
ANTaR Qld Association Inc

P.O. Box 3027

South Brisbane, Q 4101

Mob: 0401 733 359

ABN 75858856 289

October 2017 Announcement

Welcome to ANTaR QLD’s latest Management Committee Member:

  • Marian Boman Profile: Currently employed as a Curriculum Designer at QUT in Science & Engineering (2007 - 2017) Prior to this, Marian worked in curriculum development more directly focused on social change (Evidence based alternative medicine (UQ), Women in Science & Engineering including Indigenous voice and technologies (UTS) and a new B.Ed (Sec, Indigenous Studies) at USyd. Marian was active for many years in different political, social change campaigns including reconciliation action group/s in Sydney in campaigns around Deaths in Custody, Stolen Wages (Qld). And a not so active member of the Refugee Action Collective. Marian is a teacher of 're-evaluation counselling' (listening with equal time/attention) for community building with a number of groups including working with an 'Allies' group nationally to support Indigenous Australian workshops and groups. Marian would be interested to bring these skills to work with ANTaR. (With Indigenous people and also non-Indigenous allies)

Management Meeting- Tuesday 10th October 2017

Direction for remainder of the year.

  • ANTaRQld’s attendance at the Family Matters Strategic Alliance meeting Canberra
  • ANTaRQld’s support for Sovereign Women United Fundraiser October72017
  • Ongoing updates of child removal issues via
  • Potential to undertake internship with ABSEC (NSW Aboriginal child protection peak)
  • The use of volunteering Qld as a way to attract more hands on support for ANTaR Qld.
  • ANTaR Qld attendance for the upcoming Prison forum being organised by Amnesty International


The efforts of recent years from ANTaR (Qld) and our many allies are bearing some visible fruit.

Concentration in the reform of the Youth Justice system has been productive.The government is now well advanced in its preparation for the transfer of all sentenced 17 year olds into the youth jurisdiction.The Attorney General and her advisors have heard from 17 of us in the Stakeholders Advisory Group over the past 10 months.Right now, many of us from outside government have a sense that decks are being cleared – ahead of the coming election.

We now know broadly the competing YJ policies from the ALP and the LNP as we anticipate the state election.Since mid-August, we have had this one from the LNP:

Andthis onefrom the ALP government:

What is ANTaR Qld asking of the next Queensland government? Along with our friends in the Balanced Justice Campaign, we have a slide show (attached)which has been well received at several speaking engagements in the wider community. It includes a clear 8 point shopping list for the reform of theYouthJustice system of Queensland. Please consider the published policies of the major parties on the above links – but also the attached slide show.

Any discussion of these is welcome – especially with ANTaR supporters.


At last ... it’s happening! Scoping, pre-briefing and planning has been done around the country. Hearings will take place from November.

This is a project of the Australian Law Reform Commission. A written submission has been lodged by ANTaR (Qld) We are hopeful thatthe inquiry will sit at Rockhampton and Townsville as well as Brisbane – as we have advocated strongly.The inquiry is led by Judge Matthew Myers, a Koori man with strong community experience and high legal achievement.

Report by WayneSanderson

ANTaR QLD Trivia Night was a successful fun packed evening, which was organized by Wayne Sanderson, Miranda Hickey and Murray Henman (Trivia GURU) This fundraiser sold 60-65 tickets, and raised close to $ $1660.29 (which included raffles and silent auctions) The event was held at New Farm Bowls Club, free of charge. Andrew Bartlett was the Quiz Maestro of the evening.

'WGARNews' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:

• The Freedom Summit's National Freedom Movement;

• the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;

• Plans to close Aboriginal homelands / remote communities in Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), [and Northern Territory (NT)?];

• Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia;

• the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies;

• Justice Reinvestment,Aboriginal imprisonment and Aboriginal Deaths in Custody;

• Aboriginal land rights and mining;

• Suicide and self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities;

• Removal of Aboriginal Children and the continuing Stolen Generation;

• Aboriginal Peoples and upcoming Federal and/or Territory/State Elections;

• Aboriginal Peoples and the impact of the Australian Federal Budget;

• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing;

• other Aboriginal rights issues; and

• upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.


Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

Amnesty International Australia:

ANTaR Qld acknowledges traditional custodians of the lands on which Queensland is situated