Performance ID # 45
DATE4/9/16COMPLETED BY Jan Pruett/Sara Lokan CONFIRMED BY Denise Brinkerhoff
PERFORMANCE DATE / TIME Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, 11:40am at stage area, 11:50 am on stage
CALL TIME NO LATER THAN9:20 am at Midway Brow 3(see attached map). Be earlier if possible. Meet Marsha Rainey, Midway Docent, Lead, and our personal concierge, at Midway Brow 3. She will be our liason, give us our wristbands to board the Midway, and direct us to the Stage on Flight Deck for Sound Check. Sara Lokan will be at the Stage area to organize for Sound Check. We will have a room to warm-up and change, located on a lower level of the ship. There are no mirrors in room. Come with makeup on and hair styled. Bring as little as possible. The room will be locked during our performance to leave your belongings, but unlocked after performance.
SOUND CHECK 10:00 am at Stage on Flight Deck
CONTACT Paulette Mello, MktgCoord. E-MAIL/PHONE 619-398-8248
Kira Holt, Event Manager E-MAIL/PHONE 619-398-8253
LOCATIONUSS Midway - Harbor DriveTYPE OF EVENT Salute to Service Festival
QUOTED FEE$500.00 CHORUS / QUARTET$500.00/ $NA Pd Collect
# Singers 50+ Chorus Small Chorus DblQrt Quartet
# of Songs 3 Length of Performance 15 min Script Yes No
Person in Charge Sara Lokan/Marsha Rainey, Liason Director Kathleen Hansen
Song List:
- Star Spangled Banner
- If There’s Anybody Here
- Armed Forces Medley
Name / USS Midway Perf 11/11/2016Adams, Meg / Yes
Banks, Alison / No
Barnett, Bridget / Yes
Benefield, Linda Sue / Yes
Berryman, Julie / Yes
Brinkerhoff, Denise / Yes
Cannon, Claudia / Yes
Christman, Lynda / No
Clark, Catherine / maybe?
Clay, Sue
Clement, Khara / maybe?
Clement, Lisa / Yes
Clement, Nicole / Yes
Colclough, Joy / Yes
Damron, Patty
Downey, Barb / Yes
Dye, Robin / Yes
Eagan, Virginia / No
Edwards, Heather / No
Flaig, Evon / Yes
Foti, Elaine / Yes
French, Jennifer / Yes
Galanty, Melissa / Yes
Hansen, Kathleen / Yes
Harris, Chris / Yes
Hayashida, Reema / No
Hayden, Marina / Yes
Hebert, Jean / Yes
Hill, Terri / No
Hyde, Laurie / Yes
Jackson, Caressa / Yes
Jansen, Georgene / Yes
Justice, K J / No
Katen, Gladys / No
Koch, Laura / No
Kraft, Ronnie
Lacey, Abby / No
Land, Rebecca / Yes
Lokan, Sara / Yes
Lowther, Ethel / No
Luebbers, Pat / Yes?
Markiewicz, Sharee / Yes
Mayes, Vivian / Yes
McAdams, Cindy / Yes
Motske, Mary / Yes
Murray, Pam
O'Donnell, Jo / Yes
Ordonez, Lisa / Yes
Overton-Buck, Amy / Yes
Padiyar, Joy / Yes
Page, Risa / Yes
Palmer, Veda / No
Peters-Brinkerhoff, Cherie / Yes
Pruett, Jan / Yes
Rainey, Marsha / No
Rippetoe, Leah / Yes
Rothrock, Jennifer / No
Sandberg, Tracey / Yes
Shamburg, Brigid
Slobodny, Barb
Southerland, Tracy / No
Sperry, Sally / Yes
Straight, Debra / No
Theriault, Sally / Yes
Thompson, Carleen / No
Thompson-Finn, Nilene
Thornewell, Diane / Yes
Thornhill, Pat / Yes
Trahan, Julissa / Yes
Turner, Alysse / No
Turner, Karin / Yes
Vosseler, Ruth / Yes
Whelan, Kathy / Yes
Williams, Diana / Yes
Costume: Blue/Torquoise Sparkly tunic & pants/Silver Sparkle Chorus shoes/Hanes Silk Reflections “Barely There” sheer toe hose/Aqua Dangle Earrings/All-in-One. (Check costume on Chorus website).
IF YOU ARE MISSING ANY PARTS OF THIS COSTUME, NEED ALTERATIONS, ETC…..PLEASE CONTACT Sally Sperry immediately, 858-776-7571, . Your costume needs to fit correctly, and you must have the correct shoes, and appropriate makeup.
Makeup: Heavy street makeup with Chorus Lipstick
On makeup/hair questions, please contact Barb Slobodny, . This is a Chorus performance, we will be representing the Chorus and community on local and National TV, and we must be professional in our presentation and appearance. Think BLEND vocally and visually in all aspects!
NOTES: See attachments