Math & Science Reform Implementation Index
Developed by F. J. Merlino Nov 2002
Index Rubric / Classroom
PART 1:BASIC LEVEL - The Tangibles / Add / Subtract / Add / Subtract
Student Textbooks
No textbooks/kits for students / -50
Classroom sets only / 10
Classroom sets with photocopies HW pages / 20
Textbooks for each student / 40
Teacher Editions
No Teachers Editions / -15
Teacher editions for each teacher / 5
Teacher Editions with full supplemental materials / 10
Classroom Assignments
Teacher floats between classrooms / -10
Teacher is assigned own class / 15
Classroom Space
Space is severely over crowded / -10
Space is of adequate size to enable teacher
movement between student groups / 5
Desks are difficult to move into groups or are slanted / -5
Desks are flat or room has tables / 5
No storage space for materials, manipulatives, etc / -5
Storage space is available and easily accessible / 5
Instructional Materials
No graphics calculators for students / -20
Graphics calculators have to be borrowed
and brought into each class / -5
Graphics calculators available for each student / 10
Few if any consumable or manipulatives available / -15
Partially supplied with chart paper, overhead paper / 0 / 0
Fully supplied / 10
No overhead projector / -10
Overhead projector has to be borrowed for each class / -5
Overhead project in each class and works / 5
Overhead graphic calculators not available / -5
Overhead graphics calculator available / 5
Class time 40 minutes or less per day / -20
Class time 45 minutes per day / 0

Class time 50-60 minutes per day

/ 10

Class time are double periods 80 minutes

/ 5
Teacher Training
Teacher teaching a reform curriculum with no training / -40
Teacher had partial training some of the unit / -10
Teacher has been trained for one year in all units / 10
Teacher has been fully trained in all four years / 40
Teacher has been fully trained in all four years,
has gone to leadership training and are
now used as a presenter / 50
Part 1 Total Positive or Negative / +170 / -210
- The Intangibles / Index Rubric
Add / Subtract / Add / Subtract
Supervision of Teachers
Supervisor has not been to training nor is teaching
the new curriculum / -15
Supervisor had attended some training, but is not
teaching the new curriculum / 3
Supervisor has attended training and is teaching the new
curriculum / 8
Supervisor has been to training, is teaching the new
curriculum acts as an instructional leader of reform / 25
Supervisor uses inappropriate teacher evaluation rubric / -5
Supervisor uses appropriate teacher evaluation rubric / 5
Principal Leadership
Principal is not a visible supporter of the program / -10
Principal acts as an instructional leader / 10
Teacher Mentoring
No mentoring of new teachers / -15
Limited mentoring 4 times per year / 0
Full mentoring (8-12 times per year) / 15
Full mentoring (8-12 times per year) + joint planning
with other teacher colleagues / 25
Instructional Practice
Teacher dominates class time by lecturing / -20
Teacher incoherently mixes activity with lecture / -5
Teacher artfully and efficiently blends discovery-
oriented activities, small group discussions,
reflective writing and lecture in a well paced lesson. / 45
Alignment with High Stakes Tests
Instruction and assessment are not explicitly aligned / -20
Instruction and assessment are explicitly aligned / 20
PART 2 Total Positive or Negative Score
/ 130 / -90
Combined Part 1 and Part 2 scores
/ 300 / -300