SDRME Fall Business Meeting

San Francisco, November 4, 2012

Reports from Subcommittees (these reports were given at the Business meeting):

Nomination Committee by Nicole Borges for Summers Kalishman:

  • Maria Blanco from Tufts has recently joined the group representing the NE region as has David Steele from Texas Tech representing the Southern region. There is now representation from all regions.
  • Nominations for several positions will occur in the spring. Individuals interested in the positions should contact Summers or Nicole.

International Membership Committee by Carol Capello for Marcel D’Eon:

  • As a result of the yearly email request to International Members, 15 responded that they still met member-eligibility criteria and remained interested in continuing as an International Member. Ten members were taken off the membership roster because of frequent unanswered or undeliverable emails over the past few years.
  • A second annual informal get-together was organized during lunch at the AMEE meeting in Lyon this August to discuss various research projects they are working on and possible collaboration in multi-institutional projects. Despite strong interest in this session, only 6 members actually were able to attend (5 members and 1 international member) – despite the low numbers, it was a productive and warm “family” meeting.
  • The Committee will continue to explore options for meaningful relationships between the SDRME and its current international members and to follow up on recommendations for possible future International members.

Communications Committee by Jorie Colbert-Getz:

  • Since the June 2012 meeting, there have been 4 job postings on the SDRME website. Based on last year’s business meeting notes, we are now in Year 4 of a 5-year contract with Network Solutions for the SDRME.ORG domain name. We pay $59.70 annually (Oct-Oct) for the listserv to HosTek. Jorie is working with Jamie to change the contact information for both of these platforms as he is still receiving the invoices. In July 2012, the listserv was updated: members who were no longer active were deleted, email addresses were checked for inaccuracies and corrected, and subscriptions to the proper list(s) were verified and corrected if necessary. There are two mail lists: 1) all members, which includes regular, emeritus, international, and ex-officio members and 2) voters, which only includes regular members. These lists are updated as information from the membership committee is provided and from now on the listserv will be “cleaned” once/year to ensure both mail lists are accurate.

Membership Committee: Bill Burton

  • The Committee has approved the following applications:
  • Ann Shaw as a replacement of Ruth Greenberg as SDRME representative for the University of Louisville
  • Annie Daniel as SDRME representative for Des Moines University
  • Suzi Rose as SDRME representative for the University of Connecticut
  • Two regular members were approved as Emeritus status: John Littlefield and Deb Simpson.

CAS- Report by LuAnn Wilkerson:

  • CAS has been engaged in a year-long review of its operations and structure focusing on how best to ensure faculty engagement in the AAMC leadership going forward. Recently the CAS Administrative Board proposed that the current CAS be transformed into CFAS (Council of Faculty and Academic Societies) and have as its goal to represent faculty as the AAMC plans policies and services.
  • Membership of the Council: a) Two representatives from each school (one faculty member within ten years of initial career faculty appointment and the other a department chair, division chief, etc.; b) Two representatives from each member society; c) other representatives may be appointed by the Administrative Boars when needed. Representatives will serve three-year terms, with a recommendation of no more than two consecutive terms.
  • LuAnn Wilkerson’s term on the Administrative Board will end in July 2013.

Proposal Review Update by David Cook

  • The invited review request for applications received a total of 19 proposals to conduct review studies. The committee consisted of David Cook (chair), Judy Shea (screening), Boyd Richards, Pat O’Sullivan, Hugh Stoddard, and Paul Haidet served as reviewers. Two awards were offered:
  • Jorie Colbert‐Getz: Tools to measure the learning environment in medical education: A systematic review of validity evidence
  • Hollis Day: Assessment of Team Competencies in Practice: Implications for Medical Education

The first awardee (Jorie) will receive $4,000 and the second awardee (Hollis) will receive $2,000. Funds can be given to the individuals directly or sent to their institution.

  • The committee also reviewed briefly a status report from Anna Cianciolo regarding her 2011 award.

Biannual Survey Report by Larry Gruppen

  • 44 individuals responded to the survey. The report was distributed at the Business meeting and will be sent electronically to all SDRME members. The report with director salary information removed is posted on SDRME website.

Recognitions by Nicole Borges:

  • Carol Elam is the 2012 recipient of the Merrel Flair award.
  • Rhee Fincher is the 2012 recipient of the Flexner Award for Distinguished Service to Medical Education.
  • Katie Huggett for her leadership and service as SDRME President Elect