Proposals for Editions
Thank you for your proposal to edit a text for The Scottish Text Society. So that the Council can consider your proposal properly, we would be grateful if you could provide the following information. Please use this form, and refer to the most recent STS 'Guidelines for Editors' for more detailed information on STS requirements. (There is no word-limit, but please ensure you answer all questions.)
Please also include some specimen pages of the text with accompanying apparatus, if available at this stage. Note that we are not normally able to issue a contract without sight of a clear representative specimen of the edited text plus apparatus.
Name(s) of editor(s)
Proposed title of volume:
About the Edition
1. Please list the other published editions of the text you propose to edit (if any) and give an account of their character (e.g. handling of text, nature and level of annotation, etc.) and current availability.
2. Please give reasons for publishing a new edition of the text, outlining the interest of the material and likely readership.
3. Please indicate what type of edition you are proposing, whether near-diplomatic (e.g. for a text never published before which is unavailable in facsimile format -- electronic or paper -- and which may be of substantial linguistic interest) or semi-modernised according to current STS requirements (see the Guidelines for Editors under 'Text'). If any other treatment of the text is proposed, please make your case for it here for the consideration of STS Council.
4. Please indicate:
a) the length of the text
b) the number of witnesses
c) the likely extent of textual notes and/or commentary
d) the type of glossary intended
e) whether any appendices are intended
f) whether any facsimile or artwork is necessary (see further under 'Illustrations and Figures' in the Guidelines for Editors)
5. Please give your reasons for selecting a particular witness or witnesses as copy-text.
6. Please give the number of volumes required for the edition, and outline their contents.
7. Please give a realistic timetable for preparing the edition, including a date for the completion and delivery of the final draft.
8. Please give some details of your relevant qualifications and experience, both in editing and in wider scholarly study.
The Council of the Scottish Text Society will decide on the basis of this information whether to accept the proposal for an edition as is, or with recommended modifications. Once a proposal is accepted by Council, a standard letter of acceptance together with schedule of delivery will be sent to the intending editor.
The editor is expected to adhere to the STS Guidelines for Editors and to ensure they are following the most recent published version of these Guidelines (as published on the STS website).
Council will appoint an Editorial Adviser who will be a first source of counsel for the editor. Editors are expected to remain in contact with their Adviser and the Editorial Secretary, and to keep them apprised of any difficulties or delays they may be experiencing with their edition. See the final section of the STS Editorial Guidelines for details of the roles and responsibilities of Editorial Advisers and the Editorial Secretary.
Editors will be expected to submit to Council short annual reports on the progress of their work. The reports should indicate any delays in keeping to the agreed schedule and the reasons for them, and highlight any problems or additional requirements. Reports should go in the first instance to the Editorial Adviser for comment. Should any disagreement occur between Editor and Editorial Adviser which cannot be satisfactorily resolved between them, the matter should be referred to the Editorial Secretary, who will bring it to Council.
The final draft of the edition should be submitted as set out in the Editorial Guidelines under 'Typescript and Electronic Files' (for the practical details) and 'Stages of Publication' (for the process of what to submit when and to whom).
STS Editorial Secretary
January 2017