MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 9 January 2012 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, Mrs P Gallamore, R Leech, Mrs M Liddell, P Smith and R Stier.

In attendance: 1 resident and the Parish Clerk.


A resident advised that the Hillside name sign needs repairing – the Clerk will check on who owns this sign (? Highways or Housing) and request that the sign is repaired. It was noted that the Clerk has asked the handy man to repair the Silkstone walks sign whose posts have rotted.

High street opposite Red Lion – terraced houses installed Wrought iron fencing, a resident asked if wrought iron fencing next to a public pavement is permitted – The Clerk will check with Highways.

Noted that the grant deadline for the Stocks area is March and so work will be starting soon.

Cllr Charlesworth put forward a request from a resident to hire the cricket field for a marquee for a private party in May. It was agreed that this item should be referred to the meeting of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee on 16 January 2012 for a decision. Cllr Leech will liaise with Cllr Charlesworth and the resident and will feedback to the Committee and the Parish Council.

A Councillor advised that a resident had heard a siren around the Cone Lane area on a number of occasions and asked if anyone else had heard it or knew what the siren was. None of the Councillors present had heard the siren.

Cone Lane sewer – The manhole has overflowed again and was reported to Yorkshire Water on Thursday 5 Jan 12, however contractors did not attend until Saturday 7 Jan 12. Barnsley MBC Highways own the land on the corner of Cone Lane where Yorkshire Water accessed the drain to carry out work just before Christmas. A number of the trees and bushes have been trampled by their machinery. Highways have requested Yorkshire Water return to site to clear up the area.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Handley who is on holiday.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the payment to the Parish Council’s handyman under agenda item 7 (this item was approved on mass with other payments).

11-143 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 5 December 2011 as a true and accurate record.

RESOLVED to note that Cllr Handley sent his apologies due to illness for the last Council meeting and Cllr Smith was missed off the attendance list. The Clerk amended the minutes accordingly.

RESOLVED to note that neither CARE of Len Carr had removed the strips of ivy from the trees in Conroyd Wood. The removal appears to have been deliberate and affects around a dozen trees. The Clerk will include an article in the next newsletter.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact Barnsley MBC Highways regarding the Towngate humps and also to chase a response about when the grit bins will be cleared out and refilled.

RESOLVED to note that the damaged knee rail fence in the Recreation Ground car park has been repaired by the handy man.

RESOLVED to note that paper towel dispensers are still installed in the downstairs WC, Referee’s changing room and Kitchen. Since the toilet blockages did not occur in any of these locations, it was agreed that these paper towel dispensers should not be replaced with hand dryers. FURTHER RESOLVED that 2 of the redundant paper towel dispensers be gifted to Broad Close Farm.

Twinning Committee of Silkstone Parish Council – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Twinning Committee meeting held on 12 December 2011. The Chairman signed the Bank Reconciliation of the Twinning Committee.



RESOLVED to approve the following comments on planning applications received since the last Parish Council meeting:

2011/1479 – Erection of single storey side extension, erection of single storey rear extension, erection of single storey attached garage/hobby room, extension to front and installation of solar pv panels to existing garage and house at 7 Hall Royd Lane, Silkstone Common.
No comment

It was noted that the following applications have had permission granted from BMBC :

2011/1292 to fell sycamore tree (T1) within TPO 3/2008 at The Vicarage, High street, Silkstone.

RESOLVED to note that application 2011/1347 to remove trees with TPO’s adjacent to the sewage works has been withdrawn. Also noted that Barnsley MBC policy is that for any tree removed another one must be planted. If within 5 years that tree does not take it must be replaced by the contractor.



RESOLVED to note that Awards for All have written to the Clerk outlining a couple of errors on the grant application form. As soon as the form is returned in the post to the Clerk she will amend and return to Awards for All for consideration.


11-146 DRAFT BUDGET 2012/2013 & PRECEPT

RESOLVED to approve the budget for 2012/2013, copy attached to minutes.

RESOLVED that the precept be set at £62,500. The Clerk will issue the precept notice to

Barnsley MBC.

RESOLVED to note correspondence from Barnsley MBC stating that the Council Tax for a Band D property in the Silkstone Parish for 12/13 will be £1,219.94.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 9 January 2012. Payments listed below. Full details available from the Clerk on request.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
Barnsley MBC / 366.84 / 73.37 / 440.21 / 300329
PPL (MUGA) / 425.00 / 85.00 / 510.00 / 300333
PPL (MUGA) / 37,132.20 / 7,426.44 / 44,558.64 / 3200334
Yorkshire Water / 97.97 / 0.00 / 97.97 / 300330
British Gas / 135.67 / 7.14 / 142.81 / DD
Barnsley MBC / 300.00 / 60.00 / 360.00 / 300331
Cllr Stier / 15.00 / 0.00 / 15.00 / 300332
John Whitmore Electrical / 2,245.00 / 449.00 / 2,694.00 / 300335
Yorkshire Water / 79.88 / 0.00 / 79.88 / DD
Parish Clerk / 900.00 / 0.00 / 900.00 / SO
Parish Clerk / 116.18 / 0.00 / 116.18 / 300337
HM Revenue & Customs / 224.05 / 0.00 / 224.05 / 300338
SY Pensions Authority / 211.81 / 0.00 / 211.81 / 300339
Handy man / 1,074.75 / 0.00 / 1,074.75 / 300340
Viking / 45.23 / 9.05 / 54.28 / 300341
9 January 2012 Schedule totals / 43,369.58 / 8,110.00 / 51,479.58



RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has spoken with NPS Barnsley relating to the possible transfer of the Hall Royd Lane Wood to the Parish Council. The officer could foresee no difficulty in progressing this request and will prepare a recommendation report to Barnsley MBC Cabinet for consideration and report back to Parish Council in due course.

FURTHER RESOLVED to note that should the Parish Council be successful in the application to transfer the wood from Barnsley MBC; Graham Wells has agreed to act as a volunteer inspector of the wood and also to assist in the planning stages of any grant applications to improve access into and around the wood.


RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to Colin Bower to approve the proposed list of works by CARE in the Parish to end of March 2012. A request will be included that the wildflower planting areas in Conroyd Wood and the Recreation Ground banking be marked out as suggested prior to planting for agreement of the location. Also Parish Council give permission for CARE to plant a hedgerow flower mix along the hedge in Orchard Wood behind Black Horse Drive but ask that CARE avoid planting next to residents access gates into the wood.

RESOLVED to note that during recent CARE works a large quantity of rubbish was cleared from behind the bus shelter on High Street. CARE recommends that the rubbish bin on the other side of the road is relocated to next to the bus shelter. The Clerk will contact Neighbourhood Pride to ask if it is possible to have the bin relocated. The Clerk will also contact SYPTE to find out what the new post recently installed at the bus stop is for.


RESOLVED to note with thanks the speedy response from Barnsley MBC’s dog warden when the Clerk reported a resident’s advice that dog fouling had increased on Manor Park. The dog warden visited Manor Park the same day and put up notices on lampposts and also arranged to have Manor Park homes leafleted. He also quickly acted on advice that dog fouling had increased around the car park at the Recreation Ground and arranged for posters to be displayed and also for a quantity of leaflets to be delivered to the Scout Hut for distribution to parents.


RESOLVED to note that timber costing £216 has been ordered by the Clerk from Barnsley Timber to enable the handyman to rebuild the stock fence from the style to the right of the Pavilion up to the top corner past the containers next to the cricket field.

RESOLVED to approve Stephen Chambers request to allow the Huddersfield Cricket League management Committee to use the Pavilion to hold a disciplinary hearing on either 24 or 26 Jan 12. Cricket club to be responsible for opening and closing the Pavilion.


RESOLVED to note that the payment to PPL has been paid but that 10% has been held back until such time as the puddling on the tarmac issue has been resolved. The Clerk will continue to contact Tom Markham regularly for updates.

RESOLVED to note that the lights adjacent to the MUGA have been adjusted so that the playing surface is lit. It is envisaged that the cost of this work will be reimbursed by BMBC from a post installation MUGA grant.

·  Bastille day 14 July 12

RESOLVED to approve the request of the Twinning Committee to hold a fundraising day on Bastille Day to raise awareness and funds for the next Twinning visit. Cllr Charlesworth agreed that Broad Close Farm would be happy to host a fair style event also. The Clerk will contact the Scouts to ask if they would like to be involved on the day to raise funds for the community building. She will also contact neighbouring Parish Councils to check if they have any events on the same day that may clash and check with football and cricket for any clashes.

·  Health and Safety issues

Cllr Stier reported on an attempted break in to the Pavilion which damaged one of the window roller shutters slightly. The Handy man will repair and the Clerk will advise the Police for their records.


RESOLVED to note the crime figures as follows:

Silkstone / Silkstone Common
December 11 / 6 / 1



Cllr Gallamore attended the Band concert and the Silkstone Ladies Choir Christmas concert.

Cllr Stier attended the 50th Anniversary meal of the Silkstone Common Good Companions along with Cllr Liddell and the Clerk where Terry Daniel was presented with the First Honorary Freeman of the Parish.

Cllr Liddell attended the Band Concert.


Cllr Stier attended a meeting at Penistone Paramount and advised that the cinema is working towards going digital.

Cllr Liddell advised that the Chairman of NALC Cllr Michael Chater has been included on the honours list and will receive an OBE.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence

SYPTE – minor changes to bus service 21 –noted
Colin Bower e-mails – Woodlands management Plan and request to plant hedgerow flower mix under hedge at Orchard Wood – permission granted. Conroyd Wood and Recreation Ground wildflower planting areas noted and to be pegged out by CARE prior to planting. Tree whips planted in The Chestnuts – noted with thanks.
Terry Daniel – Thank you letter to Chairman for attending the 50th Anniversary dinner of Silkstone Common Good Companions and for his presentation as the First Honorary Freeman of the Parish.
Woodland Trust – Free Jubilee Community Tree packs – information already passed on to CARE for consideration. The Clerk will liaise with Colin Bower.
Colin Bower e-mail – Information board for PALS stone at Silverwood Scout Camp – permission has now been given by Barnsley Chronicle to use photographs. Colin Bower will progress and report back to Parish Council.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday

6 February 2012 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.25pm

Chairman’s Signature / Date

SPC Minutes 9 January 2012