Quality Assurance Framework – Missing and Return Practice Audit

Auditor’s Name
Auditor’s Job title /Role
Name of Team Manager
Name of Allocated Social Worker
Name and role of independent person who carried out the return interview where relevant
CYP’s Name
CYP status (not previously known / previously known and closed / CiN / CP / CiN in proceedings / Supervision Order / CLA / Care Leaver)
Dates of recent missing and return that this review relates to.
Standard / Comments /
1. Is there an up to date risk assessment in the CYP’s Missing Episode with an accurate assessment of risk? Are child protection procedures used if a CYP is at risk of significant harm because of their missing behaviour?
CP procedures must be initiated when there are concerns a missing child may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. A strategy meeting should be held within 3 working days.
All CLA should have an open Missing Episode in their FWi record regardless of whether they have been missing or not. This should assess likelihood of going missing and what to do if they do go missing.
CiN should have an open Missing episode if they are currently missing or in a period of going missing on a regular basis.
An open Missing episode should have an up to date missing risk assessment, risk management plan, information sharing including a photo and any live actions and decisions.
CLA, CYP subject to curfew, abducted CLA, CP plan, remanded and absent, child under 12 yrs always high risk.
A missing CYP incident would be prioritised high risk if the risk posed is immediate and there are substantial grounds for believing the CYP is in danger through their own vulnerability or the CYP may have been the victim of a serious crime or the risk posed is immediate and there are substantial grounds for believing that the public is in danger.
A missing CYP incident would be prioritised medium risk if the risk posed is likely to place subject in danger or they are a threat to themselves or others.
2. Were the right people informed when the CYP went missing and a clear plan recorded or updated in response to the missing episode? Was the correct level of management oversight used to track the case until the CYP returned.
Police Missing Person’s Unit, School, OOHs, parents or those with PR.
Legal services if subject to legal proceedings must be informed immediately a CYP is missing.
For CLA the IRO.
Foster carers must inform the supervising social worker / social worker immediately of a CLA being missing?
Residential staff must inform the social worker immediately a CLA is missing.
Service / Team Managers must escalate to senior management within 3 working days using a Need to Know form if a CLA is missing or if there is critical information in relation to any missing child regardless of legal status?
3. Is there a P78 notification of the CYP being found with details of the Police Safe and Well check?
P78s are uploaded in the documents section of the child’s record with a title PD Misper and the date of the event. Police should carry out a safe and well check as soon as a child who has been reported missing has been found. Their purpose is to check for any indications that the CYP has suffered harm, where and who they were with, opportunity to disclose any offending by or against them. If a child goes missing frequently Police may not do safe and well check every time but this should be agreed with CYP parent/care and SW.
4. Is an independent Return Home Interview offered when the CYP is found? If yes, does it take place within 72 hours of their return?
The RHI should be an in depth interview preferably carried out by someone not involved in caring for the CYP who is trained to carry out RHIs and is able to follow up on any issues that emerge. The record of it should be attached as a document within the missing episode. There is a template to assist best practice.
5.Does the RHI:
Identify and deal with any harm the CYP has suffered before or whilst missing?
Understand and try to address the reasons why the CYP went missing?
Help the CYP feel safe and understand they have options to prevent them going missing again.
Provide them with information on how to stay safe if they choose to go missing again.
The RHI should be in a neutral place where the child feels safe. It is an opportunity to understand risks to CYP whilst missing. Could explore where relevant:
Reported missing 2 or more times.
Frequently away from home or placement without authorisation.
Hurt or harmed while missing.
At risk or suspected risk of CSE or trafficking.
At risk or suspected risk of involvement in criminal activity or drugs.
Contact with people posing risk to CYP
Been engaged in criminal activity whilst missing.
6. Does the RHI assess the likelihood of the CYP going missing again and inform and update risk assessment and planning?
Assessment should be based on CYP’s
Individual circumstances
Their motivation for going missing
Potential destinations and associates
Recent pattern of absence
Circumstances in which child found or returned
Individual characteristics and risk factors – learning disability, mental health.
7. Does the updated risk management plan pull together the picture from safe and well, RHI, parents/carers/CYP and respond accordingly?
Repeated missing episodes should not be viewed as normal behaviour. Actions following earlier missing incidents should be reviewed and alternative strategies considered.
Where possible this audit should be conducted sitting alongside the social worker for the CYP. How well do they know the CYP, understand their missing behaviour, record the CYP’s views, wishes, and feelings, use the multi agency network to plan to keep the CYP safe?
Auditor Conclusion
What is the overall quality of response to the CYP going missing?
Outstanding; Good; Requires Improvement; Inadequate
What impact has the work undertaken had on improving outcomes for the young person? What are the strengths and key factors supporting good practice?
Feedback to Team Manager and Social Worker from Auditor

Recommended actions to improve response to the CYP going missing

What / Who / By When

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