Application Form for 2018 Summer Camps

Please submit this application electronically ,

or mail to: MBPS,2800 S Massachusetts St, Seattle, WA 98144

We are excited to announce that Mount Baker Preschool will hold four weeks of half-day summer camp in July and August 2018!

Our Waldorf-inspired summer camps are for children ages 3-6. Each session will run from Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Each day, campers will explore our surroundings during a nature walk, will engage in free play in our beautiful classroom, and will work on a creative project. Each session will focus on a type of art-making, including painting, sculpture, outdoor artmaking, and textile arts. Campers will eat a nutritious daily snack, and should bring a sack lunch.

Application Procedure

  • Fill out and submit this application form.
  • Pay$180 weekly fee,payable by check (to Mount Baker Preschool) or by Paypal (see website)
  • Provide signed copies of your child’s immunization certificate and three safety forms

Child’s Name:Click here to enter text.______Gender:_____ Birth Date:Click here to enter text.__

Current School (if any):Click here to enter text.

Previous Schools (if any):Click here to enter text.

Each week of summer camp will run from Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The tuition cost is $180/child. Please check the week(s) that you would like your child to attend summer camp. Tuition is payable at the time of registration.

☐Tuesday, July 10 to Friday, July 13

☐Tuesday, July 17 to Friday, July 20

☐Tuesday, July 24 to Friday, July 27

☐Tuesday, August 14 to Friday, August 17

(1) Parent/Guardian Name:Click here to enter text.

Relationship to applicant:Click here to enter text.

Address:Click here to enter text.

Home Phone:Click here to enter text.______Work Phone:Click here to enter text.

Cell Phone:Click here to enter text.______Email:Click here to enter text.

(2) Parent/Guardian Name:Click here to enter text.

Relationship to applicant:Click here to enter text.


Home Phone:Click here to enter text.______Work Phone:Click here to enter text.

Cell Phone:Click here to enter text.______Email:Click here to enter text.

What is the address where your child primarily resides (if different from above)?

Click here to enter text.

Child’s special interests and abilities (including medical or special needs):

In order to participate in summer camps at Mount Baker Preschool, we expect that all children will be potty-trained (at least during the day), out of diapers, and able to use the toilet independently.

Each child should come to camp wearing clothing and shoes appropriate for outdoor play. Please make sure your child wears a sunhat, sunscreen, and sneakers (no sandals).


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate