Unit 3 /


Modal verb can: ability

1Osserva la tabella. Scrivi frasi affermative con can e frasi negative con can’t.

drive a car / cook / play the guitar
Cristina / no / ? / ?
Andy / yes / no / ?
Gill and Jo / ? / no / yes
Janice / no / yes / ?
Lily / no / ? / yes

Cristina can’t drive a car.

1Andy .

2Andy .

3Gill and Jo .

4Gill and Jo .

5Janice .

6Janice .

7Lily .

8Lily .

2Osserva la tabella dell’esercizio 1. Scrivi domande con can dove vedi un punto interrogativo.

(Cristina) Can Cristina cook?

1(Cristina) ?

2(Andy) ?

3(Gill and Jo) ?

4(Janice) ?

5(Lily) ?

both and neither

3Riscrivi le frasi usando both o neither.

Anna and Eva can’t swim.

Neither of them can swim.

1My brother and I can play the piano.

2My best friend and I can’t cook.

3Jo and Ben can drive.

4You and Jess can’t play chess.

5Adam and Abel can’t sing.

Modal verbs can: ability; adverbs and qualifiers

4Osserva i simboli e scrivi frasi. Usacan e can’t.

 very well not at all

 quite well not very well

well not well

 a bit

I/sing 

I can’t sing at all.

1My dad/juggle 

2Frankie/dance 

3We/swim 

4You/speak German 

5They/ride horses 

6I/dance the tango 

be like, look like

5Abbina le domande (1–6) alle risposte (a–f).

c What does Sergio look like?

1 Does your sister look like you?

2 What is your boyfriend like?

3 What is your flat like?

4 Who do you look like?

5 Who is Maria like?

aHe’s kind and generous.

bShe’s like her father.

cHe’s tall, well-built and he’s got olive skin.

dNo, she doesn’t. She has got blue eyes.

eIt’s big and it’s old.

fI look like my grandmother.

6Metti le battute del dialogo nell’ordine corretto.

SethNo, she’s short – but our hair is similar.

LiamWhat’s your sister like? 1

LiamIs she clever, like you?

SethShe’s a lot like me.

SethYes, it’s dark and curly like my hair.

LiamDoes she look like you?

SethYes, she is. She looks clever, too.

LiamHas she got dark hair?

7Scrivi domande per queste risposte usando la forma corretta di be like o look like.

What’s your teacher like? (teacher)

She’s friendly and down-to-earth.

1 ? (your brother)

He’s got brown hair and eyes.

2 ? (Martin’s hair)

It’s short, wavy and brown.

3 ? (Tia)

She’s shy but kind.

4 ? (Ben)

He’s chubby and he wears glasses.

5 ? (your parents)

My dad’s friendly but my mum’s serious.

Adjective order

8Riscrivi le frasi con gli aggettivi nell’ordine corretto.

She’s got curly, blonde, long hair.

She’s got long, curly, blonde hair.

1This is an Dutch, interesting, old painting.

2Pete has got dark, straight, short hair.

3Gregor is a German, tall, slim boy.

4My sister has got olive, beautiful skin.

5We’ve got an old, black and white, interesting photo of my grandparents.

6Toni has got serious, big, dark eyes.



9Completa le frasi con le parole del riquadro.

ski drive design cook
play juggle speak ride

I can juggle with five oranges.

1My mum can very well. Her lasagne is fantastic.

2You can’t a car, but you can
a scooter.

3Jake can‘t German, but he can sing in Italian.

4We can websites. We’re really good at it.

5Kate can’t chess.

6They love winter because they can well.

Physical description (2)

10Scegli la categoria corretta per ogni aggettivo.

ahair lengthdopinion

bhair styleeheight

chair colourfbuild

d good-looking

1 well-built8 straight

2 tall9 curly

3 wavy10 pretty

4 unattractive11 shoulder-length

5 chubby12 slim

6 blonde13 beautiful

7 long

11Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

My mother has got blonde/dark eyes.

1I’ve got, medium-built/short dark hair.

2Sally is long/tall and slim.

3You’ve got medium-height/shoulder-length hair.

4Sophia and Maria have got brown/serious hair.

5Ben is chubby and medium-length/short.


12Abbina le frasi (1–6) alle descrizioni della personalità (a–g).

d Ali is a comedy actress.

1 My uncle knows a lot about different

2 Sam never speaks to people at parties.

3 My aunt never laughs.

4 Martin always gets top marks in exams.

5 You’ve got lots of friends.

6 My friend helps me a lot.

aShe’s very serious.

bShe/He’s kind.

cHe’s shy.

dShe’s funny.

eHe’s really interesting.

fHe’s clever.

gYou’re very friendly.