SC to be nominated on vet sheet before start of ride, unless exempt
BTQ / BTF / STQ / STF / GT 1 / GT 2 / GT / SC1
13+ kph / SC2
11 – 12.99 kph / SC3
9.5-10.99 kph / SC exempt
NAME OF RIDER / SERC Member ID Number or /EGB Membership number- MUST be completed / Which BRANCH are you a member off
CURRENT GRADING and date achieved
Tick if you have a health exemption certificate
ADDRESS / JUNIOR – GIVE DATE OF BIRTH / Please complete parental/guardian consent form overleaf
E-Mail / Tick box if you would like your ride info pack emailed / Name of Crew/helper and mobile number [if any]
Postcode / Phone / Name of Riding Partner and mobile number [if any]
HORSE NAME – please use the registered name
Log Book No / SERC horse ID Number – MUST be completed / Cumulative mileage to date / Current Grading &
date achieved
ENTRY FEES: Full Members of EGB & ILDRA may enter at members’ rates. Riders not currently members of SERC, EGB or ILDRA may take part in our rides as Temporary Day Members to comply with insurance regulations. Your signature on this form activates that membership. Temporary Day Membership lasts 7 days covering the period 2 days prior to the ride date.
Taster/ Intro / Pleasure/Training / Camp
Rides / 30km / 40km / 50km / 60km / 80km / 2 day
60km / 2 day
80km / 100km- 160km
Members / £11.00 / £13.00 / £17.00 per day / £21.00 / £23.00 / £26.00 / £31.00 / £36.00 / £39.00 / £45.00 / Fees will be set by the host Branch, to a maximum of £100
Temp. Members / £20.00 / £25.00 / Not available / £31.50 / £34.50 / £39.00 / £46.50 / £54.00 / £58.50 / £67.50
A LARGE letter [at least 6 x9] SAE with sufficient stamps to cover postage of Ride Information
TOTAL Ride Entry fees / £
Grading Fee – if applicable - £5.00 [ only available to SERC members and registered horses] / £
Late Entry Fee – if applicable - £5.00
Stable/Corral Fees / £
Camping Fees / £
Catering / £
Total Payment
(Cheques payable to SERC + name of organising Branch) / £
I understand that, save for death or personal injury caused by negligence, neither the organising committee of the ride, nor SERC, accept any
liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, ground spectators or other person or property whatsoever. I understand that riding is a risk sport and I have the competence to undertake the class I have entered. This ride is being organised under SERC rules, which I will observe. Closing date for entries is 2 weeks before each ride.
Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Ride Organising Committee, if accepted will incur an additional charge of £5.00.
Signature of Rider Date
Tick this box if you are travelling in a lorry / Tick this box if you would like your Ride Information in LARGE print

For branch ride entries secretary address check in the ride details section on Clubhouse.

Scottish Endurance Riding Club

Parental Consent Form

One form should be completed for each ride/activity

Child’s details

Name of child: ...... …….

Address of child: ......

Ride/activity name: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date of ride/activity: …......

Name of accompanying adult rider: …………………………………………………………..….….

As the parent/person holding parental consent I give my permission for the child named above

to participate in the above ride/ activity.

In case of emergency I can be contacted on: ......

I also authorise:…………………………………………………………………… take responsibility in case I am unavailable.

They can be contacted on: ......

I agree to any emergency medical treatment to be given as considered necessary by the medical authorities if I cannot be contacted.

Name: ...... [Printed]

Date: ......

Signature: ...... ……………………