Search for the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Budget
University of California, Riverside
Appendix I
1111 Franklin Street, 9th Floor
Oakland, California 94607-5200
(510) 987-0299/0336/0306
Fax: (510) 587-6426
POSITION DESCRIPTION1. Name: / 2. Date: January 22, 2013
3. Title: Vice Chancellor / 4. % Time: 100%
5. Department: Planning & Budget / 6. Location: Riverside
7. Campus Address: 4118 Hinderaker Hall / Campus Phone: 951-827-XXXX
8. To Whom Report: Chancellor
9. Responsibilities:
The Vice Chancellor – Planning and Budget has primary responsibility for supporting all aspects of the Riverside campus’ capital and financial plan and the planning and budget process. Oversees the development of a transparent planning and resource management process that integrates space/capital, fiscal, and human resource considerations (academic and non-academic) in a manner that advances the campus’ instructional, research, and public service missions. The Vice Chancellor has responsibility for advising the Chancellor and the Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost on all financial and resource planning matters. The Vice Chancellor serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the Chancellor, Provost, and other executive management officials of the University of California, Riverside..
The Vice Chancellor’s specific responsibilities include budget administration, campus operating funds, resource planning and management, capital program, environmental planning, financial policy, fiscal planning, information systems support, institutional research, space planning, statistical information management and strategic planning. The Vice Chancellor represents the campus with the Office of the President and all external agencies on financial matters.
Perform all functions of the chief budget officer and financial advisor, including development of financial analyses and presentation and implementation of the annual campus operating budget. Oversees management of the day-to-day operation and adjustment of the campuswide budget, including development of an overall system of budgeting controls and such policies, procedures, programs, and practices as may be necessary for the effective operation of the system. Assure financial solvency at all times. Endeavors to ensure that budget information is available and processes are conducted in a timely and transparent manner. Advocates campus budget needs with the Office of the President, and at legislative and Department of Finance hearings. Analyzes impact of budget policies and programs as proposed or implemented by UCOP.
Budget Planning Process
In consultation with the Chancellor and Provost, develops long-range financial, enrollment, asset management, and institutional plans in coordination with the strategic plan and campus long-range development plan (LRDP). Prepares short- and long-range fiscal strategies in support of these plans. With the Provost, designs and implements annual budget process. Serves as a resource to the campus Budget Advisory Committee. Provides strategic budget analysis and recommendations to the Chancellor and Provost. Provides resource acquisition and guidance to support campus organizations.
Finance and Cost Analysis
Responsible for establishing campus fiscal policy and financial performance measures. Directs the preparation of financial analysis and reports to meet campus financial information needs and prepares campus financial statements. Responsible for the review of all external financing proposals involving both capital and non-capital projects. In collaboration with the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, responsible for the preparation of the campus indirect cost rate proposals and for determining the facilities and administrative cost rates applied to contracts and grants. Serves as the campus resource on university and federal cost regulations, and acts as a contact point for federal officials on costing and charging issues. Responsible for assessing the costs of campus administrative support services, analysis of costing and charging methods and the coordination of audits involving costing and service enterprises.
Financial Leadership
The Vice Chancellor serves as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the campus, and as such serves as the chief financial advisor for the Chancellor and Provost. Directs the development and implementation of budget and financial systems and related applications, ensuring transparency throughout the process. Provides leadership to the campus on fiscal policies, controls and accountability structures. Develops and implements financial policies for the campus, in concert with the Chancellor and Provost. Provides administrative and financial leadership and support to campus operations, working with the Vice Chancellors, Deans, and chief financial/administrative officers (CFAOs) of campus organizations. Specific services provided include financial planning, facilities management, fund management, capital planning, and resource planning.
Planning and Analytical Studies
Responsible for providing planning and institutional analysis to the Chancellor, Provost, and the campus in support of strategic and academic planning and to provide information on the institutional characteristics of the Riverside campus. Conduct analytical studies and cost-benefit analyses regarding the full range of financial, institutional planning, and management topics, and recommend alternatives. Planning and analytical studies include admissions and enrollment, faculty workload and renewal models, policy analyses, modeling, and inter-institutional comparisons. Facilitates a continuing dialogue and transparent flow of information between campus administration and other internal and external organizations including the Office of the President, other UC campuses, the Academic Senate, the Chancellor’s Cabinet, and campus academic and administrative departments.
Capital and Physical Planning
Directs the capital and physical planning program. Develops comprehensive financial feasibility studies and/or financial models of all state and non-state funded capital projects. Analyzes and recommends funding levels and sources for all non-state capital projects. Develops comprehensive financial packages for campus capital and operating funding needs, working closely with UCOP. Negotiates short- and long-term financing arrangements with internal UC sources, outside private and commercial entities, and agencies responsible for issuing public debt. Manages the capital review process for capital improvement proposals and the development of priorities for the campus capital improvement program. Develops and coordinates annual and multi-year capital improvement project budgets for state and non-state projects. Advocates campus needs with the Office of the President, budget officials, and at legislative and Department of Finance hearings. Develops and oversees UCR’s long-range development plan, or LRDP. Develops plans for short- and long-range facilities and infrastructure needs and associated resource requirements. Coordinates planning studies related to the development of the campus LRDP and open spaces and policies related to the campus’ physical environment. Provides staff support for physical planning activities that address land use, environmental, and facilities issues.
Space Planning
Provides capital planning and space utilization analyses to the Chancellor and Provost to support decision-making. In collaboration with academic and administrative leadership, develops campus space allocation plans. Reviews, recommends, and implements all space assignments and annual space allocations. Responsible for the official campus facilities inventory as well as the preparation of external reports on space and space utilization for federal and state government and other agencies. Serves as campus liaison with the Office of the President in the area of space planning and utilization.
Real Estate Development and Service
Management of all real estate functions for the campus, involving acquisition, disposition, leasing and licensing of University land buildings to external entities of leasing and licensing property from external entities. Asset management of a portfolio of University owned and/or single tenant occupied facilities, billing of monthly rent and fees, preparing annual property budgets, financial reporting, maintaining tenant relations preparation, negotiation and execution, negotiating and executing renewals, amendments, and termination of agreements; and license administration.
Statistical Information Management and Information Systems
Maintains historical data on planning and institutional characteristics such as enrollment, degrees and certifications, course offerings, student demographics, faculty and staff for projecting enrollment and faculty FTE and for budgetary and space planning. Maintains an up-to-date inventory of available space; develops workload criteria for campus activities. Coordinates comprehensive statistical reports to be released to federal and state governments and national institutions. Responsible for the development and maintenance of institutional information systems. Serves as information to other organizations and the media. Creates and manages campus data administration and data information programs.
10. Scope:
a) The amount and complexity of assignments for which the incumbent is responsible.
See above
b) Skills and/or experience necessary to perform this position.
Demonstrated leadership and management experience in finance and budget, resource planning. High-level experience in the administration of a complex organization, preferably a research university, including significant experience in resource planning and financial and budgetary policy development in a shared governance environment. Demonstrated experience working with state, national, and University-wide constituencies in advancing the resource planning budgetary objectives of a complex organization.
11. Budget: Operating $500MCapital $800Mover 5 years
12. FTE:
Describe by classification or occupational grouping the total number of full-time equivalent Employees under your supervision or jurisdiction.
Total Headcount __37__; FTE __42__
a) Total SMG Managed__0__
b) Total MSP Headcount __17__; FTE __17__
Resource Planning & Budget, SARA, Capital & Physical Planning, Real Estate
Total Headcount / 27
Total FTE / 26.43
Title / MSP Grade / # of Incumbents
BUDGET ANL 5 / 1 / 2
ANL 5 / 1 / 3
Total MSP HC / 15
Total MSP FTE / 14.43
Employee:______Date: ______