SE 1736: Necropsy Protocol I
Check eartag to ensure correct animal has been selected before starting any procedure
From female animals please sample the following tissues
Udder, Teat, Endometrium, Caruncle, Ovary and Fallopion tube (frozen and fixed)
A. 2x plastic topped EDTA vacutainers (clinical biochemistry)
2 x 50ml Falcon tubes EDTA.
Blood Sample: 100ml Clotted, 100ml Heparin & 200ml EDTA
150ml EDTA
Record: time of death, ear tag number, drugs administered and by whom.
(Sample CSF only if sampling can be completed within 15 mins of time of death)
Sample CSF: bijoux for archive, falcon tube for biochem (using sterile needle)
Histology tissues RIGHT; Transmission tissues LEFT
B.Remove head with Sterile Knife. Expose and sample:
BF, PLP1. Submandibular LN
BF 2. Submandibular salivary gland
BF, PLP4. Retropharyngeal LN
BF 5. Parotid salivary gland
FSa6.Facial nerve
BF 7.Masseter
BF8.Oral Mucosa
BF 9.Tongue (dorsum to include mucosa)
BF, PLP10.Tonsil
BF12.Nictitating membrane (L.-transmission, Lymphoid tissue, R.-histology, Whole eyelid)
C.Complete skinning of head , flame and remove calvarium:
13.Sample dura over cerebral hemisphere
Remove brain wearing sterile gloves and using sterile instruments, place on sterile foil.
3. Caudal medulla
14.Olfactory Frontal cortex
FSa Remove Obex block
Liq N2Remove a piece of Cerebellum, caudal medulla, frontal cortex and occipital cortex
Bisect the brain parasaggitally, Place the right half along with the obex in FSa
79. Rostral medulla (see diagram)
Dissect the left half of the brain as shown in diagram, remove frontal cortex, parietal
cortex, Occipital cortex, basal nuclei, thalamus, midbrain and brainstem, place in bags and
place on cardice.
If snap frozen tissue is not frozen within 90mins please note the time frozen on the PM
BF15.Pituitary (Bisect, left half – transmission, right half - histology)
BF16.Trigeminal ganglia
FSa17.Optic Nerve
18.Retina (left and right into separate bijoux)
FSa 20.Cranial cervical ganglia
BF 21.Respiratory epithelium (mid-turbinate)
D.Eviscerate carcass and sample:
BF,Liq N2 36.Spleen
BF 37.Liver
BF 38.Pancreas
39.Perirenal fat
BF 40.Kidney
BF41.Hepatic LN
BF 42.Adrenals
E.Drop out gut onto a clean table (Or covered floor) and sample:
BF, PLP44.Mesenteric LN
BF, PLP 45.Duodenum
BF, PLP46.Distal ileum (Complete)
47.Distal ileum, Peyer’s patches (separated from ileum)
Liq N2 Distal ileum 1g snap frozen
48.Distal ileum (excluding Peyer’s patches)
BF, PLP49.Jejunum
50.Jejunum Peyer’s patches (separated from ileum)
BF, PLP51.Spiral colon
BF54.Abomasum (pyloric)
F.Go back to the carcass and sample:
BF57.Aorta (abdominal)
FSa60.Phrenic nerve
BF 61.Lung (left caudal)
BF Lung (left cranial)
FSa67.Stellate ganglia
Remove heart
BF63.Heart - left ventricle
64.Heart valve (mitral)
BF Heart - right ventricle
BFHeart interventricular septum
BF65.Intercostal muscle
BF66.Bronchio- mediastinal LN
GFrom the trunk. Expose and sample:
BF23.Cervical thymus
BF25.Cranial oesophagus
BF 34.Triceps
FSa 35.Radial nerve
BF 26.Skin from back
BF 27.Achilles tendon
BF28.Popliteal LN
BF 29.Semitendinosus
FSa 30.Sciatic nerve
BF31.Pre-femoral LN
BF 32.Longissimus dorsi
BF33.Prescapular LN
68.Bone marrow (sternum)
69.Bone (femur) - Put into sterile bag
H.Isolate and trim vertebral column Expose whole spinal cord and sample (See Diagram):
Cut cord for fixing at C7, T4, T9 and L2
70.DRG (mid – cervical) 3,4,5,6
71.C1 – C2
PLP C2 at level of nerve root (remove the DRG before fixing)
72.C2 – C3
73.DRG (mid – thoracic) 5,6,7,8
74.T9 – T10
PLP T10 at level of nerve root (remove the DRG before fixing)
75.T10 – T11
76.L2 – L3
PLP L3 at level of nerve root (remove the DRG before fixing)
77.L3 – L4
78.Cauda equina
FSaRemainder of Spinal cord [NB 8 Cervical, 13 Thoracic]
SE1736: Necropsy Protocol II
Check eartag to ensure correct animal has been selected before starting any procedure
Blood Sample: 2x plastic topped EDTA vacutainers (clinical biochemistry )
2 x 50ml Falcon tubes EDTA
150ml Clotted, 150ml Heparin & 200ml EDTA
150ml EDTA
Record time of death, ear tag number, drugs administered and by whom.
Commence sampling immediately. Selected tissues must be sampled and snap frozen within 45 minutes of death. Approx. 5g of each of below tissues in 0.5cm3 cubes (~ 10 pieces) Liq N2
Head should be disarticulated immediately and the brain removed –operator 1
Abdomen should be opened up and the intestines tied off and placed on separate table (or Covered Floor) –operator 3 should then sample guts
Carcass must be sampled simultaneously by the 2nd operator
Operator 1Operator 2Operator 3
frontal cortexSpinal cord(C1-2)Liver
Brain stem caudal to the obexKidneySpleen
hypothalamusThyroidDistal ileum
PituitaryTricepsSpiral colon
3rd eyelidSemitendinosusDistal Ileum Peyer’s patches
Bone marrow (sternum)Jejunum Peyer’s patches
After these tissues have been sampled, the usual procedure for sampling should be followed:
Histology tissues RIGHT; Transmission tissues LEFT
B.Expose and sample:
BF, PLP1. Submandibular LN
BF2. Submandibular salivary gland
BF, PLP4. Retropharyngeal LN
Fsa20.Cranial cervical ganglia
BF5. Parotid salivary gland
Fsa6.Facial nerve
BF8.Oral Mucosa
BF9.Tongue (dorsum to include mucosa)
BF, PLP10.Tonsil
12.Nictitating membrane (Left –Transmission Lymphoid tissue)
Fsa17.Optic Nerve
18.Retina (Left and right into separate bijoux )
C.Complete Skinning of head , flame and remove calvarium:
13.Sample dura over cerebral hemisphere
3. Caudal medulla.
14.Frontal cortex (Left side )
Remove remainder of brain then remove Obex block
Bisect the brain parasaggitally, Place the right half along with the obex into Fsa
Liq N2Remove a piece of Cerebellum
Dissect the left half of the brain as shown in diagram 1.
79.Rostral medulla
Place remainder of brain in gripbags
Fsa16.Trigeminal ganglia
BF21.Respiratory epithelium (mid-turbinate)
D.Eviscerate carcass and sample:
39.Perirenal fat
BF41.Hepatic LN
E.Drop out gut onto a clean table (or covered floor) and sample:
BF, PLP 44.Mesenteric LN
BF, PLP 45.Duodenum
BF, PLP 46.Distal ileum (Complete)
Liq N2 Distal ileum 1g snap frozen
47.Distal ileum, Peyer’s patches (separated from ileum)
48.Distal ileum (excluding Peyer’s patches)
BF, PLP 49.Jejunum
50.Jejunum Peyer’s patches (separated from ileum)
BF, PLP51.Spiral colon
BF54.Abomasum (pyloric)
BF57.Aorta (abdominal)
Fsa60.Phrenic nerve
BF61.Lung (left caudal)
BF Lung (left cranial)
Remove heart
BF63.Heart - left ventricle
64.Heart valve (mitral)
BFHeart - right ventricle
BFHeart - interventricular septum
BF65.Intercostal muscle
BF66.Bronchio- mediastinal LN
Fsa67.Stellate ganglia
F.From the trunk. Expose and sample:
BF23.Cervical thymus
25.Cranial oesophagus
BF26.Skin from back
BF27.Achilles tendon
BF28.Popliteal LN
Fsa30.Sciatic nerve
BF31.Pre-femoral LN
BF32.Longissimus dorsi
BF33.Prescapular LN
Fsa35.Radial nerve
68.Bone marrow (sternum)
69.Bone (femur) - Put into sterile bag
G.Isolate and trim vertebral column Expose whole spinal cord and sample (See diagram):
Cut cord for fixing at C7, T4, T9 and L2
70.DRG (mid – cervical) 3,4,5,6
71.C1 – C2
PLP C2 at level of nerve root (remove the DRG before fixing)
72.C2 – C3
73.DRG (mid – thoracic) 5,6,7,8
74.T9 – T10
PLP T10 at level of nerve root (remove the DRG before fixing)
75.T10 – T11
76.L2 – L3
PLP L3 at level of nerve root (remove the DRG before fixing)
77.L3 – L4
78.Cauda equina
FSaRemainder of Spinal cord [NB 8 Cervical, 13 Thoracic]