Search Strategy for Q1 and Q2
The following search strategy was used to search the Ovid MEDLINE database for the first and second question:
Database: Ovid MEDLINE® In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE® <1946 to Present>3rd Quarter 2013
1 exp Malnutrition/ (96960)
2 exp Nutrition Disorders/ (257560)
3 limit 2 to yr="1964 - 2003" (135404)
4 malnutrition$.tw. (27239)
5 malnourish$.tw. (8047)
6 (undernutrition$ or under-nutrition$).tw. (5501)
7 (undernourish$ or under-nourish$).tw. (2896)
8 (nutrition$ adj3 defici$).tw. (5026)
9 exp Nutrition Assessment/ (24279)
10 Nutritional Status/ (23213)
11 (nutrition$ adj3 (assessment or status or at-risk or compromised or index$ or indices)).tw. (27150)
12 Nutritional Requirements/ (17178)
13 ((nutrition$ or dietary) adj3 requirement$).tw. (3947)
14 exp Energy Intake/ (35268)
15 ((energy or calori$ or food) adj3 intake).tw. (56751)
16 Body Mass Index/ (80985)
17 body mass (100809)
18 underweight$.tw. (5687)
19 (insufficient$ adj3 weight$).tw. (238)
20 exp Nutritional Support/ (38358)
21 (nutrition$ adj3 (support$ or supplement$)).tw. (14531)
22 ((artificial or force$) adj3 (feeding$ or feed or fed or alimentation)).tw. (2372)
23 ((enteral$ or parenteral$ or tube$) adj3 (nutrition or feeding$ or feed or fed)).tw. (29362)
24 intravenous feeding$.tw. (461)
25 ((nasogastric or gastrostomy or jejunostomy) adj3 tube$).tw. (6162)
26 Gastrostomy/ (6389)
27 Jejunostomy/ (2103)
28 or/1,3-27 (469343)
29 Patient Readmission/ (7832)
30 (readmission$ or re-admission$ or readmitt$ or re-admitt$).tw. (13538)
31 (rehospitaliz$ or re-hospitaliz$ or rehospitalis$).tw. (3995)
32 or/29-31 (19683)
33 28 and 32 (851)
The search strategy was modified as necessary for searching the remaining databases.
Search Strategy for Q3 and Q4
The following economic evaluation databases and technology assessment resources were searched for the third and fourth question:
· NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) – Ovid interface
· Health Economic Evaluation Database (HEED)
· Health Technology Assessment (HTA, The Cochrane Library, latest issue) – Ovid interface
The following search strategy was used to search the NHS Economic Evaluation Database for the third and fourth question:
Database: EBM Reviews - NHS Economic Evaluation Database <3rd Quarter 2013>
1 exp Malnutrition/ (23)
2 exp Nutrition Disorders/ (184)
3 limit 2 to yr="1964 - 2003" (32)
4 malnutrition$.tw. (26)
5 malnourish$.tw. (8)
6 (undernutrition$ or under-nutrition$).tw. (1)
7 (nutrition$ adj3 defici$).tw. (2)
8 exp Nutrition Assessment/ (9)
9 Nutritional Status/ (16)
10 (nutrition$ adj3 (assessment or status or at-risk or compromised or index$ or indices)).tw. (32)
11 Nutritional Requirements/ (8)
12 ((nutrition$ or nutrient$ or dietary) adj3 requirement$).tw. (12)
13 exp Energy Intake/ (20)
14 ((energy or calori$ or food or nutrient$) adj3 intake).tw. (27)
15 Body Mass Index/ (81)
16 body mass (253)
17 underweight$.tw. (4)
18 exp Nutrition Therapy/ (123)
19 ((nutrition$ or nutrient$) adj3 (support$ or supplement$ or therap$)).tw. (78)
20 ((enteral$ or parenteral$ or tube$) adj3 (nutrition or feeding$ or feed or fed)).tw. (100)
21 intravenous feeding$.tw. (3)
22 ((nasogastric or gastrostomy or jejunostomy) adj3 tube$).tw. (25)
23 Gastrostomy/ (14)
24 Jejunostomy/ (4)
25 or/1,3-24 (507)
The search strategy was adapted for other electronic databases included in our search. The MEDLINE search with this search strategy combined with a recommended search filter for economic evaluations (NHS EED) yielded too many references to process.