SCREENING TEST Type Centers in Box with 9 Point Indent




Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments


1. An organism's habitat provides

A. food and water only.

B. water only.

C. shelter and food only.

D. food, water, and shelter.

2. Which of these is an example of a population?

A. raccoons in a neighborhood

B. ticks and fleas on a dog

C. shells in a seashell collection

D. algae, snails, and fish in an aquarium

Directions: Use the graph below to answer question 3.

3. The graph shows the changes in two populations of herbivores in a grassy field. Which is a possible reason for these changes?

A All of the plant populations in this habitat decreased.

B Population B competed more successfully for food than population A

C Population A produced more offspring than population B

D Population A consumed members of population B

4. Mutualism is one type of interaction between species. Which statement best describes mutualism between two species?

A Both species are harmed by the relationship.

B One species benefits while the other species is harmed

C One species benefits while the other is not affected

D Both species benefit from the relationship.

Directions: Use the graph below to answer question 5

5. What interaction does the graph represent between the wolf and the deer?

A competition

B predation

C commensalism

D mutualism


Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments




Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments


6. Fungi, bacteria, and worms are all examples of

A litter.

B humus.

C decomposers.

D abiotic factors.

7. Which of the following is an example of a relationship between a consumer and a producer?

A foxes eating mice

B fleas living on a cat

C rabbits eating clover

D leaves growing on a tree

Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 8.

8. This flow chart shows that succession will

A cause another volcanic eruption.

B result in a sudden growth of trees.

C continue to occur after the trees are established

D occur in stages that depend on earlier stages.

9. What happens when a decomposer consumes dead organisms?

A Energy is immediately available to other animals.

B Important chemicals are returned to the environment.

C Harmful organisms in waste products are destroyeD

D Pesticides in the environment are eliminateD

10. Which of the following sequences correctly shows how water moves in the water cycle?

A evaporation, precipitation, condensation

B condensation, precipitation, nitrogen fixation

C precipitation, evaporation, condensation

D condensation, evaporation, precipitation

11. Which biome occurs only in the northern hemisphere?

A grassland

B tropical rain forest

C tundra

D deciduous forest


Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments




Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments


12. The densest ocean water is generally found

A in the deep zone.

B in the transition zone.

C in the surface zone.

D along the coast.

Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 13.

13. Which organisms in the carbon cycle are also part of the water cycle?

A only 3

B only 5

C only 2 and 5

D 2, 3, and 5

14. Which of the following is a biotic factor that can limit the dispersal of a species?

A wind

B competition

C continental drift

D water

15. Which of the following is a human activity that has helped to improve the health of ecosystems?

A population growth

B using private cars instead of public transportation

C reducing the amount of smoke released from factories

D preventing the formation of fog in cities

16. Which fossil fuel was formed from the remains of small animals, algae, and other organisms that lived in oceans and shallow inland seas?

A oil

B coal

C peat

D gasohol


Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments




Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments


17. Which of the following has helped the human population grow?

A higher death rates

B lower birth rates

C sanitation

D fewer natural resources

18. Coal can be used to produce electrical energy because coal contains energy stored in chemical bonds. Which of the following is evidence that supports this explanation?

A Burning coal releases thermal energy.

B Coal formation requires pressure and high temperature.

C Coal was formed millions of years ago.

D Coal is usually found deep underground.

19. Forests and fisheries are examples of

A abiotic factors.

B energy resources.

C renewable resources.

D nonrenewable resources.

20. Which of these is true of an extinct species?

A Few members of the species are alive today.

B No members of the species are alive today.

C All members of the species are in the fossil recorD

D Many members of the species are alive today.

21. Strip mining for coal and other minerals removes all natural plant cover and often leaves a massive hole. Which of the following would restore the land to a healthy condition in the least amount of time?

A Restore topsoil and water and replant the area with a variety of local plant species.

B Restore topsoil and water and wait for a natural community to return on its own over time.

C Fill the hole with water to form a lake and stock it with trout.

D Wait for topsoil to blow in from the surrounding area and then plant fast-growing trees.


Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments




Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments


22. Sea lions may be endangered because of overfishing. If overfishing continues, which of the following would most likely be the result?

A overpopulation of sea lions

B more habitat for sea lions

C extinction of sea lions

D loss of water for sea lions

23. Approximately how much of Earth’s land area has soil that is well suited to farming?

A one half

B almost all

C three quarters

D one third

24. A full landfill is covered to keep out rainwater. This step is taken to

A protect biodegradable materials.

B prevent the formation of leachate.

C help with recycling.

D prevent desertification.

25. How can people help reduce the emissions that contribute to smog and the greenhouse effect?

A by purchasing products that contain CFCs

B by never pouring chemicals down the drain

C by taking public transportation or walking instead of driving a car

D by finding substitutes for garden chemicals

Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 26.

26. What might be the most serious effect of having a farm in the location shown in the diagram?

A Chemicals from the farm could seep into the groundwater.

B Groundwater could seep into the landfill.

C Pollution from the farm could damage the factory.

D Garbage from the houses could fill up the landfill.

27. Which of the following is a nonliving resource that comes from the ocean?

A fish

B lumber

C mineral salts

D algae


Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments




Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments


28. How is natural gas formed?

A It is formed by decomposing plants over millions of years.

B It is formed deep inside the Earth above magma chambers.

C It is condensed from the atmosphere and seeps into the soil.

D It is formed by some of the same organisms that formed oil deposits.

Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 29.

29. Which of the following types of electrical generating plants obtains energy through the process shown in the diagram?

A solar

B geothermal

C hydroelectric

D nuclear

30. Which of the following is a negative effect of the burning of fossil fuels?

A depletion of nonrenewable resources

B increase in price of coal

C development of alternative fuels

D discovery of fossils of ancient trees

31. Which of the following is a disadvantage of wind power?

A Wind turbines can be used in a few locations on Earth only.

B Wind is a renewable source of energy.

C Wind turbines are considered loud and ugly.

D Wind power relies on fossil fuels.

32. Energy conservation means

A slowing down a chemical change.

B increasing the efficiency of our energy use.

C using fossil fuels to produce electricity.

D reducing energy use.


Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments