The Journal: June 17, 2009

The meeting of the 61st Student Senate was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Student Senate President Bobby Seifter.
Senator Dayan lead the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of Silent Reflection:
MEMBERS PRESENT (First Roll Call): Senators Charlemagne, Cuyler, Dayan, DuBosar, Dunnington, Ermitus, Flemming, Goins, Hall, Holloman, Howard, Hunter, Hutchinson, Johns, Kelley, Kushner, Laughlin, Melbourne, Mroczkowski, Phelts, Purvis, Sokos, Soldano, Swift, Tunis, Vasquez.
MEMBERS ABSENT: (First Roll Call): Senators Armstrong, Bonderud, Carter, Horne, Johnson, Kaiser, Kammerer, Ondriska, Oswald, Richards, Simmons, Theodore, Waltz, Williams.
MEMBERS TARDY/LATE (First Roll Call): None.
Corrections: Final roll call was not listed.
Student Comments: None.
Special Introductions and Announcements: None.
Messages from the Executive Branch: Sean Bevil, Chief of Staff, introduced himself to the Senate and explained his duties. He announced that the SGA Bar-B-Q will be on Tuesday, June 30 from 12-3 p.m. on the Union Green, and there will also be photo novelties and RSO’s will be present also. Richard Benson, Acting Student Body Treasurer, thanked the Senate for the group that received monies to build a diesel reactor and they will work with sustainability and FSU Goes Green committees. He mentioned that the SGA Calendar is on the website and asked the Senate to check it out. Benson asked the Senators if they are tired of the Union building that they are in and none said they were. He said that he spoke with the facilities manager as was told by Bill Clutter and the Union Board that they are looking in the cost of building a new Union. He told the Senate that they are elected to represent their constituents and they need to ask students what they want in a new Union. Adam Fox, OLA Director, told the Senate that he attended the Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting today and they discussed Bright Futures, residency and excess hours. He informed the Senate that students receiving Bright Futures will have to pay back the program if they withdraw from the university after they have received their monies and they are working out a plan to get those monies back from students guilty of this practice. He said that starting July 1, out-of-state students, if they want to obtain residency, have to attend FSU, full time, for a year and come back the following year to become in-students. Fox reported that the BOT approved the Technology Fee which will be $4.42 per credit hours starting in the Fall
2009. Robert Jakubik, Student Body President, told the Senate that the BOT met today for four hours and he will have his report ready for the Senate by Summer Session C. He said the BOT voted to make the Panama City Campus (PCC) self-sustaining and to do that they will accept lower level enrollment, meaning that if you are not accepted at FSU you can attend PCC, which will help to make that campus self-sustaining in three years.
He reported that the BOT approved a three year budget reduction plan and details are on the FSU website. He said the Strozier Library will not have any cuts to their budget. He informed the Senate that President T.K. Wetherell announced/submitted his resignation as FSU’s President and certain members of the board did not want to allow him to resign.
Messages from Agency and Bureau Directors, and SGA Organization Officers and Employees: Eunice Ho and Katy Juno of Homecoming passed out a survey to the Senate to find out what act they wanted for War Chant. Aldo De La Paz, HLSU Director, announced they are having a summer festival entitled “Miami Heat: taking it to the streets”, from June 25-28, 2009. Events include: a movie on June 25 entitled “Walkout”; Party at Club Rayn Nightclub; June 26, HLSU Open House; June 27, Comedy show in Moore Auditorium and June 28 Pool Party at Studio Green. Ryan Calabrese of CPE told the Senate that they want CPE to have two (2) co-directors instead of one director and one assistant director, and they are requesting a Senator’s help in writing the legislation to do so. Senate President Seifter told the group that they will need a resolution to do so.
Messages from the Congress of Graduate Students: None.
Messages from the Senior Class Council: None.
Messages from the Judicial Branch: None.
Messages from the Union Board: None.
Messages from Campus Recreation: Matthew Wilson, Chair of the Campus Rec Board, announced that applications for flag football and bowling are being accepted now.
Report of the Student Body Auditor: As of June 16, 2009, Senate Projects is $3,893.00.
Committee Reports:
Student Affairs - As reported in the Calendar.
Budget - Did not meet.
Finance - As reported in the Calendar.
Judiciary - As reported in the Calendar. The Senate interviewed and passed Brandi Thompson and Andrew Fay for Student Supreme Court Associate Justices.
Internal Affairs - Chairman Hutchinson made a motion to go into Committee as a whole to interview two candidates, because the committee did not have quorum; the motion passed. The Senate interviewed and passed Heldie Rodriguez for HLSU Treasurer and Joanna Sattin for HLSU Executive Coordinator. Senate President Seifter made a motion to move out of committee, the motion passed.
Rules and Calendar - Chairman Cuyler said the committee did absences and added Resolution 53 to the Calendar. The committee and the Senate interviewed and passed: Michael Cremisi for Arts and Sciences Seat 5 and Stephanie Angulo for Undergraduate Studies Seat 12.
Senate Confirmations: Brandi Thompson and Andrew Fay for Student Supreme Court Associate Justices, Heldie Rodriguez for HLSU Treasurer and Joanna Sattin for HLSU Executive Coordinator, Michael Cremisi for Arts and Sciences Seat 5 and Stephanie Angulo for Undergraduate Studies Seat 12
Consent Calendar: None.
Bills First Reading:
Bill 46 - Sponsored by Senators DuBosar, Kushner, Flemming, Phelts and Horne. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 802.3. Purpose: to require (an) individual(s) for an organization to re-complete financial certification when they make an illegitimate purchase order request. FAILED IN JUDICIARY 6-15-09.
Bill 48 - Sponsored by Senator Seifter. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 620. Purpose: to remove Senate membership from the Board of OLA and not have the Student Body Vice President and Senate President select members to be on the OLA Board. POSTPONED IN JUDICIARY 6-15-09.
Bill 49 - Sponsored by Senator Howard. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapters 800 and 803. Purpose: to clean up the Finance Code to reflect the RSO funding changes made in Bill 21. REFERRED TO FINANCE AND JUDICIARY.
Bill 50 - Sponsored by Senator Howard. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapters 300.4 and 300.5. Purpose: to revise the duties of the Student Body Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer to reflect funding changes under Bill 21. REFERRED TO JUDICIARY.
Bill 51 - Sponsored by Senator Howard. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 614.5. Purpose: to align the SAP Funding Committee with the normal funding board allocations procedures. REFERRED TO JUDICIARY.
Bill 52 - Sponsored by Senator Howard. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 809.8. Purpose: to clarify the level of the A&S Reserves. REFERRED TO FINANCE AND JUDICIARY.
Bills First Reading Continued:4
Bill 53 - Sponsored by Senator Howard. A transfer of $195,025 from Central Reserves to Master Account. Purpose: to release money out of the Reserve Account to cover budget shortfall. REFERRED TO FINANCE.
Bill 54 - Sponsored by Senator Goins. A transfer of $35,000 from Student Broadcast Center to Senate Projects. Purpose: to move this money to Senate Projects since the Broadcast Center SGA Movie Channel contract was not renewed. REFERRED TO FINANCE.
Bill 55 - Sponsored by Senator Goins. A transfer of $15,000 from Starlight Childcare Center to Senate Projects. Purpose: to move this money to Senate Projects since the child care facility is being shutdown/closed. REFERRED TO FINANCE.
Bills Second Reading:
Bill 47 - Sponsored by Senator DuBosar. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapters 700, 701 M, 703, 710.5, 711.2, 711.3, 712.1, 712.3, and 715.6. Purpose: to make necessary revisions to the Elections Code. PASSED AS AMENDED.
Constitutional Amendments: None.
Resolution 53 - Sponsored by Senator Cuyler.
Subject: Paying the Student Body Deputy Treasurer for the remainder of the summer semester.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business: None.
Closing Announcements: Senator Dayan told the Senators to give her your recycle papers. Senator Charlemagne announced that they are having CARE move in this week. Sandra Miles gave a quote: “To dream of the person you want to be, you waste the person you are.” Senate Pro Tempore Cuyler told the Senate that he is working on the new Senator Colloquium. He informed the Senate that the university budget committee he was on has submitted a three year plan for the university. He said that he is working on a library initiative and anyone interested in helping him should just let him know. Senate President Seifter told the Senators that they are supposed to be financially certified by now. He announced that there will NOT be Senate on June 24, 2009. He also told the Senators to go to fsu.edu to see FSU’s budget. Seifter said that the guidelines for the new funding board have been written and should come before the Senate very soon. He informed the Senate that he will not be accessible after Friday.
Final Roll Call: PRESENT: Senators Charlemagne, Cuyler, Dayan, DuBosar, Dunnington, Ermitus, Flemming, Goins, Hall, Holloman, Howard, Hunter, Hutchinson, Johns, Kelley, Kushner, Laughlin, Melbourne, Mroczkowski, Phelts, Purvis, Sokos, Soldano, Swift, Tunis, Vasquez. ABSENT: Senators Armstrong, Bonderud, Carter, Horne, Johnson, Kaiser, Kammerer, Ondriska, Oswald, Richards, Simmons, Theodore, Waltz, Williams.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Student Senate President
Student Senate Program Assistant