Scripture Scope and Sequence Years Prep – Ten
Year / Level statement / Knowledge and Understandings / Suggested ScripturePrep / Religious texts include – scripture and moral stories, visual texts, icons, simple prayers, gestures, celebrations, songs, hymns, images, pictures, sacred symbols. / Narratives:
- Infancy narratives
- The return to Nazareth
- The boy Jesus in the temple
- Jesus calls his first disciples
- Jesus chooses the twelve apostles
- Jesus and Zacchaeus
- The triumphant approach to Jerusalem
Matthew 21:1-11
Mark 11:1-11
John 12: 12-19
- The Lord’s Supper
Matthew 26: 26-30
Mark 14: 22-26
- The arrest and passion of Jesus
- The death and burial of Jesus
- The Resurrection
Matthew 28: 1-10
Mark 16: 1-8
John 20:1-10
- 103
- 104
- 19
One / Learners understand that a range of textual features assists them in accessing information and ideas in scriptural texts.
They recognise people, places and things depicted in scriptural texts and share understandings of these with others / Narratives
- Infancy narratives
- Passion narratives
- Martha and Mary
- Jesus calls four fishermen
- Zacchaeus
- The parable of the Shepherd
- 104
- 19
- 148 – cosmic hymn of praise
Two / Learners understand that text types are organised in specific ways. They are aware of contextual elements within scriptural texts and explore levels of meaning within those texts. / Narratives
- The Baptism of Jesus
- Blesses children
- Passion narratives
- Infancy narratives
- The mustard seed
- The Leaven
- The Lost sheep
- The lost coin
Three / Learners understand that text types are organised in specific ways. They are aware of contextual elements within scriptural texts and explore levels of meaning within those texts. / Textual features of the Bible
Textual features of scriptural texts
Text types
- Christian scripture
- Infancy Narratives
- Passion Narratives
- The Hidden treasure
- Pearl of great price
- The persistent friend
- The persistent widow
- The barren Fig Tree
- The Prodigal Son
Four / Learners understand ways textual features in text types assist in communicating thinking, feelings and shared understandings of scriptural texts.
They are aware of how contextual information impacts on understanding scripture and can use biblical tools to explore those texts. / Narratives
- Infancy narratives
- The Last Supper
- The house built on rock
- The unmerciful servant
- The rich fool
- First miraculous catch of fish
- Feeding the 5000
Five / Learners understand ways textual features in text types assist in communicating thinking, feelings and shared understandings of scriptural texts.
They are aware of how contextual information impacts on understanding scripture and can use biblical tools to explore those texts. / Textual features
Contextual information within scriptural texts
Audiences of scriptural texts
Biblical tools
Gospel parallels
Dictionary / Narratives:
- The beatitudes – The Sermon on the Mount- Matthew 5: 1-12
- All Gospels
- Both Matthew and Luke
- The sower - Matthew 1`3:1-23; Mark 4:1-12; Luke 8:47-49
- Workers in the vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16
- The great supper - Luke 14: 15-24
- Pharisee and the tax collector -Luke 18:9-14
- Feeding the 4000 -Matthew 15:32-38; Mark 8:1-9
- Cure of Peter’s Mother-in –law-Matthew 8: 14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4: 38-41
- Healing a centurion’s servant-Matthew 8: 5-13; Luke 7:1-10
- Opening the eyes of the two blind men-Matthew 9:27-31
- Healing a deaf and mute man-Mark 7:31-37
- Opening a blind man’s eyes-Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18: 35-4
Six / Learners understand how images, symbols and metaphoric language can be used to communicate multiple meanings of scriptural texts.
They clarify personal and shared meanings of scriptural texts by using, in a systematic way, the social, cultural and historical contexts.
They develop processes to explain scriptural texts / Images, symbols, metaphoric language in scriptural texts
- Social contexts
- Cultural contexts
- Historical contexts of scriptural texts
- Socio-historical
- Form
- Literary
- The women at the Tomb- Luke 24:1-12
- The Road to Emmaus-Luke 24: 13-35
- The Ascension of Jesus-Acts 1:6-11
- The Story of Joseph-Genesis 37:2-36; 39:1-46:34
- The story of Cain and Abel -Genesis 4: 1-16
- The conversion of Paul – Acts 9: 1-19
- The travels of Paul
- Weeds -Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43
- The Good Samaritan- Luke 10:29-37
- The servants who waited- Luke 12:35-48
- Two sons - Matthew 21:28-32
- Water into wine at Cana- John 2:11
- Stilling the storm-Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8: 22-25
- Walking on water-Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6: 45-52; John 6: 16-2
- Healing the sick man at Bethsaida- John 5:1-9
- The creation stories - Genesis 1 & 2: 25
- The ten commandments - Deut 5: 6-21
- To love Yahweh- the essence of the law- Deut 6: 1-9
- The ritual for annual feasts - Leviticus 23: 1-44; Numbers 28: 4-29:39
Seven / Learners understand how images, symbols and metaphoric language can be used to communicate multiple meanings of scriptural texts.
They clarify personal and shared meanings of scriptural texts by using, in a systematic way, the social, cultural and historical contexts.
They develop processes to explain scriptural texts / Images, symbols, metaphoric language in scriptural texts
- Social contexts
- Cultural contexts
- Historical contexts of scriptural texts
- Socio-historical
- Form
- Literary
- The Story of Moses and the Plaques -Exodus 1: 1-15: 21
- The First Pentecost - Acts 2: 1-12
- The travels of Paul
- Rich man and Lazarus- Luke 16:19-31
- Sheep and goats -Matthew: 25:31-46
- The talents- Matthew 25;14-30; Luke: 19:12-27
- Raising of Lazarus- John 11: 1-44
- Cleansing the lepers - Luke 17: 12-19
- Healing a woman with a haemorrhage- Matthew 9: 18-26; Mark 5: 21-43; Luke 8: 40-56
- The Flood - Genesis 6: 5- 9:17
- Leviticus 11 Rules concerning the clean and unclean
- Leviticus 23 – The ritual for the annual feasts
- Thoughts about life - Ecclesiastes 7
- A time for everything - Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
- Book of Psalm
- Paul to the Corinthians, chapters 12 and 13 and Romans chapter 12
eight / Learners understand how images, symbols and metaphoric language can be used to communicate multiple meanings of scriptural texts.
They clarify personal and shared meanings of scriptural texts by using, in a systematic way, the social, cultural and historical contexts.
They develop processes to explain scriptural texts / Images, symbols, metaphoric language in scriptural texts
- Social contexts
- Cultural contexts
- Historical contexts of scriptural texts
- Socio-historical
- Form
- Literary
- The Story of Moses and the Plaques -Exodus 1: 1-15: 21
- The First Pentecost - Acts 2: 1-12
- The travels of Paul
- Rich man and Lazarus- Luke 16:19-31
- Sheep and goats -Matthew: 25:31-46
- The talents- Matthew 25;14-30; Luke: 19:12-27
- Raising of Lazarus- John 11: 1-44
- Cleansing the lepers - Luke 17: 12-19
- Healing a woman with a haemorrhage- Matthew 9: 18-26; Mark 5: 21-43; Luke 8: 40-56
- The Flood - Genesis 6: 5- 9:17
- Leviticus 11 Rules concerning the clean and unclean
- Leviticus 23 – The ritual for the annual feasts
- Thoughts about life - Ecclesiastes 7
- A time for everything - Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
- Book of Psalm
- Paul to the Corinthians, chapters 12 and 13 and Romans chapter 12
Draft Oct 2013Diocesan Catholic Education Office