hours, we would appreciate just a little bit longer to make sure we can provide all medication for you, when you are ready to collect. The majority of repeat prescription requests can be pre-planned and ordered with sufficient notice to allow for a collection within 48 hours of receiving the request. Please help us by completing this short survey
How do you currently order you order your repeat medication?
Using the practice Website63% Over the telephone31%
In person7% Completing the repeat reorder slip on the prescription7%
Placing my request in the prescription reorder box at the entrance to the surgery5%
If some of the medications on your repeat re-order were not ready for collection, would you prefer to wait until all of the order was ready?
No31% Yes64% No response5%
Where do you collect your medication from?
Seascale Surgery52% Bootle Surgery19% Seascale Community Pharmacy26% Other2%
Please add any further comments or suggestions you would like to share with us?
Comments were reviewed by the Patient group and can be found in the minutes of the meetings throughout the year
Thank you for taking the time to help with this survey, results will be published shortly
Cheryl McCracken and the Dispensary Team
Telephone Appointments Survey - Feb Mar 2013 - Number of Responses: 110
Dear Patient,
As part of our continuing efforts to monitor patient needs we are carrying out a brief survey to establish patient’s views on the telephone call-back systems in use at Seascale and Bootle Surgery. Responses will be anonymous and will help us to gauge the views of patients over this matter.
Please answer all of the questions and click Send when you are done.
Telephone Triage by GP
Q1: Have you recently been the subject of a telephone call from your doctor that did not result in a face to face consultation?
Yes74% No22% No response4%
Q2: How easy was it to arrange for that call to be made?
Very easy28% Quite easy28% Neither easy or hard13%
Hard0% Very hard2% No response29%
Q3: How convenient was it to receive the telephone call?
Very convenient17% Quite convenient22% Convenient13%
Not convenient13% Very inconvenient6% No response29%
Q4: If you were advised that the GP would call you back, how long did it take to receive the return call?
Within 1 hour16% Within 2 hours10% Same morning/afternoon18%
At a later time agreed with you20% No guidance provided3%
At a time that was inconvenient to you8% No response25%
Q5: Were you able to satisfactorily deal with your query or problem?
Very satisfactorily28% Quite satisfactorily15% Satisfactorily20%
Not satisfactorily8% Very unsatisfactorily3% No response26%
Appointment Booking
Q6: How did you book your appointment?
Telephone78% At reception desk3% Via the practice website0%
No response19%
Q7: If by Telephone did you get through straight away?
Yes35% No41% No response24%
Q8: If No, how long did you have to wait for the call to be answered?
Less than a minute13% 1-3 minutes18% 3-5 minutes13%
5minutes+9% No response47%
Q9: What type of appointment did you need?
Urgent (same day)34% Non-urgent51% No response15%
Q10: If you requested an urgent appointment, did you get an appointment the same day (either face to face or speaking with a Dr on the telephone)?
Yes32% No2% Both6% No response60%
Q11: If you did not get the appointment you wanted, please indicate why (choose a reason below):
Run out of appointments for the day I wanted7%
Requested a specific person and no appointments left on that day2%
Requested a specific person but doesn't work that day1%
Time was not convenient0%
Staff on holiday2%
Staff off sick0%
No response88%
Q12: Thinking about your overall experience of booking appointments at the surgery, how would you rate your experience of booking your appointment?
Very satisfied21% Satisfied38% Neither satisfied or dissatisfied10%
Dissatisfied14% Very dissatisfied8% No response9%
Please write in the box below if you have any additional comments
The Patient Group analysed the comments to gain a deeper understanding. These can be found in the notes of the meetings
To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:
Are you male or female?
Male14% Female27% No response59%
What age are you?
Under 160%
17 - 240%
25 - 340%
35 - 445%
45 - 5410%
55 - 6411%
65 - 7412%
75 - 842%
Over 840%
No response60%
What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?
White British41%
White Irish0%
Mixed White & Black Caribbean0%
Mixed White & Black African0%
Mixed White & Black Asian0%
Black Caribbean0%
Black African0%
No response59%
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Regularly16% Occasionally20% Very Rarely7% No response57%
Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey, your comments are invaluable and will help us to improve.