Present -:
Cllrs. A MacCreadie(Chairman) (AM), R Toms (RT), E Green (EG), H Farmer (HF), P Harris (Vice-Chairman (PH)), G Bone (GB), D Laud (DL), M Harvey (MH), C Tankard (CT)Mrs C Vaughan (CV)
Also attending -:
Mrs K Rees (Clerk), Mr C Pound (Post Office) & 6 members of the public
077/15 / Public Safety Announcement:078/15 / Apologies:
079/15 / Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda:
The Pit.
CT declared a non-registered interest in agenda item 11 (e) Mitchell Bus Service
081/15 / St. Newlyn East Post Office Service:
Mr Colin Pound gave a presentation regarding the future of Post Office provision in St. Newlyn East. The current postmaster wishes to retire although he has not yet submitted his notice. There is no retail alternative in St. Newlyn East but there are other options available including an outreach service or a community run post office. An outreach service could be run from any suitable village room and would be run by a sub-postmaster on 2 mornings a week. A community run post office would be run by volunteers but would have to be a full registered business. The Chairman thanked Mr Pound for attending the meeting and it was RESOLVED that this would be an agenda item next month.
082/15 / Public Session:
Three local residents addressed the Council regarding road safety at Cubert Crossroads. Another accident occurred last week and residents would like a roundabout installed at the junction. The problem is not with cars pulling out of the junction but cars trying to overtake cars that are turning towards St. Newlyn East or Cubert.
Three representatives from Mitchell Village Association advised that there was a shortfall of £1600 in what was budgeted for the play equipment. They have been trying to sell the old equipment but have been unsuccessful. They would like the Parish Council’s support in settling the remainder of the bill.
083/15 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 11th May 2015, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman. The draft minutes of the AGM held on 11th May 2015, as circulated, were accepted as a true record.
084/15 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
No Report.
085/15 / Business Matters:
RESOLVED: To bring agenda item 11 (d), Cubert Crossroads forward on the agenda.
The Clerk read out a letter from a local resident regarding the recent accident at Cubert Crossroads which had also been published in the Newquay Voice. This letter stated that the accident was a fatality which was not the case. The facts of the accident have now been established and the Clerk read out the response from the police. Details of the feasibility study have been received from Cornwall Council. A minimum of four options will be developed to address the situation at the Crossroads and will be assessed against a number of criteria. The potential impact of planned development on traffic flows through the junction will also be considered. The draft report with be completed in September 2015. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the information contained within the study. RESOLVED: Clerk to write letter advising that the Parish Council welcomes the study and hopes that a roundabout will be considered as one of the options and that interim measures should be taken to prevent overtaking at the junction.
086/15 / Planning Application, Appeals & Decisions
There were no applications and decisions were read out.
A pre-application has been submitted for a new 4-bedroom dwelling to replace Brick House, recently damaged by fire.
The enforcement case regarding the second storey constructed on top of the garage at VentonarrenVean is now closed. A breach of planning has occurred but as no clear harm is caused to the public interest, no further enforcement action will be taken although the owner has been advised to submit a retrospective planning application.
087/15 / Matters Arising:
a)Purchase of the Methodist Chapel: Thelegal advice from NALC has been received. However, although an acknowledgement has been received, the response to the Parish Council’s proposal is still outstanding from the Chapel Council. NOTED.
b)Highway Issues: The Clerk read out the correspondence from Cormac regarding the renewal of the yellow lines in the parish. There is no budget to complete the work. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to Cornwall Council expressing dissatisfaction. Other issues discussed include the poor quality of the work undertaken in Fiddlers Green (RESOLVED: Report to Highways), the water run-off from Carland Cross Windfarm (RESOLVED: Clerk to write to Trewithen) and signage in the village (RESOLVED: Agenda item next month).
c)Public Access to Defibrillator: The Clerk is waiting for an installation date. NOTED.
d)Repair to the Swing in St. Newlyn East Recreation Ground: The work to the frame has now been completed and the Clerk has asked Cormac to reinstall the swings. NOTED.
e)Halt Road Development – Breach of Planning: The Clerk has been advised by the planning officer that the path will be open by the end of June when the access road is complete. However, Ocean Housing were supposed to provide an explanation which they haven’t. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact the Planning Officer & advise that enforcement action is now the only option available.
f)Grasscutting in the Parish: The quality of the cutting of the grass by the new contractor was discussed. RESOLVED: Agenda item next month. AM & RT expressed dissatisfaction at the grasscutting carried out by Cormac at Cubert Crossroads and Penscawn Lane. RESOLVED: Clerk to write and express disappointment to Cormac.
g)Tree in Mitchell Play Area: The Clerk has received an informal report from Mr C Hawke who advised that a further assessment should take place in the middle of June once the trees are in full bloom. NOTED.
088/15 / Business Matters (continued):
(a)Appointment of Governors to the Trevilson Trust: A lengthy discussion took place regarding the appointment of the Governors to the Trevilson Trust. RESOLVED: The appointments were agreed and minuted at the AGM and therefore a decision cannot be revoked for 6 months.
(b)Superfast Broadband: Mr C Hawke was not attendance.
(c)Improvement of Amenity Areas in the Parish: Mr C Hawke was not in attendance.
(d)Mitchell Bus Service: Extensive explanations over the level of bus service in Mitchell had been received from Cornwall Council and First Buses. A very lengthy discussion took place including the lack of complaints received from local residents. RESOLVED: To take item off the agenda until representations are received from parishioners.
(e)The Pit: RT advised that two children on mountain bikes had been seen riding in The Pit. RESOLVED: DL to investigate and lock The Pit, if necessary.
089/15 / Correspondence:
Cornwall For Change / Request for Support / RESOLVED: Clerk to send letter of support
Devon & Cornwall Police / Local Policing Survey / RESOLVED: Survey completed, Clerk to return
PCC / Thank you letter for agreeing to carry out the cutting of the churchyard / Noted
John Pollard / Update on a Case for Cornwall / Noted
Cornwall Council / Water Risk Assessment – Public Toilets / Following a discussion it was RESOLVED to ask Cormac for further information.
090/15 / Reports from Outside Bodies::
EG & CV attended a meeting of the Trevilson Trust. Several awards were made.
RT attended the Local Plan Examination. Several developers were in attendance demanding further houses in Cornwall. Imerys volunteered the use of their land as a hazardous waste site.
CV attended a meeting of the St. Newlyn East Village Hall Committee. A report had been previously circulated.
091/15 / Finance:.
- Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £4452.22were approved for payment (appendix 1).
- Urgent Financial Matters: The request from Mitchell Village Association for assistance with the £1600 shortfall was discussed. RESOLVED: Outstanding amount to be paid within 12 months.
- To approve the Annual Audit Return 2014/2015: RESOLVED: The audit document and governance statement was approved and signed by the Chairman.
092/15 / Items for the July 2015 Agenda
- St. Newlyn East Post Office Provision
- Parish Signage
- Halt Road Development
076/15 / Closure:
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. He advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 13th July 2015 at 7.00pm in the Primary Room, St. Newlyn East Methodist Chapel. The meeting closed at 22.10pm