Reading: In reading we just finished learning how authors use their language to create pictures in the reader’s head. We worked on creating our own mental pictures by drawing a character and writing a description of it. We also reviewed the difference between character traits and a character’s emotions. In January we will be looking at different types of questions good readers ask. These questions consist of: thick questions, thin questions, and in your head questions. We will also start discussing how to answer these questions.
I can statements we will be working on:
I can ask thick questions as I read.
I can ask thin questions as I read.
I can explain ask questions that can only be answered
in my head.
Writing: In writing workshop we are just finishing up learning about the 5 ways to start a great topic sentence. These ways are: ask a question, make a sound, jump right in, give an interesting fact, and give an opinion. Soon, we will be turning in a writing piece that has a great topic sentence. Next, the third grade authors will learn about how to create wonderful concluding sentences!
I can statements we will be working on:
I can list ways to create an interesting concluding sentences sentence.
I can write an interesting concluding sentence using the ideas of authors I like.
Math: We are (finally!) done with measurement! The students now know how to measure length, weight, capacity, time and temperature (whew)! Next we will begin learning about multiplication. Our daily addition and subtraction mad minutes will soon turn into multiplication mad minutes. I will also be sending home multiplication fact triangles with the kids. Please practice these facts a couple evenings every week. We need to be just as fast at multiplication as we are at addition!
I can statements we are working on:
I can memorize multiplication facts through 10x10.
I can solve a multiplication problem using repeated addition or an array.
I can recognize key words in a multiplication story problem.
I can solve a multiplication story problem.
Social Studies: In social studies we just finished learning about 4 different types of maps. We also created globes and labeled the different important places on the globes. Next we will move into our government unit – this is one of my favorites! We will create our own city (Schwartzburg) and elect students to run the local government. Every student will have a role in the Schwartzburg government. It is a fun way to learn about all the different jobs and responsibilities in a government
Reading Log change – students are now required to read for 20 minutes every night!