Upgrading existing System
You must remove existing installations of PostTrans, earlier than V5 before installing the new version. Previous versions were installed on the local hard drive. Newer versions are installed on the Network, in the Enterprise directory, and connected to in a similar fashion to Exchequer Entfuncs. You must perform the following on each machine that had PostTrans installed to remove the local installation.
1 ) Press [Start] button and “Find > Files or Folders”.
On windows 2000 this is “Search > For Files and Folders”
2 ) Search C drive for “PostTran” files:
3 ) Then delete PostTran.xla and PostTran.dll on the C drive. If you cannot see the PostTrans.dll you need to turn on “Show hidden files and folders” in windows explorer.
4 ) Now Open Excel
5 ) You should get the following error:
6) Press [OK]
7) Go to the “Tools > Add-ins” menu in Excel:
This will result in Question:
8 ) Press [yes] button
9 ) Press [Ok] button on “Add-ins” window
10 ) Now delete the “PostTrans” Toolbar, by right clicking on the grey region adjacent to the toolbars, in Excel, and select “customise”:
Installation on Network
PostTrans uses a standard Windows 95 and NT V4 compatible installation program. Put CD-ROM in drive and run “PTSETUP.EXE” to start the installation process. Note : you may need administrator network rights to install this program and the rights to create files in the Exchequer directory on the network. A set-up wizard will be displayed:
The second page of the set-up wizard asks for the Exchequer program directory.
Simply keep pressing the [NEXT] button to install. This installation routine will then place the files on the network, creating a sub-directory in the Exchequer directory called “PostTrans”. This directory contains examples and manuals etc.
1.1.1Installation on each Machine
Once installed on the network, simply open Excel and select menu option Tools > Add-Ins. Now press the browse button and find PostTrans.xla in the Exchequer program directory. After selecting the file Excel will ask if you want to copy the add-in to your library folder Answer NO.
Post Trans should now quickly run an install routine to add certain files to your computer.
The PostTrans Toolbar should now be installed in Excel.
A “PostTrans” program group will be added to you “Start” menu. This contains example templates. Now open one of the example spreadsheet or open the sheet you have already designed.
Please go to for latest updates and files.