City of Bloomfield Council Meeting

Regular Session

September 23, 2013 at 6:30 P.M.

Mayor Donna Medlin called the meeting to order. Those present were: Tonya Roper, Pat Wilson, Kim Johnson, Donna Deardorff, Public Works Director Justin Bell, Police Chief Tim Zych. City Clerk Kari Standley arrived late. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Consent Agenda: Items D,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N were removed from the consent agenda. Ald. Johnson made a motion to accept the consent agenda. Ald. Roper seconded the motion, all in favor.

Ald. Wilson made a motion to give Linda Myers a $.50 per hour raise and Janet Weaver a $.25 per hour raise. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.

Ruth Ann McGee submitted the Treasurer’s report, Unpaid Tax Report (3 years) and the Monthly Tax Turnover report. Ald. Deardorff made the motion to accept these reports. Ald. Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor.

Ald. Johnson made a motion allowing the City Tax Collector to refund overpayment of the $25.00 land sale fee to those listed in her report. Ald. Roper seconded the motion, all in favor.

A motion was made by Ald. Deardorff and seconded by Ald. Roper to accept the Fire Dept. report and the Public Works report submitted by Justin Bell. All in favor.

A motion was made by Ald. Johnson and seconded by Ald. Wilson to accept the Statement of Cash Flows report for August 2013. All in favor.

Old Bus: Ald. Johnson did a presentation on the water/sewer rates.

New Bus: Joel Ogle with Utility Service Group was present and gave a powerpoint presentation on the condition of the City’s two water towers. A spreadsheet was given to all board members with financial information relating to the cost of repairing and painting both towers.

The police department requested permission to purchase new body cameras. The old ones currently being used are not durable enough. Quotes from Taser, VieVue, and Martel were presented. Ald. Johnson made a motion, seconded by Ald. Deardorff to allow the purchase of the body cameras from Martel for approximately $1500.00. All in favor.

Allied Waste representative Jennifer Parkhill stated that the corporation wants their employees to be off three additional holidays which will be Memorial Day, July 4, and Labor Day. An Amendment To Agreement For Solid Waste Collection Services was presented for approval. Ald. Johnson made a motion to postpone this decision until the next scheduled council meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded the motion, all in favor.


Ald. Johnson made a motion allowing the City attorney to draw up an ordinance permitting the Library to collect fines for failing to return library property.

Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.

Ald. Johnson made a motion that the City provide something to show proof on the vehicles that personal property taxes have been paid. Ald. Wilson seconded the motion, all in favor.

The subject of moving the City Municipal Court to the County Court was discussed. Ald. Roper made a motion to postpone this decision until the next scheduled council meeting. Ald. Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor.

The personnel handbook continues to be developed. The alderman have a working meeting to help develop this handbook on October 8, 2013 at 6:30pm.

Mayor Medlin presented, on behalf of the City of Bloomfield, a book to Drew Bond at his Eagle Scout award presentation.

The board briefly reviewed and discussed the new Time Clock Policy and Procedure. Ald. Roper made a motion to postpone a decision on this policy until the next scheduled council meeting. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.

Ald. Johnson gave a brief discussion of how to get a Fire Dept. Tax on the ballot and what it will mean for the fire department. Ald. Johnson made a motion to start working on a tax for the April ballot. Ald. Wilson seconded the motion, all in favor.

Ald. Johnson made a motion to allow 2 sets of turn-out gear be purchased for the fire department for approximately $5000.00. Ald. Roper seconded the motion, all in favor.

Public Comments: Ald. Roper made a motion to credit Trinity Parsonage the difference between August bill of $75.07 and the previous month of $44.32 which will result in a credit amount of $30.75. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.

Brenda McRoy presented the board with a written opinion statement relating to the recent sewage damage in her basement. This information will be passed along to the City’s insurance company.

Scott Staggs inquired “what is the plan for first responders?” The Mayor replied that per a letter from MHJ, the employees responding are not medically covered. If the City’s employee takes a call as a first responder during the employee’s work hours, the City is exposed to anything that could happen while the employee is working that call. A discussion ensued on the liability issues with city employees as first responders. The topic then changed to the fire chief responsibilities, and being the water supervisor as well.

Steve Larsen stated that the City is not registered through the Bureau of EMS. He also commented that Missouri State Law requires a memo from the Director of EMS allowing anyone to respond.


At this time, Mayor Medlin asked for a motion to go into executive session per section 610.021(2)(3). Ald. Roper made the motion and Ald. Johnson seconded the motion. Ald. Roper – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Johnson – aye.

Back in regular session.

A motion was made by Ald. Johnson and seconded by Ald. Roper to hire a full-time employee for the Water/Street Department from the previously received applications. Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Roper – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Johnson – aye.

A motion was made by Ald. Roper and seconded by Ald. Deardorff to permit Justin Bell to use his discretion in leaving his Water/Street position to respond to fire calls until the City Council can discuss this matter with the City Attorney as to the proper way to address this concern. Ald. Johnson – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Roper – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye.

It was decided that applications for the position of water clerk will be accepted from 09/24/13 through 10/13/13. This notice will be publicized on the City’s website and in the North Stoddard Countian newspaper.

The motion was made by Ald. Johnson and seconded by Ald. Wilson to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Johnson – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Roper – aye.

Minutes recorded by: ______

Kari Standley, City Clerk

Donna Deardorff, Alderman