Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health in developing countries effective?: A systematic review protocol.

Online file #1

Search Strategy for Web of Science.

Title=((Arsen* same ("groundwater" or "drinking water")))


Topic=(water or groundwater* or tubewell* or Irrigate or Irrigation or ((Well) AND village or community or rural or deep or shallow or drilled or dug or driven))

Topic=("Developing country" or "developing countries" or "developing nation*" or "rural" or "remote" or "urban" or "health development index" or HDI or "less developed countries" or "less developed country" or "least developed" or "under developed countries" or "under developed country" or "under developed nation*" or "less developed nation*" or "third world" or "resource limited" or "resource poor" or "poor" or "low income")

Topic=(Albania or Albanian* or Armenia or Armenian* or Aromanian* or Azerbaijan or Belarus or Belarusian* or Bosnia or Bosnian* or Herzegovina or Herzegovinians or Croatia or Croatian or Croat* or Georgia or Georgian or Kyrgyzstan or Macedonia or Macedonian* or (Yugoslav AND Republic) or Yugoslavian or Moldova or Moldavian or Serbia or Serbian or Serb* or Montenegro or Turkey or Turkish or Ukraine or Ukrainian*)

Topic=(Africa or African* or Algeria or Algerian* or Angola or Angolan or Benin or Botswana or Batswana or Tswana or "Burkina Faso" or Burundi or Cameroon or Cameroonian or "Cape Verde*" or "Central African Republic" or Chad or Chadian or Comoros or Congo or Congolese or "Côte d'Ivoire" or "Ivory Coast" or Ivorian or Djibouti or Egypt or Egyptian or "Equatorial Guinea" or Eritrea or Ethiopia or Ethiopian or Gabon or Gambia or Gambian or Ghana or Ghanaian or Guinea or "Guinea Bissau" or Kenya or Kenyan or Lesotho or Liberia or Libya or Libyan)

Topic=(Madagascar or Madagascan* or Malagasy or Madagasikara or Malawi or Mali or Malawian* or Mauritania or Mauritius or Mauritian* or Mayotte or Morocco or Moroccan or Mozambique or Mozambican or Namibia or Namibian* or Niger or Nigeria or Nigerien* or Rwanda or Rwandan or "Sao Tome" or "Principe" or Senegal or Seychelles or "Sierra Leone" or Somali or Somalian* or Somaliland or "South Africa" or "St Helena" or Sudan or Sudanese or Swaziland or Ngwane or Swatini or Tanzania* or Togo or Togolese or Tunisia or Tunisian* or Uganda or Ugandan or Zambia* or Zimbabwe or Zimbabwean or Austronesian)

Topic=("North America*" or "Central America*" or Anguilla or (Antigua AND Barbuda) or Antigua or Barbuda or Barbados or Barbadian or Bahamas or Belize* or Costa Rica* or Dominica or "Dominican Republic" or "El Salvador" or Grenada or Guatemala* or Haiti or Haitian or Honduras or Jamaica or Jamaican* or Mexico or Mexican or Montserrat or Nicaragua or Panama or ("St Kitts" AND Nevis) or ("Saint Kitts" AND Nevis) or "St Lucia" or "Saint Lucia" or ("St Vincent" AND Grenadines) or ("Saint Vincent" AND Grenadines) or (Trinidad AND Tobago))

Topic=("South America*" or Argentina or Argentinean or Argentine or Bolivia or Bolivian or Brazil or Brazilin or Chile or Chilean or Colombia or Columbian or Ecuador or Ecuadorian or Guyana or Paraguay or Peru or Suriname or Uruguay or Uruguayan or Venezuela or Venezuelan)

Topic=("Asia*" or "East Asia" or "Central Asia" or Afghanistan or Afghan* or Bangladesh or Bangladeshi or Bengal or Bengali or Bhutan or Burma or Burmese or Myanmar or Cambodia or Cambodian or China or Chinese or India or Indian or Indonesia or Indonesian or Kazakhstan or Kazakh or Korea or Korean or "Kyrgyz Republic" or Laos or Malaysia or Malaysian)

Topic=(Maldives or Maldivian or Mongolia or Mongolian or Nepal or Nepalese or Pakistan or Pakistani or Philippines or "Sri Lanka" or Ceylon or Tajikistan or Thailand or Thai or Timor or "Timor Leste" or "East Timor" or Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan or Vietnam or Vietnamese)

Topic=("Middle East" or Iran or Iranian or Iraq or Iraqi or Jordan or Jordanian or Kuwait or Kuwaiti or Lebanon or Lebanese or Oman or Syria or Yemen or Yemenis)

Topic=("Cook Islands" or Micronesia or ("Federated States of Micronesia") or Fiji or Kiribati or "Marshall Islands" or Nauru or Niue or Palau or "Papua New Guinea" or Samoa or "Solomon Islands" or Tokelau or Tonga or Tuvalu or Vanuatu or (Wallis AND Futuna))

Topic=(Cuba or Cuban)

Topic=(Hong Kong or Singapore or Taiwan or Taiwanese or Slovenia or Malta or Maltase or "Czech Republic" or Slovakia)

Due to restrictions in the ISI interface in regard to the size of search syntax, the logic for the search in this example will be:

2 and 3 and 4

2 and 3 and 5


When search 2 and 3 and 15 is complete, these individual results will be combined with the Boolean connector OR to aggregate the results, thereby removing any duplication between the many population clusters.

Line 1 will be run on Title only to locate papers without abstracts which might be excluded by the population filter (if used). Any result here will be combined with the net result above.

In all other resources the strategy will be 2 and 3 = N. This makes our search (Arsen*) and (water or groundwater* or tubewell* or Irrigate or Irrigation or ((Well) AND village or community or rural or deep or shallow or drilled or dug or driven))