SCT Banner YES Finance Team
Meeting Minutes
1 Meeting Logistics
Item / DescriptionDate / Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Time / 2:00 p.m -3:30 p.m.
Location / Kilcawley Center Cochran Room
2 Attendees
Role / NameFacilitator / Marianne Anderson
Note Taker / Marianne Anderson
Participants / Elaine Beatty
Lois Catheline
Lisa Croyle
Akhande Khan
Jan Loychik
Mary Noble
Patty Seachman
Not Present / Katrena Davidson
Jim Herschel
Tom Masters
Bob McGovern
Tina Weintz
Fran Wolf
3 Minutes
Topic / NotesMinutes –
1. Implementation Team
Meeting Notes 10/31 & 11/17 / Informed the team that the Student and Human Resources BPA’s had been held; Financial Aid BPA was currently taking place.
2. LUMINUS / Phase 1 of the LUMINUS portal is up and running. Informed the team that I would e-mail the LUMINUS web link, userid and password for the portal to them.
3. Printing of reports designed by Computer Services / ADVANTAGE format on reports = 15 characters, Banner format = 13 characters. The print is bigger, but now it seems the print is taking up the whole page and if the report is hole punched for storage, some of the information may be punched through. The reports are being printed through Forms Fusion and Computer Services is searching for printer controls that would standardize report printing across campus.
4. GMR’s / Distributed a new version of the GMR where the section for role classes was added. Informed the team that they would need to contact the security administrator for the appropriate role classes.
Informed the team that when completing a GMR for Banner Services, it was their responsibility to identify what Banner functional forms, etc. the information is to be retrieved from. Computer Services would translate the functional form into the technical form. Also, if the request for a report is a Banner version of an ADVANTAGE report, it would be helpful if they attached the ADVANTAGE report and identify through a numbering or alpha system which ADVANTAGE rows/columns, etc. would translate into Banner rows/columns, etc. on the new report.
Informed the team to funnel all GMR’s to me. Eileen would still sign them but I needed to be aware of what requests were being made.
Informed the team that GMR’s were required for functions in finance that were already implemented but changes or reports were necessary. Computer Services stated that for any function not yet implemented, we would just contact Computer Services.
5. Agendas for SCT consulting 11/15-11/17 / Distributed the agendas for fixed asset and budget development training on 11/15 thru 11/17. I delivered the fixed asset training manuals to General Accounting. Informed the team that whoever would need a manual should stop into General Accounting.
It was also my suggestion that those team members who were in charge of their departmental budget, should attend at least the Spreadsheet Budgeting session on Thursday afternoon to see how this process worked.
6. Crosswalks / Discussed the ADVANTAGE to Banner crosswalks on the YES website that were no longer being maintained. Many of the team members felt these crosswalks should be removed from the web because the last update to them was July 15th. Will discuss with Executive Director of Financial Services. If they are removed, we would need to notify the university community and identify a time frame (i.e. as of 12/31/05) that they would be removed.
Discussed the codefile crosswalks and who was maintaining them.
Big concern of the team is how additions, deletions and changes to the chart of accounts or to financial managers is being communicated. The loss of the duplicate part “Change of Signature Authority” form has led to the lapse of this information being communicated. Meeting needs to be set up to discuss this.
7. PIDM Patrol / A team of functional and technical users has been identified to address the duplicate name situation. This team will be known as the PIDM Patrol. Donna Wainio will conduct a refresher class on the searching and adding of names. At the time of the team meeting, no date had been established for this refresher class. Also, a meeting will be held on Friday, November 18th at 8:30 a.m. in Meshel Hall, 4th floor. All individuals involved in vendor update are strongly encouraged to attend. The purpose of the PIDM Patrol is to collectively (both functional and technical users) correct duplicate errors.
8. ADVANTAGE to Banner regressions / Asked the team to discuss and complete a list of functionality that was lost between ADVANTAGE and Banner. Asked that this list be completed by Thursday, November 10th for compilation to be forwarded to Project Managers.
9. Banner 7.0 testing / Finance areas have begun testing in 7.0. No major problems reported yet. Team wanted to know if common matching rule codes for aliases were established in 7.0. Said that I would check with Carol Chen and report back to them.
Need to have interface files sent to 7.0 for testing purposes to ensure FUPLOAD process works. Mary asked that I contact Doug Sewell about the MF upload.
10. Policies and Procedures / None.
12. ERIP concerns / Team members and Directors expressed their concern about the impact of the ERIP on the Banner project.
4 Action Items
Action Item / Owner / Due Date / StatusAction items
1. Non-mandatory transfers/budget issue / General Accounting/Budget Office / Tabled
2. Flow of chart changes/signature authority changes/security changes / General Accounting/Financial Services / On-going / Open
3. Write up fixed asset procedures for use by Accounts Payable and university community / General Accounting / Open
4. Additional security access requests for GSASECR / Finance / On-going / Open
5. Policies and Procedures Documentation / Finance Team / On-going / Open
6. NSF Issue / Executive Director of Financial Services and Director of Budget / Open
7. Removing ADVANTAGE to Banner crosswalks from YES website / Marianne Anderson / 12/31/05 / Open
YES Implementation Minutes Page 2