`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````SDC / WBI Collaborative Program Monitoring Table[S1] FY 05
Thematic Cluster: / Program Title: / Date:
WBI Thematic Program: / SDC Thematic Priority Area:
WBI – Task manager: / SDC – Task manager:
FY 05 Approved Allocation / SDC Country Offices
Amount Expensed (disbursed and committed): / Swiss Competence Centers
Carry Over from FY 04 – FY 05 / Client Country Partners
Title of Program component:
Program component-specific learning objectives:[S2]
Please list other donors contributing to activity:
Key Activities Planned for FY 05:[S3] / Progress in FY 05 (please include outcome indicators):[S4]
Main Partnership Lessons for the World Bank Institute:[S5] / Main Partnership Lessons for the Swiss Partners:[S6]
Title of Program component:
Program component-specific learning objectives:[S7]
Please list other donors contributing to activity:
Key Activities Planned for FY 05:[S8] / Progress in FY 05 (please include outcome indicators):[S9]
Main Partnership Lessons for the World Bank Institute:[S10] / Main Partnership Lessons for the Swiss Partners:[S11]


[S1]1 This Monitoring Table will be used as a basis for discussions during the WBI-SDC Partnership Committe Meetings and is updated by the WBI and SDC TMs with LPFT support at least 4 weeks before every PCM (Institutional Level). The Monitoring Table will also support WBI and SDC TMs in their monitoring the evolution of the Partnership between the PCM’s (Cluster Level).

[S2]1The learning objectives for the program component are defined before each spring PCM by the WBI and SDC TM and provide information on:

  1. the thematic and geographic focus,
  2. the clients (organization and level) and how they benefit from the program component for their future work,
  3. the learning methodology and
  4. the concrete involvement of Swiss Partners (cf. WBI Task Manager Check-List). Swiss Partners include the SDC Task Manager, the SDC Country Offices, the Swiss Competence Centers and SDC’s Client Country partners.

[S3]:Here the KEY activities of the program component like F2F or DL courses (name, location, date) or the titles of learning materials with web-link are listed.

[S4]:Here the KEY activities of the program component like F2F or DL courses (name, location, date) or the titles of learning materials with web-link are listed.

[S5]:The WBI-TM assesses the activities prepared or implemented together with Swiss Partners during the previous 6 months in the light of the learning objectives specified for the Program Component. The WBI- TM also briefly assesses the satisfaction with the communication and the flow of information with Swiss Partners. A brief summary is given in this field.

[S6]At least 4 weeks before each PCM, the SDC-TM and/ or LPFT-consultant interviews the Swiss Partners in order to assess the activities prepared or implemented by WBI together with Swiss Partners during the previous 6 months in the light of the learning objectives specified for the Program Component.It also briefly assesses the satisfaction with the communication and the flow of information with the WBI TM. A brief summary is given in this field.

[S7]1The learning objectives for the program component are defined before each spring PCM by the WBI and SDC TM and provide information on:

  1. the thematic and geographic focus,
  2. the clients (organization and level) and how they benefit from the program component for their future work,
  3. the learning methodology and
  4. the concrete involvement of Swiss Partners (cf. WBI Task Manager Check-List). Swiss Partners include the SDC Task Manager, the SDC Country Offices, the Swiss Competence Centers and SDC’s Client Country partners.

[S8]:Here the KEY activities of the program component like F2F or DL courses (name, location, date) or the titles of learning materials with web-link are listed.

[S9]:Here the KEY activities of the program component like F2F or DL courses (name, location, date) or the titles of learning materials with web-link are listed.

[S10]:The WBI-TM assesses the activities prepared or implemented together with Swiss Partners during the previous 6 months in the light of the learning objectives specified for the Program Component. The WBI- TM also briefly assesses the satisfaction with the communication and the flow of information with Swiss Partners. A brief summary is given in this field.

[S11]At least 4 weeks before each PCM, the SDC-TM and/ or LPFT-consultant interviews the Swiss Partners in order to assess the activities prepared or implemented by WBI together with Swiss Partners during the previous 6 months in the light of the learning objectives specified for the Program Component.It also briefly assesses the satisfaction with the communication and the flow of information with the WBI TM. A brief summary is given in this field.