Screening Process & Evaluation Process


Student Screeningformsshould be completed by referring teacher or therapist and sent to AT Center. Our staff will conduct the student screening and provide findings to the referring teacher.

This includes the following forms:

  • Student referral and information forms
  • Any of the disability-specific skills checklists that apply to the student’s skills and/or limitations


Evaluation Referral formsshould be completed by the referring teacher and/or therapist and sent to the AT Center.

This includes the following forms:

  • Signed parent consent
  • Student information forms
  • Any of the disability-specific checklists that apply to the student’s skills and/or limitations

Completed forms should be faxed to the Assistive Technology Center before a screening or assessment can be completed.

Fax forms to:

Janice Reese

Fax: (865) 458-8626

**AT team members from the referring school are expected to participate with assessment. A written report following the evaluationwill be sent to the school system. Requisitions will be sent to central office for purchase of any suggested items. Recommended assistive technologies or strategies will be amended into the IEP as indicated.

Revised 08-29-12

Parent Consent for Assistive Technology Evaluation


On (date), (child’s full name) was referred for a comprehensive assessment for determination of eligibility and need of special education services. This referral is based upon a review of current classroom performance, past educational records, and/or screening information. We are requesting permission to assess your child in order to provide additional information to help us plan a more effective educational program. Also, as the parent of a child who may be eligible for special education, the Rights of children with Disabilities and Parent Responsibility is being provided for your information.

The reason(s) to request your permission to assess you child is (are):

( ) child is working ( ) above grade level or ( ) below grade level in one or more basic skills

( ) child’s behavior is inconsistent with that expected for children of students’ age

( ) child’s rate of progress has ( ) increased ( ) decreased

( ) child’s speech/language skills are inconsistent with those expected for children of student’s age

The areas/procedures to be considered for your child’s assessment are checked below. The extent of the assessment will depend upon the severity of the problem.

____ 1. Vision/Hearing Screening / ____ 9. Audiology Evaluation
____ 2. Classroom Observation / ____ 10. Functional Vision Assessment
____ 3. Academic Achievement / ____ 11. Personality Assessment
____ 4. Intellectual Functioning / ____ 12. Vocational Assessment
____ 5. Speech/Language Skills / X 13. Assistive Technology Assessment
____ 6. Gross/Fine Motor Skills / ____ 14. Self Help/Adaptive Behavior
____ 7. Visual/Auditory Skills / ____ 15. Functional Behavior Assessment
____ 8. School and/or Home Behaviors / ____ 16. Other ______

Please sign this form and return it to the school. Your signature shall not be construed as consent for placement in any special education program. When the assessment has been completed, you will be invited to an IEP team meeting in order to discuss the findings, determine your child’s eligibility for special education services and, if needed, plan an appropriate educational program for your child. If you have any information you would like to share pertaining to your child’s assessment, please forward it to the person named below or bring it to the meeting.


Please check one of the following:

____ I give permission for an individual assessment.

____ I do not give permission for an individual assessment.

Date: ______Signature of Parent or Guardian ______

Phone: ______Address: ______



Assistive Technology

General Information Form


Primary Diagnosis______

Secondary Diagnosis______


Educational setting:

_____Inclusion _____Resource _____Self-contained ______Homebound

Attendance: ____ Full school day ____ Abbreviated schedule (specify:______)

Disability (check all that apply)
_____Autism / _____Multiple Disabilities
_____Blind / _____Orthopedic Impairment
_____Deaf-Blind / _____Other-Functional Delayed
_____Developmental Delay / _____Other Health Impairments
_____Emotional Disturbance / _____Specific Learning Disability
_____Hearing Impaired / _____Speech Impairment
_____Intellectually Gifted / _____Traumatic Brain Injury
_____Language Impairment / _____Visual Impairment
_____Mental Retardation / _____Other

What is the primary need for AT support? Indicate all that apply.

Communication Functional skills Academic skillsWritten ExpressionReading Math Computer Access Handwriting Universal Access Vision impairment Hearing Impairment Other______

Academic Skills

Is student on grade level? ___ Yes ___ No If no, what grade level is student presently working on? ______

Self-Help/Independence Skills

Does the student need assistance with any of the following tasks at school?

_____feeding _____dressing _____toileting ____communication

Are there any behaviors (both positive and negative) that significantly impact the student's performance? ______

Are there significant factors about the student's strengths, learning style, coping strategies, or interests that should be considered? ______


Classroom Skills


Explain specific issues or limitations affecting any of the following areas:

Study Skills


Reading Skills______

What is current reading level? ______

Writing Skills______

Math Skills


Science/Social Studies Skills


Is student using any of the following Assistive Technology devices?

(Check all that apply)

Devices & Equipment / Tech Tools / Software
Augmentative Communication Device
(GoTalk, Dynavox, etc.)
______/ Writing aids
(pencil grips, note taker,
raised line paper, etc.)
______/ Academic software supports
(desktop, laptop, iPad or
other Tablet)
______/ Low tech strategies forcommunication (pictures, object choices, schedules, etc)
______/ Multi-modal supports for instruction
Portable word processor
(NEO, Dana, iPad etc.)
______/ OTHER:
3 / Word prediction
(Co:Writer, WordQ, etc)

General Technology Access


Hand preference: ______Left _____ Right _____Limited hand use

Student can:

Make consistent eye contact / Move at least 1 body part freely
Turn head for gaze / Identify: ______
Nod head or gesture for responses / Point with whole hand
Cross midline / Maintain switch closure
Which hand? R or L
Point with 1-2 fingers
Maintain accurate point / Write with a pen/pencil
Grasp objects

What is the smallest area to which the student can point ? (e.g. 1” x 1”)


What is the student’s widest range of access? (e.g., front/center reach, laptray, beyond laptray, down to side, etc) ______

Does student have word processing skills? ____Yes ____NO

Have any of these devices been tried with the student?

Computer _____ Touchscreen _____ Adaptive Mouse or Joystick ______

Adaptive keyboard ______Tablet _____ Other _____

Was the student successful? ______

Does the student:

_____Walk Independently ______Walk with device support

_____Use a wheelchair

*manual _____ *power ______*type of control system ______

Identify any switches that have been tried with student. Indicate those that worked best for the student.
____Button ____Pinch ____Leaf ____Plate _____String ____Wobble
____Microlight ____Sip-n-Puff _____Flat ____Touch Sensitive ____Infrared


What means of access has been tried? Note right or left where appropriate.

_____Cheek _____Chin _____Head _____Eye _____Elbow _____Forearm _____Elbow _____Hand _____ Knee _____Foot

Identify any adaptive access devices or software supports given trial use:

Specific concerns ______
Communication Skills
Describe, in general, how the student currently communicates. Include meaningful behaviors in your descriptions.

What objects/events/people will motivate the student to communicate?


Identify AAC systems and strategies that have been tried. Identify those that were successful.

Non Picture Based:

____gestural system ____object board ____object schedule

Picture Based:

____picture board ____picture book

____digital images ____black/white icons ____colored icons

Which of the following are used by the adultto elicit a response from the student?

____digital pictures ____drawn icons ____simple directives ____gestures ____sign language ____object cues ____Yes/No gestures ____simple phrases

____visual cues paired with verbal prompts

Which of the following forms of communication areused by the student?

____eye contact ____smiling ____whole body gestures ____Yes/No gestures ____sign language ____utterances ____single word responses ____simple phrases ____pointing to digital pictures ____pointing to drawn icons ____written text

____pointing to object cues ____voice output AAC systems

Can the student use connected speech? ____yes ____no

Communication Systems

Identify any communication systems or strategies that have been tried or that the student currently uses:




Writing Skills


Current writing ability/mechanics
Can hold regular pencil / Can copy simple shapes
Can hold pencil when adapted with: ______/ Can copy simple words
Holds pencil, but does not write / Can copy from board
Can print a few words / Can write on 1" lines
Can print name / Can write on narrow lines
Can write cursive / Can use spacing correctly
Writing is limited due to fatigue / Can size writing to fit spaces
Writing is slow and arduous / Can write independently and legibly

Assistive technology tried

Paper with heavier lines / Paper with raised lines
Pencil grip / Special pencil or marker
Splint or pencil holder / Typewriter
Composing Written Material

____ word processor _____ Voice recognition software

_____Word cards/word book/word wall _____Word processor w/ word prediction _____word prediction on computer ____ Talking dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker

_____Multimedia software for expression of ideas

Computer use:(Check all that apply)

Has student used computer before? ____Yes ____No

Is there a computer in the home? ____Yes ____No

What platform is the student currently using? ____Mac ____PC

Identify supports currently in use: ______

Summary of student’s keyboarding abilities:

____ does not type ____can tap desired key on command

____types slowly with one finger____types slowly with more than one finger

____10 finger typing____uses adaptive keyboard(BigKeys, Intellikeys)

____one-handed typing: Left or Right

____uses special access software

(*onscreen keyboard, scanning arrays, voice recognition, etc)


Reading Skills


Current reading ability
No visual limitations / Recognizes some sight words
Can read simple words with assistance/cues / Can read aloud
Recognizes letters/sounds / Can read from board
Needs visual supports for cueing / Can re-tell simple facts/info
Can decode words / Prefers picture books
Reading Supports given trial use
Audio books on computer / Picture books with/without voice
eBooks with audio support / Reading books to student
eBooks without support / Text highlighting support
Text To Speech
Other ______

Specific concerns: ______