The open-response bank that Jefferson Co. has posted on their website

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Search for High School Geography Open Response Items

Changes in Supply and Demand
High School Subject:Geography/Gov/Econ
Social Studies - Economics / ID # 1532
Core Content
SS-H-3.3.1 - Numerous factors influence the supply and demand for products (e.g., supply - technology, cost of inputs, number of sellers; demand - income, price of similar products, consumers’ preferences).
In the US economy, people demand goods and/or services, businesses supply them and the balance of supply and demand determines the price. This cycle fluctuates based on external factors.
Choose one scenario from the following and explain how and why supply, demand and price would be affected.
- On her national talk show, Oprah Winfrey speaks negatively about the cattle industry by stating she will not eat beef for fear of contracting mad cow disease.
- The government decides not to regulate the downloading of music from the Internet. The recording industry voices its concern about the future of CD sales.
- Florida orange growers produce a bumper crop this year. Grocers are stocked to the rafters with products made from oranges.
- Michael Jordan has agreed to endorse a new brand of tennis shoe. Because of this endorsement, the shoes become very popular and stores are having difficulty keeping the shoes in stock.
Examples to Look for in a Student Response
Scenario One:
Beef demand decreases, beef supply increases, prices decrease
Scenario Two:
Demand for CDs decrease, supply of CDs increases, prices decrease
Scenario Three:
Supply of orange products increase, demand for orange products remains the same, prices decrease.
Scenario Four:
Demand for shoe increases, supply of shoes decrease, prices of shoe increase,
Scoring Guide
4 -Student accurately explains how and why supply demand and price are affected. Answer demonstrates in-depth understanding of the supply-demand-price relationship.
3 -Student accurately explains how and why supply demand and price are affected. Answer demonstrates basic understanding of the supply-demand-price relationship.
2 -Student accurately explains how and why supply demand and price are affected. Answer is vague and/or inaccurate
1 -Student accurately explains how and why one (supply, demand,or price) are affected. Answer lacks detail and accuracy of the supply-demand-price relationship.
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