SDAHA Spring Meeting
Saturday, April 1st, 2017
Campus Center, 333 9th St. SW
Huron, SD
- Sign in 8:30 a.m. (Juice, coffee and rolls will be provided)
- Call to Order 9:00 a.m.
- Welcome – Introductions
- Count of Voting Delegates and Determination of Quorum
- Adoption of Agenda
- Proposals not on Agenda
- Three proposals from Oahe Hockey (#7, #8, #9) to be approved for addition to agenda
- Approval of Fall Regular Board Meeting Minutes
- Approval of electronic vote January 1/5/17
- Treasurers Report and Financial Updates
- Randy Honkomp, Treasurer
- Acceptance of Treasurer’s Financial Report
- Registrars Report – Annette Stensgaard-Hatten, State Registrar
- Risk Managers Report – Dawn Magee, Risk Manager
- Discipline Report – Tony Lief VP
- Officials Report – Cade Bloomenrader, RIC
- Officials Scheduling – Jodi Sterrett
- Coaching Reports – Steve Salwei, CIC(Absent)
- Varsity Coaches – Rob Kittay (Absent-report in folder)
- Player Development Reports
- Boys/Youth - Rob Kittay(Absent – report in folder)
- Girls – Shelby Edwards
- National Teams Report – Scott Riddle/Dave Mannes
- Growth and Retention (No representative)
- Scheduling Update – Max Tronnes (Absent – report in folder)
- Website update – Kevin Miley and/or Ron Dobesh (Absent)
- Local Association Reports
- Aberdeen, Brandon Valley, Brookings, Fremont, Huron, Mitchell, NHAHA, Oahe, Rushmore, Sioux Center, Sioux Falls, Spirit Lake, Watertown, Yankton
- SDAHA President’s Report – Dan French
- Sam Tronnes Memorial Foundation Report – Dave Tronnes (Absent – report in folder)
- Discussion/Possible Action Items
- #1 League Commissioner Position (Dan French)
- See possible job description
- #2 Shortage of officials for games
- #3 Request from Omaha Hockey Club
- See Letter from Tim Vanderloo, OHC
- #4 Brandon Valley Request
- #5Recognition Proposal Ideas (Randy Honkomp)
- #6Input to create a proposal for medical personnel at games (Dawn Magee)
- Possible Action Items/Playing Rules Proposals
- #1 Playing Rules – Girls Age Classification Rule 1A (Mike Hunter)
- #2 Playing Rules – Resuming Play Rule 5 C (Cade Bloomenrader)
- #3 Playing Rules – Icing Rule 5 F (Cade Bloomenrader)
- #4 Tournament Rules – Page 1, Bid to Host Varsity Tournament (Sioux Falls Hockey)
- #5 Playing Rules – Age Classifications/Jr. Gold Rule 1A (Tony Lief)
- #6 Video Review Policy (Dan French)
- Possible additions of Proposals 7, 8, 9 (see above) (Oahe Hockey)
- Scheduled Elections (President, Secretary)
- Tom Hitchcock, Nominating Committee
- Site and date of 2017 Fall Meeting (Watertown)
- Adjournment
SDAHA Playing/Administration Rules and Tournament Rules
Delegates/Presidents Only:
Coach registration information from USA Hockey (Annette Stensgaard-Hatten)
-List of age level modules completed by coach
-List of CEP expirations with safesport/screening completed by coach
Minutes from Discipline Conference Call appeal 2/16/17
Minutes from fall meeting
Minutes from Electronic Vote 1/5/17
Discussion Items
- Financial Reports
-Coaches Report (Youth)
-Development Report (Youth)
-Scheduling Report
-STMF Report
- Registration numbers by Association
-Final Team Standings
-Current Tournament Rotation
- Appointed position by SDAHA President
- Non-voting position on the SDAHA Board of Directors
- May be reimbursed for allowable expenses as outlined by SDAHA
- To assist the President and Vice-President in the daily activities of the game of hockey as it pertains to the actual play of the game. This will allow the executive board the opportunity to spend precious time on the business of youth hockey in the state.
- Will work closely with the President, Vice-President and Referee-in-Chief for the betterment and safety of the players.
- Suggested member of the following committees: Video review, Discipline committee
- Contact person for complaints, issues, comments, suggestions as they pertain to the playing of the game.
- Work with both the Youth Varsity and Girls Varsity coaches for rule enhancement, addition or subtraction thereof.
- Work with SDAHA President as to approve schedules and logos for SDAHA State tournaments.
- Available to represent SDAHA at state tournaments.
- Able to bring proposals to the SDAHA Board of Directors meetings.
- Assist both the League scheduler and Officials scheduler as needed.
- Officials are often the forgotten group when it comes to youth hockey. We must work closely with SDHOA. Act as the liaison between the SDHOA and SDAHA through the course of the season. Assist the Referee-in-Chief as needed.
- Provide open door policy for coaches and officials to be heard.
- Advisory role to the SDAHA Board of Directors in conjunction with Past Presidents.
DISCUSSION #3 – Letter from Omaha Hockey Club
Hi Dan,
As you know Omaha Hockey Club has two girls teams that would be interested in joining SDAHA Girls Varsity and Girls JV Leagues.
I have held meetings with our coaching staff and we feel this would be a positive direction for both our program and your league.
Our intention would be to enter our 19U-B team into the varsity division and our 15U team in the JV division for the upcoming 2017-18 season.
If permitted to attend the April 1 SDAHA board meeting I would be prepared to present a brief history of our program and any information to help the board members understand what they need to know prior to granting us provisional admittance.
This would include prepared information about our program, results of games our teams played against respective SDAHA league teams during the 2016-17 season, and a question answer session.
Omaha has a lot of players to draw from. I will share with you our plan that will enable us to align our teams with the level of play you provide.
We realize that Omaha is a longer distance for some of your members, I will share with you a solution that may work so that it does not increase road time for those teams geopraphically located further from Omaha.
Our hope is that we would add as much value to your League as we receive from in being a part of it.
If there is more information needed please feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearimg from you soon.
Thank you,
Tim Vanderloo
OHC Girls Hockey Director
Discussion/possible action #4
From: Tom Cauwels, President of the Brandon Valley Hockey Association
I have been asked, on behalf of our coaches, to contact the SDAHA regarding the new age classifications the state will be using next season.
In years past I believe it has been up to each association to determine if they want to use birth year, or the July 1st age cut-off. We have always used the July 1st cut-offin our program.
Last year it was voted that the SDAHA will be switching to the birth year system for the 2017 season and beyond. I think it is great and will make it very easy forhockey members to figure out what age group/team their kid(s) will play.
As you know our association is still new in terms of programs we compete against. We had new skaters at every level this year, Mini Mites through PeeWees.
Our coaches feel that if we follow the the birth year age cut-off we will be putting kids at the Bantam level who are not ready for that. Not to mention we would also have a very small team. We would only be able to move 7 kids to the Bantam level using the new system.
We are asking the state to consider allowing the Brandon Valley Hockey Association to use the July 1st age cut-off for one more season (2017-2018) for our PeeWee aged kids. By doing this it would allow our skaters to better prepare themselves for the next level in 2018-2019 season. Our Peewee's played at the "B" level this season. They won their first game of the season at State Tournamnet. We truly feel that one more year at that this level will help keep this kids in hockey and will help them tremendously with their skill development and understanding of the game.
We would use the required birth year age cut-off for the other levels of our program.
I want thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter. If you have any questions for me I can be reached via email or by phone at605.951.5257
See Rough Draft included below:
Proposal for outgoing SDAHA Elected and Appointed positions:
In looking back on history, it has always been a show of good faith to recognize outgoing elected board positions. This recognition has most normally been a plaque with years of service, or something along those lines. We have noticed that there really isn’t anything in place to guide future boards in the way of keeping the recognition uniform. As well, there isn’t anything concrete in the way of recognizing the appointed positions. Dave Tronnes and I have put together something that we would like to build on and make the final product our recognition plan for SDAHA.
Purpose : Recognize the individuals (players, coaches, referees,
volunteers, etc) that have contributed significantly to the youth, sport
of hockey, and SDAHA.
Participation Level
(A) Individuals who have served the state association in an official
capacity for a specific elected or appointed time frame (1 term). 4 points
for each completed term
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President
(B) Appointed positions from USAH – Coach In Chief, Referee in Chief, Registrar, Risk Manager,
Safe Sport, High School Section, Disabled Section, Womens Section 2 Points
for every 1 years of service
(C) SDAHA Appointed positions -- Player development -- ????others 1 point for every 2 years of service
(D) SDAHA Paid positions -- Executive Ass't and Scheduler, Referee
Scheduler 2 Points for every year employed with a 5 point bonus for each 5 years employed
(E) District Support Positions -- District Director, Director Emeritus,
Grow the Game. –others?? 1 point for each year of service
(F) Individual, Company or group special achievement or recognition for
activities that benefited SDAHA -- case by case basis
(G) Referees and Coaches (Not sure if this is possible or not) Thoughts?
1) 7 Years of certification--SILVER
2) 12 Years—GOLD
3) 15+ Years—PLATINUM
Example: I coached for 12 years Varsity, 3 Years Bantam, and 3 years Squirt. But mandatory certification as we know it didn’t start until I was coaching varsity. Referees in the same boat?
Recognition Level (Point Levels are up for discussion)
Level 1- 2-10 Points BRONZE LEVEL
Participant receives plaque with their years of service and position held upon resigning/voted out. Plaque will be procured by the Current Secretary immediately following the Spring SDAHA meeting. Recipient will be invited to receive award at the following Fall SDAHA board meeting. If recipient declines invitation, the award will be mailed to them.
Level 2 11-19 Points SILVER LEVEL
Participant receives level 1 gift plus a $50 gift card. Same delivery method.
Level 3 20-30 Points GOLD LEVEL
Level 1 and 2 plus recognition at the following season Varsity banquet as a GOLD LEVEL SDAHA volunteer and added to the mailing list for SDAHA season passes for life.
Level 4 31+ Points PLATINUM
1, 2, 3 plus automatic induction to SDAHA Hall of Fame
(Coaches and Referees attaining this level will not receive an automatic induction. They will receive consideration to the committee for approval) Reason: A coach who simply coaches squirts for 15 years may not be HOF material.
Yet to come……This will take some more thought. Criteria, how to recognize, etc.
(Example of a past contributor to SDAHA)
President 4 years (2 terms) = 6 points
Past President 6 years (3 Terms) = 9 points
Treasurer 4 years (2 Terms) = 6 points
Vice President 4 years (2 terms)=8 points
Total = 29 Points Gold Level
From: Dawn Magee, SDAHA Risk Manager
-Input to create a proposal for medical personnel at games.
PROPOSAL #1 Date: March 10, 2017
- Please indicate which playing rule or by-law you wish to add, amend or replace:
Rule 1 A
(Letter/number/page/etc. – If adding a rule, indicate where you wish rule placed)
- If amending or replacing, please write the rule as it is currently worded:
1) Age Classifications: These classifications will be updated each season as necessary.
The following are the classifications of teams and the earliest birth date for eligibility in each classification: Girls 2016-2017 Season
12-under born on 1/1/2004 or thereafter **
14-under born on 1/1/2002 or thereafter
16-under born on 1/1/2000 or thereafter
19-under born on1/1/1997 or thereafter.
Varsity/Jr. Varsity born 1/1/1997 or thereafter
*SDAHA does not officially recognize the Midget classification. All players in this group will be registered as Varsity/Jr. Varsity.
**Effective with the 2015-16 season, SDAHA will add a league level Girls 12-U division. This division will follow the peewee guidelines for league play. These players may dual roster on the G12-U team, plus the GV/GJV or a non-league level team but not dual roster on any other league level team. (4/15)
- Please write the rule as you wish to amend/add it, using different color print and crossing out portions of the playing rule you wish changed/removed:
1) Age Classifications: These classifications will be updated each season as necessary.
The following are the classifications of teams and the earliest birth date for eligibility in each classification:
Girls2017-2018 Season
12-under born on 1/1/2005 or thereafter **
14-under born on 1/1/2003 or thereafter
16-under born on 1/1/2001 or thereafter
19-under born on1/1/1998 or thereafter.
Varsity/Jr. Varsity born 1/1/1997 or thereafter
Varsity born on 1/ 1/1998 or thereafter
JV born on 1/1/2003 or thereafter
*SDAHA does not officially recognize the Midget classification. All players in this group will be registered as Varsity/Jr. Varsity.
**Effective with the 2015-16 season, SDAHA will add a league level Girls 12-U division. This division will follow the peewee guidelines for league play. These players may dual roster on the G12-U team, plus the GV/GJV or a non-league level team but not dual roster on any other league level team. (4/15) The Girls Varsity will be rostered using 19U age classifications. The Girls JV will be rostered using 14U age classifications.
- Please explain why you wish to add or amend the rule:
12U players can float to 14U/Jr Varsity
14U players can float to 19U/Varsity
The amended rule would keep girls of similar age on the ice and in the locker rooms. Girls ages 15-19 would not be rostered to a 12U or 14U team.
SUBMITTER NAME/Association: Mike Hunter / Huron Hockey Association
PROPOSAL #2 Date: __3/10/17______
- Please indicate which playing rule or by-law you wish to add, amend or replace:
Playing Rule 5C
- If amending or replacing, please write the rule as it is currently worded:
Rule 5.C. […] When play resumes, there shall by NO warm-up time. All players, except the starting lineup, should go directly to their benches.
- Please write the rule as you wish to amend/add it, using different color print and crossing out portions of the playing rule you wish changed/removed:
Rule 5.C. […] When play resumes, there shall by NO warm-up time. All players, except the starting lineup, should go directly to their benches.A minor penalty for delay of game may be assessed for violation of this rule.
- Please explain why you wish to add or amend the rule:
SUBMITTER NAME/Association: Cade Bloomenrader, RIC
PROPOSAL #3 Date: _3/10/17______
- Please indicate which playing rule or by-law you wish to add, amend or replace:
Rule 5F, Playing Rules
- If amending or replacing, please write the rule as it is currently worded:
Rule 5.F Currently reads;“Even Strength icing: For the Youth JV and Youth Varsity Levels only: When an even strength icing occurs, the offending team cannot make a line change.”
- Please write the rule as you wish to amend/add it, using different color print and crossing out portions of the playing rule you wish changed/removed:
Rule 5.F
Even Strength Icing: For the youth JV and Youth Varsity Levels only; A team thatis in violation of the icing rule (USA Hockey Rule 624) shall not be permitted to make any player substitutions prior to the ensuing face-off. However a team shall be permitted to make a player substitution to replace a goalkeeper that had been substituted for an extra attacker, an injured player or goalkeeper, or when a penalty had been assessed that affects the on-ice numerical strength of either team. The determination of players on the ice will be made when the puck leaves the offending team’s stick.If an offending team uses its timeout following an icing, it may elect to change players.
If a team shall try and substitute players that weren’t on the ice when the icing occurred, or if they delay the game in any manner, including feigning injury or problem with equipment,the team will be assessed a delay of game bench minor penalty.
- Please explain why you wish to add or amend the rule:
SUBMITTER NAME/Association: Cade Bloomenrader, RIC
PROPOSAL #4 Date: ____3/10/17______
- Please indicate which playing rule or by-law you wish to add, amend or replace:
Proposal to move the Girl’s Varsity to a bid process. Addition to SDAHA State Tournament Rules to follow Boys Varsity Rules-Page 1
(Letter/number/page/etc. – If adding a rule, indicate where you wish rule placed)
- If amending or replacing, please write the rule as it is currently worded:
Following are the rules and general information relative to the SDAHA State Tournaments. Please pass this information on to anyone else in the host associations that have a need for this information.