SDC Governance Board – January 11, 2018

  1. Attendance: Kathryn Morrison, Grant Smith, Lena Wilson, Katie Griego, Joetta Fischer, Christine Comer, Joanna Logan
  2. MarivelKlueckman joined for end of the meeting
  3. Welcome/Updates
  4. Welcome Katy Morrison, who has recently been promoted to the Staff Development Manager position, and oversees both Michelle and Sonia at the SDC. Christine will continue supervising Sonia.
  5. Joetta Fischer will be taking in a more active role as Nancy and Paul step back.Joetta will identify the other OIT member for the Board.
  6. Marivel will be added to future SDC Board meetings (we apologize for the mix up).
  7. Recap from last meeting:
  8. History of the SDC; why the board was developed; what decisions were made at the onset
  9. Big Wins:
  10. Supporting the Affordable Care Act
  11. Built Building and Expanding Foundations
  12. Learning through the development of Evaluation Aspects and a Certification Model
  13. We are working through this more this afternoon.
  14. Relevance of a Governance Board vs and Advisory Board
  15. We decided to repurpose the title of the group from the Governance Board to the Advisory Committee because of the change in responsibility and authority.
  16. We will delve deeper into the specific details and structure, including authority later on in the meeting during the review of the charter.
  17. Revising the Charter
  18. Katie revised based on the discussion last meeting. We will look at the changes in depth and work through what to keep and what needs revision. An example is the Committee leaned towards a dual State/County chair structure – we will revisit and decide today.
  19. Structured Agenda
  20. Kate created draft structured agenda based off the discussion last meeting. We will have the opportunity to review, determine if it fits our needs, and put into place for future meetings.
  21. We will also determine where the Board should meet. We have been in Denver for a year; prior to that met at the SDC. Should the Board go on the road quarterly?
  22. Revisit Action Items from last meeting:
  23. How is the funding for the SDC being presented? (Nancy/Mary)
  24. Regarding us moving the dollars to a CDHS accounting to make sure our bills are paid timely – This will be moved by CDHS but will remain under the CBMS line.
  25. Statement of Work for the Evaluation (Katie)
  26. Shared by email for members to react to
  27. County Survey
  28. Shared and reviewed by the group
  29. Soliciting input from the counties
  30. Current funnels include WPSC, Trainer Network, and County Chairs
  31. Exploring the option of regional representatives similar to SubPac
  32. Lena brought up the point that this model hasn’t always been successful and we need buy in from the counties that they would participate.
  33. Grant posed the idea of having three county representatives – one from each size of county.
  34. Christine sees value in both structures; we could explore the idea of having regular members and voting members. Could structure similar to IPT. MA sites could also have representation.
  35. Katie suggests keeping this in mind when we look at the structured agenda later on to make sure that it fits the model. Lena seconds. Need to make sure that there is structured time for comment and contribution without having the additional participation derail the conversation.
  36. Board members invited to the next Training Network Meeting (Tammi)
  37. Katy Morrison will take over this action item and make sure it includes details.
  38. Review the Charter:
  39. Across the board change is update the language to reflect the change from the Board to the Committee.
  40. New Update per discussion this morning
  41. The Committee will be comprised of 9 (or 10 depending on inclusion of MA sites) members.
  42. Committee recommends Mark from Garfield County. The recommendation will be made to CHSDA, who will make the final decision.
  43. Grant requests motion to recommend Mark Lineberg from Garfield: Christine motions, Lena seconds. All in favor.
  44. Strategic Planning
  45. Katie thinks that the Committee should advise the SDC on training needs and make sure that the trainings are meeting the mission, vision, and goals. Committee will have its own strategic plan, which will then inform the SDC strategic plan. This will clarify who is responsible for what and give the operational details to the SDC and its strategic plan.
  46. What is our purpose?
  47. SDC Advisory Committee Proposed Purpose Statement:
  48. The Staff Development Center Advisory Committee is the forum for eligibility sites to provide input for the array of trainings offered through the Health and Economic Security Staff Development Center. The Committee’s focuses are:
  49. Creating a feedback loop to ensure training is accurate,relevant, timely, accessible, and meets the needs of eligibility teams statewide.
  50. Providingguidance to the Staff Development Center on training priorities and the use of SDC funds in support of these priorities.
  51. Grant requests motion to approve purpose statement: Christine motions, Joetta seconds. All in favor. Motion carried.
  52. Budget Direction:
  53. Understand, review and provide recommendations regarding the budget to ensure alignment with the strategic priorities of the SDC. Assess budget needs for both current and subsequent years and prioritize those needs based on available budget.
  54. Grant posed the question on where the meat of the responsibility of the budget is.
  55. Katie and Christine both like how the budget has been handled recently. Katy Morrison will make sure that the SDC is making responsible spending and purchasing decisions. The Advisory committee will provide oversight that the spending is in line with the priories that we have identified.
  56. Priority setting (See SDC Advisory Committee Priority Process Document)
  57. Comments in the room are in favor of the document, and showing the flow.
  58. Katy brought up the point that the SDC receives a lot of feedback directly from the counties. Should the document reflect that somehow
  59. Christine and Katie agree – arrows should show the flow both ways to demonstrate that the SDC needs to report back to the Committee so that we can decide what the SDC should own versus where to pull on another resource or avenue.
  60. How have these requests been handled in the past?
  61. There wasn’t anything that was done wrong. There is so much that our team is responsible for, that it can be hard to see the bigger picture to identify priorities and direction. We don’t want the committee to be a bottle neck; however the committee has the ability to see the big picture across agencies and provide future planning and supports/ resources.
  62. Christine brought up that we have been negligent in incorporating audit findings and case reviews in the training priority and would like to see that bumped up.
  63. Proposed new structure for the Board Meetings (See Meeting Template Document) – will be addressed more later
  64. On the back shows a matrix of training needs, that the committee can react to on a regular basis
  65. Vision and Mission
  66. It is the committee’s responsibility to provide guidance to the SDC on what the vision and mission are. Previous statement still applies and no changes needed.
  67. Support the management structure at the SDC
  68. Previous statement still applies, changed language to fit in language from the purpose statement
  69. Strike the sentence reflecting the evaluation, because that is not necessary to be called out.
  70. Evaluation should be about the effectiveness of the training and not the personnel.
  71. Outcomes and Goals
  72. We should review these quarterly rather than monthly, which would flow better with our work.
  73. Evaluator will help with this.
  74. Participation and Membership
  75. Added the language that missing more than three meetings over the course of the year.
  76. Voting members regularly participate in monthly meetings. Missing more than three (3) meetings in a calendar year, may result in the Board requesting a replacement.
  77. Staff Development Center
  78. SDC Staff is prevented from membership, but may be asked to attend to provide information.
  79. Christine provided history on why SDC sometimes would be invited for the beginning of the meeting, and then asked to leave. This was due to sensitive discussions that were about specific staff members, that the board did not want them to be in the room.
  80. Grant felt that this policy was unwelcoming, and the room agrees.
  81. Katie has received feedback that the SDC staff is scared of the board and that we make decisions without consulting them. She recommends for the group that during meetings we have voting and non-voting members, and that we provide the opportunity for the trainers (SDC or County) to come and get to know the board and see who we are and what our discussions are like.
  82. Changing the Quorum
  83. With the addition of members should we keep the quorum at 5 people?
  84. If at 10, we will increase to 6; If at 9, we will leave it at 5.
  85. Training Certification
  86. Current trainer certification process is not working and have received multiple complaints from counties. Denver County has had numerous issues. Board agrees that a revision is necessary. In addition the board agreed to assess the certification process on an individualized basis until the evaluator has determined the new process for trainer certifications.
  87. Grant calls for a vote: Katie makes a motion that we stop observations in the certification process. Christine seconds. All in favor.
  88. Melissa Oliveros: provide an exception and certify her
  89. Kris Carire: if passes assessments, certify her
  90. Garfield County trainer: if passes assessments, certify the trainer
  91. Continuing the Charter Discussion…
  92. Co-Chairs – who should they be?
  93. Notes from last time indicate that both county and state attendees are in favor of State and County Co-Chair. This language is reflected in the charter.
  94. Grant requests motion to change the chairs to State and County partnership: Katie motions, Christine seconds. All in favor.
  95. Christine adds that specific language should be added to the charter to reflect a year long term. State chair will rotate across agencies. County chair will rotate between small, medium, and large counties.
  96. Christine volunteers Katie to be the first State chair. All in favor.
  97. County Survey PowerPoint (Please see Build Feedback Document)
  98. Strategic Plan/Goals (See Current Goals, Proposed Goals, and Proposed Goals worksheets)
  99. Some goals date back to 2015.
  100. Christine provided the background that at its inception that this was originally supposed to be a strategic plan for the SDC.
  101. Katie proposed that the committee have a strategic plan that then informs the SDC strategic plan
  102. Proposed Goals
  103. Christine would like to change the language on the Process Based Training goal back to the original language of “Expanding the training delivery system”, which would encapsulate PBT as well as other modalities.
  104. Proposed Goals Worksheet: (Please see handout)
  105. Get Katie’s notes and fill in spreadsheet
  106. Joetta will compile OIT data on infrastructure in the counties
  107. Katy will provide Joetta with the technical requirements of PBT
  108. Katy will provide the committee with the list of the participants/counties that were involved in the training network (certified/or not certified)
  109. Katy will create a survey for the Training Network Meeting to create a feedback loop as we try to build relationships and encourage a regional model
  110. Katie/Katy/Joanna will invite Lexie Kuznic to the Training Network Meeting
  111. Christine suggested a new communication style after the committee meeting. Katie shared how EBD is approaching communication. We will visit later in the agenda.
  112. Katie also wants to make sure that we are following the branding as well so that there is clarity around SDC, CDHS, OIT, or HCPF training.
  113. Katy will bring back when the Pilot ends, and when the evaluator report is due. Katie and Christine would like something by the end of April.
  114. Additional add to “Enhance Partnerships” Goal of Public Relations and Messaging: Improving the perception of the SDC
  115. Leslie Cory design a graphic on the SDC – trainings available, who to contact, metrics, etc. Katie/Katy/Christine will work on include EDU from HCPF
  116. Katie/Katy/Joanna will introduce Katy Morrison, her new role, and her goals to the counties
  117. With the highlight, include a “what’s coming” portion so that people know what changes are in the pipeline
  118. Proposed Agenda Continued… (See handout)
  119. Katy Morrison will be a regular (but not voting) member to provide the SDC updates and county feedback. The charter language will be updated to reflect this.
  120. Christine proposed that the PBT pilot counties be invited to committee meetings to provide feedback. Katy will also provide regular updates on the evaluations that are happening (has access in real time).
  121. Christine would like to add two sections for decisions made and parking lot items. Room agrees.
  122. Katie and Joanna will update the agenda template in order to reflect today’s feedback
  123. Each May, we will need to add a budget discussion. Christine called it “New Business” – to set budget and priorities for the upcoming year.
  124. Parking Lot Items from the last meeting
  125. Certification Process:
  126. Until the evaluation is completed, process will be as follows - if a trainer would like to be certified, they need to pass the assessments. Katy will report to the board on x amount of trainers would like to be certified, and provide justification on exceptions. On a county by county individualized basis, the committee will consider certifications.
  127. Katy will communicate the change in the certification process and future committee decisions on certifications to Sonia and Michelle.
  128. Reviewing Parking Lot Items from last meeting
  129. Most items already have been covered
  130. Regional Board Meetings:
  131. Quarterly is probably the best approach. We need to make sure that committee attendance policy is enforced.
  132. Grant and Christine both propose that phone participation is ok, but in person attendance is best. Room agrees.
  133. Next meeting is going to be moved to February 15th, to avoid the conflict with Sub-Pac
  134. Denise with the SDC will calendar these meetings.
  135. Location for next meeting:
  136. Feedback for SDC staff is that it feels the board is unreachable, and having some of the meetings at the SDC to help for with the perception that the committee is unreachable.
  137. Adams county (pilot county) is also a great location
  138. Next meeting, we will try for Adams County
  139. Board has decided to move the meeting to the morning, which works better for everyone. 9:30 start time decided for 3rd Thursday of the month.
  140. Summary of the Day
  141. Trash Can: Governance Board title; Certification Process
  142. Recycle: Advisory Board; Create a new certification process; charter; voting member structure
  143. Decisions: Testing/ assessment process; structured agenda; purpose statement; evaluator (member) + regional county member; purpose statement; meeting held regionally (different locations); goals; 3 county representative; 9 or 10 members
  144. After more discussion, the board decided at the end of the day to keep the title of “board” versus “committee”. New title will be the “Staff Development Center Advisory Board”. All in favor.
  145. Action Items:
  146. Joanna will update all language to reflect shift back to “board” versus “committee”
  147. Denise Romero-Freyta will calendar the meetings
  148. Joanna will provide meeting minutes while Katie is chair. Future state co-chairs will bring their own technical support, unless it is decided that the SDC program assistant should staff these meeting
  149. Katie and Joanna will update all of today’s document with feedback and changes
  150. (Completed) Christine and Marivel will decide if an MA site member should be recruited
  151. Marivel believes it would be preferable to have an MA site representative.
  152. Marivel will recruit an MA board member
  153. Board will be 10 members, with a 6 person quorum.
  154. Joetta will compile OIT data on infrastructure in the counties
  155. Joetta will compile OIT data on infrastructure in the counties
  156. Katy will provide Joetta with the technical requirements of PBT
  157. Katy will provide the committee with the list of the participants/counties that were involved in the training network (certified/or not certified)
  158. Katy will create a survey for the Training Network Meeting to create a feedback loop as we try to build relationships and encourage a regional model
  159. Katie/Katy/Joanna will invite Lexie Kuznic to the Training Network Meeting
  160. Katy will bring back when the Pilot ends, and when the evaluator report is due. Katie and Christine would like something by the end of April.
  161. Katy will communicate the change in the certification process and future committee decisions on certifications to Sonia and Michelle.
  162. Denise Romero-Freyta will calendar future SDC Board meetings, work with Tammi Hoffman to get current meeting removed from calendars, and secure locations for future meetings.