A meeting of the SEAL PARISH COUNCIL was held on THURSDAY 12th March 2009 in Seal Pavilion on Seal Recreation Ground beginning at 7.30pm


Mr R. Watson in the Chair

Mr E. Bangay

Mrs H. Curtis,

Mr J. Gilchrist

Mr R. Grant

Mr P. Granville

Mr M. Harvey

Mr A. Michaelides

Mr E. Oatley

Also present the Clerk, Cllr. P. Coates, Cllr. N, Chard (part of the meeting)

and 4 parishioners

Apologies: - Mr C. Rouse, Mr C. Sutton Mattocks and Cllr. R. Allen

Parishioners Question Time

- Cllr. Chard was concerned about the Sunnyside application because of the need for vehicles to back onto the A25. Peter Coates would be attending the site meeting on Wednesday. He would raise the issue at the JTB regarding the zebra crossing on Childsbridge Lane not be completed as stated. He had looked at the Childsbridge Lane railway bridge and due to the narrowness of the bridge a pavement could not be put in. An option put forward by Councillors was for a pedestrian bridge next to the existing bridge. He would chase up the report on the Marchants Quarry.

- A resident of Zion Street raised a number of issues:- Traffic traveling the wrong way up Zion Street had increased, this may be due to the “No entry sign” being flat against the wall, could it be moved to the other side of the road? Could a “No Right Turn” be made out of Zion Street onto the A25 to stop the high volumes of traffic using this narrow road with no pavement during rush hour? Due to resurfacing of this road it now bridged the damp proof of her house and the camber of the road sent the water towards her front door, could this be looked into?

- Mr Owlett asked if the Council could find out when the highways survey of trees on Carters Hill was due to be carried out. While sitting outside the butchers he had seen 3 cars turn right out of Park Lane, could the police carry out another visit?

Cllr. Coates said that the tree that fell into the road in Sevenoaks was being investigated by Les Jones as the Chronicle report had implied that the disease could have been detected beforehand.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.

Declaration of Interest - none

Co-option of Parish Councillor

As yet we have had no one put their name forward for the Seal Ward vacancy, but we understand there are people interested.


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Matters Requiring Discussion

Burn it Fitness – Seal Recreation Ground

The contracts have been sent to Ms. Crawford with the information agreed at the last meeting. The Clerk has been in discussion with Ms. Crawford and she has confirmed to date she has only had a maximum of 4 people attending the class. The first week people attend is free of charge and it may take a number of weeks to get more people interested. She has asked for a set rent for the first few months to see if there is a local need for the club. Due to feedback from local people their preferred timing is Sunday morning not an afternoon session. She has confirmed today that she may not be able to resume classes in the near future.

The Finance Chairman proposes “That the Council agree in principle that for a three month period a one off charge of £25 is made, subject to contract. The Council requires a one month’s notification before the commencement of any sessions. A full detail of attendance for those three months is given and then a review of the charges will be made”. Seconded by Mr Oatley. This was agreed unanimously.

Matters not requiring discussion

Flooring for the hall Seal Pavilion

Estimates are being sought for the flooring.

Home Zone – Bentleys Meadow

We have not had confirmation of a date for a residents meeting.

Childsbridge Lane – Zebra crossing

Work commenced, but now seems to have stopped before it is completed.

Church Terrace, Church Road, Seal – parking restrictions

This scheme will be implemented in the summer.

Adopt – Godden Green and Underriver Phone Boxes

Waiting for the adoption to take place.

Highways issues

The new portal reporting system still seems no nearer coming on line.

Childsbridge Farm Place and Traffic Speeds

KCC Highways have undertaken to look at this problem of speeding traffic and no pedestrian walkway over the bridge, once Childsbridge Lane crossing has been completed.

Godden Green Pond

SDC have still not finalised this work with the contractor.

Revisiting the Parish Plan

The Chairman will write an article for the Advertiser asking if anyone has any new issues to be addressed.


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Marchants, Church Street - Bollards

It has now been agreed that these will be put in during the next couple of months.

Bank Mandate

Verbal confirmation has been received that this is being processed.

School Lane – Bus Stop

The original bus stop sign outside Camden Villa has hung on our street light for 25 years, apparently it was then temporary when the one way system was introduced. The sign has now been resited to a new post. This has caused local people to complain firstly at more street clutter in a Conservation area and secondly that the position of the bus stop is dangerous as there is no pavement at this point and where people used to stand just back from the road this space has now been taken by the new post, this bus stop is also used by the school buses.

We have been told by KCC that they are standardising all bus stops they have agreed to remove the red strip on the post as it is a Conservation Area, but otherwise it would remain. They have agreed that a pavement would be ideal, but that is dealt with by a different department. A local resident has said children and people waiting at this bus stop have been a concern for a long time due to the speed of traffic on this part of the road, photographs were circulated. We have been asked to consider asking for the bus stop to be moved to the lay by outside Seal House on the High Street, so that people can wait and get on and off the bus in a safer environment as the bus could pull off the road. Following discussion it was agreed that the Council should ask Kent Highways to look into providing a pavement for pedestrian safety at the bus stop.

St Lawrence School – Highways issues

We have received the following requests from the school:-

Increasing number of HGVs are using Church road as a SatNav-inspired route between the A25 and the Shipbourne Road or as a way of cutting through to Seal when traffic is held up on the A25. As you may know, Church Road is extremely narrow, and becomes even more difficult to pass safely during school hours when more cars are parked on the roadway (the school does not have a car park). We would request that "Unsuitable for HGVs" signs are erected at both ends of Church road in a bid to deter this dangerous and unwelcome use of the lane as a "rat run".
In addition, a few years ago a directional sign was erected at the A25 end of Church Road to aid visitors in locating the School. Unfortunately only one sign was put up, which can only be seen if heading along the A25 towards Sevenoaks - we would request that the second sign, facing traffic coming the other way along the A25 be erected. It would also be helpful to have similar signage from the Stone Street Road end of Church Road.

Following discussion it was agreed that the Council would request an “Unsuitable for HGV” sign to be erected at either end of Church Road and a second school sign at the A25/Church Road junction.

Parking in St Julians Road

As many of you will be aware the number of cars being parked in this road have increased, particularly at weekends, bank holidays and school holidays near all the gates to Knole Park. When we have snow it is very bad at the Riverhill gate, with


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traffic back to the Riverhill junction. We have also received a complaint from St Julians Club who has had people cancel lunch bookings as they could not get to the venue and many local people have commented on the problem. We could ask the District Council to put in double yellow lines, but we do not think this is the answer. The Chairman suggests that we approach Knole Estate and see if provision could be made for parking on this side of the park on their own land. Since looking into this matter apart from St Julians Road there is very little parking available with direct access at any other gates into the park. Due to parked cars the large lorries now using the Marchants quarry are taking out all the grass verges.

Following discussion it was agreed that an informal approach would be made to Knole Estates to discuss the problem with them.

Meeting adjourned

-  A query was raised regarding turning out of Johnson’s Court by large vehicles if a pavement was put in. This would obviously be something looked into by KCC Highways.

Cllr Coates:-

-  It was questioned if Green belt and AONB policy would allow parking in Knole Park.

-  The lay by outside Seal House was well used by visiting social workers etc and should not be used by buses. It had been noted that this evening the lay by was full of parked cars, not thought to be associated with residents.

-  Marchants were waiting for the silt to dry out at Godden Green pond before removal.

-  Discussions on the Transport Strategy are due to take place next week.

-  The Core strategy had totally ignored Transport issues.

-  An amended application had been received on Oakenshaw but they were not minor amendments and a new application should be submitted.

-  The gas main on the A25 was due to start on the next stage which would proceed as far as the Elephants Head pub; this could affect traffic in Seal.

-  Landfill lorries going to Bat and Ball quarry were not using their netting

and litter along the A25 was dreadful.

-  The traffic phasing at the Bat and Ball traffic lights needed looking at.

Mr Owlett:-

-  Could the Council get a litter clearing schedule for St Julian’s road area as the litter was very bad. He also suggested a litter bin for the main gate near Riverhill with regular emptying.

-  The litter on the A21 was very bad not just in the Sevenoaks area but Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells as well.

Meeting re-convened

Salt bins

New sites proposed for salt bins.

- St Lawrence School have requested a salt bin near to where the children cross the road to the playing fields, as the road can be very icy.


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- Mr Owlett requested a bin for below Bente on the bend on Carters Hill, as this has no house near it, which would spread the salt at this location, Mr Owlett hopes local people will.

- It is suggested that a salt bin be placed on the recreation ground car park, problems were experienced a few weeks ago in the icy weather and children attending the playgroup. The salt would have to be purchased by the Council and arrangements made for spreading it

The cost of a salt bin was in the region of £200, the exact positioning and KCC Highways agreement to fill two of them had to be sought. The bins if agreed would be in place for next winter.

Mr Grant proposed “That the Council proceed with the purchase of three salt bins, at a total cost not to exceed £600. The purchase of two will however be after receiving KCC Highways approval. Seconded by Mr Bangay. This was agreed unanimously.

Seal Youth Club – Grant

The sum of £3,000 was allocated to Play Place, Youth Club for the 2009/10 financial year in the precept.

The Finance Chairman proposes “That this grant of £3,000 is paid on a monthly basis in twelve equal installments, commencing in April 2009”. Seconded by Mr Oatley. This was agreed unanimously.


- Rural Affordable Housing Details were distributed and would be discussed

at the next meeting.

- Our replies on the Core Strategy have been submitted.

-  Ratified Planning Committee replies from the 2nd March meeting.

- Marchants Quarry, St Julians Road – being investigated by KCC.

- Sunnyside site meeting Wednesday 18th March – Chairman to attend he proposed to raise parking and access issues.

Accounts and cheques

003868 / South East Water / 176.98 / Water rates
003869 / Kent County Council / 75.84 / Cleaning material/stationery
003870 / Play Place / 166.66 / Youth club grant
003871 / Action with Rural Comm / 35.00 / Annual subscription
003872 / Sev. DC / 10.23 / Refuse collection
003873 / Service Master / 124.20 / Pavilion carpet
003874 / EDF Energy / 77.23 / Street lighting
003875 / Ms. Farrow / 186.10 / Caretakers salary
003876 / Ms Gardner / 113.50 / Caretakers salary
003877 / Mrs Talbot / 1068.40 / Clerks salary + accom
003878 / Inland Revenue / 345.85 / Deductions
003879 / KCC / 247.84 / Pension


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Matters for Information only.

-  A request had been made for a sign regarding dog fouling on the grass outside Bentleys Bungalows. Dog warden to be contacted.

-  Middle Lane still requires clearing up.

-  Seal Fete – 12th September

-  The bus stop opposite Bentleys Meadow had not been properly reinstated after the gas works.

-  It was suggested to write to Mr. Mitchell regarding the trees being cleared along the road by Lodge Farm and ask that they do not clear around the green.

- The daffodils did not seem to be growing that were put in.

Meeting closed at 8.37pm