SDSU FarmHouse Fraternity

Weekly Minutes of November 5th-11th

I.Call to Order

A.President Mueller called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

B.29 members were present

C.The previous minutes were approved by the chapter.

II.Committee Reports:

A.Treasurer/Students Association: (Logan Johnson)

1.General Checking: $98,157.78

2.Accounts Receivable: $27,939.75

3.Philanthropy: $13,263.62

4.Association wanted the rent check, so we are SHORT on money

B.V.P. of Administration (Brendan Roth)

1.Little I meeting this week

C.V.P. of Recruitment (Dalton Kampsen)


D.V.P. of Risk Management (Jarid Bechen)

1.Title IX speaker coming

E.IFC/Greek Council (Shawn Zollner)


F.Ag Bio/Prexy (Broc Mauch)


G.Alumni Relations (Nick Bartness)


H.Athletic Unity (Jarid Bechen)


I.Awards/Activities (Daniel Roker)

1.Get Ruby Cup stuff in…. see email from Roker

J.Scholarship (Dennisen Nelson)

1.Professor Supper is November 16th

K.Chaplain (Broc Mauch)

1.Go to church, Brunch not going to be here this weekend.

L.Food Gods (Michael Alness)

1.We got a food processor- off limits

2.T-shirts being made

M.House Manager (Logan Lewis)

1.Lint goes in garbage

N.Rack-Up (Logan and Brendan)

1.If you would like to know why you received rack-up for room and area, please contact the house managers

O.Philanthropy (Anthony Anker)


P.Docks Coordinator (Zach Sousa)


Q.Photography (Michael Alness)

1.Send pics

R.New Member Educator (Trenton Plaht)


S.Social (Marcelo Belisario)

1.Cup Game is Thursday at 8:00

2.AXiD nachos next Wednesday

3.Sign Dates Up (GET DATES)

T.Ritual (Blake Dean)


U.Technology (Alex Dahle)


V.Resident Advisor: (Paul Dybedahl)




X.Advisor ()


Y.Alumni Representative ()


Z.President (Shane Mueller)

1.Got Decorations for the House

2.CERES fundraiser at 1000 Degrees Pizza Monday Night

3.Little I Dance December 5th

4.Third Party Vote passed

5.Go Strong through the end of the semester

III. Old Business:

A.Brother Roth moved to grant Brother Thomas Salentiny Early Alumni Status effective December 13th 2017


  1. Brother Roth moved to grant Brother Josh Wilson Early Alumni Status effective December 13th 2017


IV.Future Old Business:


V.Special Bunny Award

A.Nominated:Bechen, Salentiny, Plaht, AD, TJ

B.Congratulations BrotherPlaht

VI.New Business

A.Brother Roth moved to donate $750 out of philanthropy to the Brookings Regional Humane Society


B.Brother Alness moved to pay up to $250 for everyone’s meals at the AXiD nacho feed next week out of food budget


C.Brother Nelson moved to donate $250 out of philanthropy to Lambda Chi football run


D.Brother Rothmoved to donate $1000 out of philanthropy to Ben Sahr


E.Brother Roth moved to open nominations for President

1.Nominated: Dennisen Nelson, Nick Bartness, Andrew Streff, Jarid Bechen

2.Nominations were closed

3.Postponed one week

F.Brother Roth moved to open nominations for VP of Administration

1.Nominated: Marc Belisario, Josh Irvin, Andrew Streff

2.Nominations were closed

3.Postponed one week

G.Brother Roth moved to open nominations for VP of Risk Management

1.Nominated: Daniel Roker, Jarid Bechen, Dennisen Nelson

2.Nominations were closed

3.Postponed one week

H.Brother Roth moved to open nominations for Assistant House Manager

1.Nominated: Brendan Roth, Troy Skaar, Zach Sousa, Jon Hanson, Shawn Zollner

2.Nominations were closed

3.Postponed one week

VII.Meeting Conclusions:

A.Builder of Men Award:

1.Congratulations Brother Salentiny

B.Constructive Criticism

C.Positive Points

VIII. Announcements

A.Come to Exec Sunday nights at 9:15 if you have something important to bring up in meeting

B.Rack-Up Suggestions!

C.Jitterbugging Mondays at 8:30

D.Brotherhood events”

1.Cup game Thursday night

2.Deer hunting at Denny’s

E.Get Professor Supper Invites out

F.We got large garbage bags ?

G.Bart will start a State-A-Thon team if you’re interested

1.For the Kids

H.The McRib is Back!!


A.Meeting was Adjourned at 7:57 P.M.